r/GenZ 4d ago

Do you think Andrew Yang would have done better in the fumbled first presidential debate this year, if they had swapped Andrew Yang in to replace Biden? Political

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u/SuccotashConfident97 4d ago

Let's be honest, most of us with a days worth of preparation could have done better than Biden yesterday. He just has to hope the party loyalty and anti Trump sentiments will be enough to get him re elected.


u/NotSoStallionItalian 4d ago

Let’s hope they convince him to step down so that party loyalty and hatred of Trump isn’t the only reason people vote for him.

It’s far more important that Trump loses, than that Biden wins.


u/Exarch-of-Sechrima 4d ago

The problem is, nobody else can beat him. Not with only four months to build a campaign from the ground up and fundraise.


u/Many-Vegetable-8415 4d ago

I mean they would have the support of the dems and literally everyone who hates trump


u/ExpertWitnessExposed 1998 4d ago

You’re taking that for granted, and if that logic applied it would apply for Biden


u/Mental_Victory946 1d ago

The only reason it doesn’t is because there’s 1 very obvious problem with biden


u/Exarch-of-Sechrima 4d ago

That isn't relevant. It would have been relevant a year ago, but it isn't now.

Building up a ground game in swing states to run campaign commercials takes time and money. We don't have time. We have just a little over four months, and that's IF this candidate entered the ring RIGHT NOW.

And we don't have money, either. All the millions Biden raised? Useless. You can't just pass that on to the next guy. This new person would have to start fundraising again from scratch. How many people do you think can be convinced to open up their checkbooks again, after JUST giving millions and millions to Biden that will now go to waste?

Not to mention that in those four months, you have to convince people that, yes, the Democrats made a mistake running with Biden for so long, but NOW they're going to give us a candidate that you can support- one you barely know.

Swing voters aren't going to buy that stink. They'll see it for the panicked, desperate move that it is, and any potential good will they might still have towards voting against Trump will evaporate. They'll see the Democrats as feckless and incompetent, and trying to polish a turd out of desperation, not because [X] is the best candidate for the job.

They're not replacing Biden. It's just not happening.


u/xenojack 4d ago

Biden dug his grave with the debate, and it'll take something miraculous or extremely nefarious to pull out of the election with the win. Question is do they go for the swap or are they stuck, I think they'll try and swap be called out for it and lose. Moderates I've talked to around me say they're gonna begrudgingly go trump because at least he has more of his brain than Joe.


u/Exarch-of-Sechrima 4d ago

Have you explained to those moderates what Trump intends to do with those brains? Or how many lies he told in that debate? What positions do these moderates have, and what was the likelihood they would have voted for Trump before this debate?


u/Sassy_Scholar116 3d ago

A lot of moderates I’ve talked to simply don’t care about Project 2025. People in general are myopic. They see one old dude with no brain and one old dude with half a brain. And “nothing” has changed in the past, so why would voting for Trump change anything? (Last sentence is sarcasm)


u/NotSoStallionItalian 4d ago

Trump has literally faced 2 democrats in a presidential election and lost half of the time. “No one else can beat him” my ass.

Just because he can sweep Republican candidates by whipping up his braindead loyal supporters, doesn’t mean he can win an election against a democrat voter base that wants to go out and vote.

Anyone half awake would’ve embarrassed him yesterday by pointing out all of his easily fact checkable lies and bringing up his felony convictions and his role in overturning Roe v Wade more than once.

The only way you don’t understand that is if you’re a conservative or gravitate in their information space.


u/Exarch-of-Sechrima 4d ago

You realize that any new Democrat entering the field would have to build their campaign from the ground up, right? In four months. And that's assuming the party consolidates around a new candidate right now. That just isn't going to happen. The new candidate would have no money, no ground game, no presence at all in swing states. No advertisements, no canvassers, nothing. They'd be starting from nothing, against Trump, who would capitalize on this shift as a reason why the Democrats are weak and ineffectual, and you need to give him power again.

