r/XboxSeriesX Nov 20 '23

Starfield is still being worked on by 250 Bethesda devs Discussion


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u/DanOfRivia Nov 20 '23

Why not better going to play a better game that's actually handcrafted instead? We had a tone this year.

Why bother into fixing what a massive developer should have done?


u/Redisigh Nov 20 '23

There’s a reason Bethesda’s become a giant in gaming. They have a specific storytelling, game design and world building that’s unique to them.

Sure, other games may have better designed worlds, but something about Bethesda games just makes them unreplacable(?). There’s also the fact that they’re the only xbox games with an actual modding community and some really in depth mods.


u/DanOfRivia Nov 20 '23

There’s a reason Bethesda’s become a giant in gaming.

Yes, their old masterpieces.

They have a specific storytelling

Being honest, their storytelling feels very outdated by now, even old trilogies like Mass Effect and Bioshock had a storytelling that has aged far better; not to mention TW3, RDR2 and just recently Baldur's Gate 3.

something about Bethesda games just makes them unreplaceable(?)

"something" is called nostalgia.


u/ConsciousFood201 Nov 20 '23

Starfield is a bigger better game than Fallout New Vegas. Just because it’s not your favorite game, doesn’t mean those of us who grew up playing BGS games and loving them can’t appreciate what this game is and what it will eventually be with mods.

I think you want to argue there are better games but that’s dumb it’s just your opinion.


u/Niet501 Nov 20 '23

Starfield > New Vegas us probably the most braindead take i've ever seen on this sub.

Starfield doesn't do anything better than New Vegas. Hell, Starfield barely does anything better than FO4.


u/Redisigh Nov 21 '23

Imo New Vegas is neat but it’s just too dated for my tastes, especially with no mods. It’d might as well be a point and click shooter with how slow the player crawls back and forth and how the guns don’t even feel like guns


u/Mast3rBait3rPro Nov 21 '23

zoomer take, just because it's dated doesn't mean that it didn't do all of the things starfield does but a long time ago. the point we're making is that the fact that the only thing starfield has going for it is that it's more recent is really telling


u/Redisigh Nov 21 '23

My thing personally is just that the game’s past fame and achievements are kinda irrelevant if the gameplay’s so ass that I can’t even get into it.

I played maybe 5 hours of NV and loved its mechanics, quests, and more gritty realism but I just couldn’t deal with the gameplay.

At that rate I’d rather just play some kind of interactive novel just because of how much of a slog and chore the gameplay is


u/Mast3rBait3rPro Nov 21 '23

to an extent I can understand that if you're just approaching it from the modern gameplay experience perspective but to say that the game is too dated is a bit ignorant because it was basically revolutionary in the gaming industry at the time. Obviously games that come out after and improve the experience even more are going to "feel" better.

If you want to get that modern experience out of the older fallout games you could mod them I guess, but they had a lot of charm during they hay day


u/Redisigh Nov 21 '23

I’d love to mod them but they don’t have official support. Once I finish paying for college, a high end PC is on my list so that I can experience Bethesda’s older titles in all their glory though

I’ve seen mods for NV and such that actually makes it look more modern or enjoyable, so I’m looking forward to finally getting to the story without the older gameplay

And also- I’m not trying to say the games are bad, my point was that although they were revolutionary, you can’t exactly just say “Stop playing Starfield and just hop on NV” simply because of how different and aged the game is.

Ironically though, I appreciated the slight amount of mature themes that’s only present in older RPG’s like NV. Stuff like the hookers sitting around at the strip or Benny hitting on me really makes it feel like a bit more of a lived in post apoc city with real people as opposed to Starfield’s more sterile, flawed utopia vibe with zero feminine outfits and not even having a perk that specifically targets the opposite sex, like in every Fallout game.


u/Mast3rBait3rPro Nov 21 '23

reasonable take, don't have much else to add

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u/Happy-Viper Nov 20 '23

“What it will be”

Good games don’t have people going “God, wait until random volunteers get to work at it!”


u/ConsciousFood201 Nov 20 '23

I hate to say it, but all games these days seem to get saved by huge content patches. It’s the norm now.