A year ago, most Democrats could have beaten Trump. But it isn't a year ago- it's now, four months away from the election, where millions of donor funds have already been given to Biden. He can't just hand that cash over to someone else, it violates campaign finance law. And there's little to no chance to convince donors to back a name that was pulled in at the last second, who lacks a national presence. It just won't happen. I know the urge to switch to some hypothetical "better" candidate is tempting after the disaster last night, but the time for those people, if they exist, was a year ago. Not four months before the election, when they lack the mobilization and infrastructure to run a national campaign.


u/Independent-Two5330 3d ago

I think swap outs have happened before and all ended in losses. I think you're right.


u/Salteen35 3d ago

I’m hoping trump wins. It’s been a disaster since Biden won. Poor guy can’t even form a coherent sentence


u/Kerem9_8 2006 3d ago

Unfortunately, due to how close the election is, kamala is the only feasible alternative, which isnt any better than biden


u/MorbidusUnus 2005 4d ago

Nah the country is a mess rn. I’m ready for a new leader. Unless Trump picks Vivek or an another extremely far right dude then he’s got my vote, even tho I would’ve rathered Haley or DeSantis


u/Independent-Two5330 3d ago

Yeah he's got my vote now too. Hot take of mine.


u/MorbidusUnus 2005 3d ago

Be careful you’ll get flamed for saying that


u/Independent-Two5330 3d ago

I'm tired of pretending, they can flame me all they want.


u/NotSoStallionItalian 4d ago edited 4d ago

First, both Vivek and Haley polled higher vs Biden than Trump. But the entire Republican voterbase could not accept a non-Christian, non-White man, nor a non-White woman.

Also, the entire country was in absolute shambles and panic when Trump left office, you’d know that if you were old enough to have a job and an apartment during Covid. And how does he “have your vote”? You’re not old enough to vote.


u/MorbidusUnus 2005 3d ago

Ok lots of assumptions on your part lol. First, Vivek is an extremist fool and I disagree with a lot he says about policy. Second, Haley would’ve been great as the nominee and easily would have beat Biden, but the Republican Party is so extreme they can’t get away from daddy Trump. Third, I turn 19 in August and voted in my states governor election last year. How exactly am I not able to vote?

Edit: Also, no shit the country was in shambles due to a pandemic. That would’ve happened regardless of who was in office. To act like it wouldn’t have is ignorance at its finest.


u/Sassy_Scholar116 3d ago

Vivek and Trump have the same politics. It makes no sense to be anti-Vivek because he’s too far right but believe Trump isn’t


u/Pixel_Python 4d ago

I’d argue a lot of us could’ve done better on the spot at times. Both of them, noticeably Biden, are just too old for politics at this point


u/DescipleOfCorn 2000 4d ago

I really don’t think this debate actually changed anyone’s opinions of him, his supporters and haters both already see him as an old geezer who’s up past his bedtime


u/robbzilla 4d ago

A TON of people are freaking out today, because they have lost what little faith they had in Old Man River.


u/DescipleOfCorn 2000 3d ago

I don’t think anyone actually had faith in him, the main issue people are worried about is that low-info voters are going to latch onto this rather than looking at actual important information.


u/Far_Spare6201 4d ago

Really hoped Jill Stein could be included in the debate


u/Particular-Put4786 4d ago

At CNN? 🤣🤣 Neither party would agree to debate if an independent or 3rd party are included as well. This is done intentionally


u/Far_Spare6201 4d ago

The bipartisan system sinks its claws yet again


u/robbzilla 4d ago

Independents in the debates ended with Perot, when the One party that is two took the debates away from the League of Women Voters.


u/ShurikenKunai 2001 4d ago

What's Jill Stein's platform?


u/ShurikenKunai 2001 4d ago

To be fair, it was public consensus that Obama got *creamed* by Mitt Romney in their first debate back in 2012, but Romney wasn't able to win the Election.


u/PS3LOVE 2005 4d ago

Honestly from a debate perspective Biden didn’t do horrible, it’s optics he isn’t good at. These TV political debates aren’t actually about having a discussion or talking about facts it’s about trying to look good.


u/EastJet 4d ago

Not asking if you can do better than him.

Do you think Andrew Yang would have done better?


u/BardaArmy 4d ago

Andrew Yang is not a serious candidate. He has just as many shit takes as he has good ones. If he work shopped his policy to match actual voter data on sentiment maybe he could get there.


u/SuccotashConfident97 4d ago

If I as a regular person could do better, why do you think an average politician wouldn't do better?