One way to look at it is “the game is unfinished! Rage! No one should be allowed to play until it until I think it’s a finished product!!”

Another way is to play it in its vanilla form and then see what kinds of amazing things get implemented down the road as the devs (or in this games case the modders as well) really get into it.

Take cyberpunk for example. I heard it was rough on launch so I skipped it. Once 1.5 released I took a flyer on it (half off) and it was amazing. Guy I worked with did the same thing but at 2.0. He probably had it even better tbh.

We could both have bought it on launch and been enraged, but doing so would just be us saying we don’t want anyone else to play until it’s up to our standards.

How is that fair? People can play whenever they want. Just because you can’t wait doesn’t mean someone else should have to.


u/Happy-Viper Nov 20 '23

They don't, no.

Games have gameplay redesigns or bug fixes, sure, but replacing the bad content? That isn't it.

Cyberpunk on launch was an amazing world, amazing story, amazing characters, but buggy and dull gameplay.

Starfield was... well, not much.


u/ConsciousFood201 Nov 20 '23

Definitely your opinion. I disagree.


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '23

Patches from the developer aren't the same thing as user created mods. There have been good mods since day one, but nobody considered it fixed until Cyberpunk 2.0 was officially released by CDPR. Considering most games don’t even have mod support and consoles rarely ever do either, you can only objectively judge a game by the vanilla experience. That’s what the developers actually created, sold you, and intended it to be.

The potential of mods fixing or making it better at some unknown time in the future is a bad argument for Starfield being a great game.


u/ConsciousFood201 Nov 21 '23

That’s a strict rubric that you institute on games yourself. I just judge by whether I enjoy playing them. It’s much simpler that way 😊


u/WOF42 Nov 20 '23

Starfield is a bigger better game than Fallout New Vegas

holy shit this actually might be it, the stupidest fucking take I have ever seen on reddit


u/ConsciousFood201 Nov 20 '23

New Vegas is old. The world isn’t as big. The gameplay isn’t as clean. I get that you like NV more. I used to LOVE new Vegas but yikes change. If Starfield had released as the game it is now at the same time as new nvegas people would have had their minds blown.

Don’t let nostalgia fool you. The things that have changed in that time are not insignificant.


u/hallmarktm Nov 21 '23

bigger =/= better and starfield is literally the perfect example of that


u/ConsciousFood201 Nov 21 '23

I think Starfield is the perfect example of how no game can meet expectations anymore. There was no reason to think Starfield was going to be anything more than what it is. It’s an open world space BGS RPG.

Like, what did you think you were going to get? This is exactly what any rational person expected.


u/WOF42 Nov 21 '23

baldurs gate 3 met expectations, alan wake 2 met expectations, hell lots of games have, starfield is not one of them and the bar really wasnt very high for bethesda and they still tripped over it, people didnt expect some genre defining game from them like morrowind and skyrim but they did expect it not to be a soulless husk filled with copy pasted content on dead empty worlds


u/ConsciousFood201 Nov 21 '23

BG3 had bugs that made NPC’s say dialogue options that spoiled parts of the game you hadn’t even been to yet. That’s kind of a big deal.

If you don’t like Starfield, that’s fine. I don’t like BG3 to even buy it (not because of the bugs, I think all that stuff is forgivable), but why you get to say one is objectively good and one is objectively had is weird.

BG3 did better than expected so it’s cult following serves to protect it from criticism. BGS is so successful everything they make gets a microscope on it.


u/hallmarktm Nov 21 '23

sounds like you used chatGPT to write that reply


u/ConsciousFood201 Nov 21 '23

Sounds like you don’t have an answer. 🦃


u/snakebeater21 Nov 20 '23

Did you actually say Starfield is better than Fallout New Vegas? Are you dumb or high out of your mind?