r/GenZ 6d ago

Do you think Andrew Yang would have done better in the fumbled first presidential debate this year, if they had swapped Andrew Yang in to replace Biden? Political

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u/MorbidusUnus 2005 6d ago

Nah the country is a mess rn. I’m ready for a new leader. Unless Trump picks Vivek or an another extremely far right dude then he’s got my vote, even tho I would’ve rathered Haley or DeSantis


u/NotSoStallionItalian 6d ago edited 6d ago

First, both Vivek and Haley polled higher vs Biden than Trump. But the entire Republican voterbase could not accept a non-Christian, non-White man, nor a non-White woman.

Also, the entire country was in absolute shambles and panic when Trump left office, you’d know that if you were old enough to have a job and an apartment during Covid. And how does he “have your vote”? You’re not old enough to vote.


u/MorbidusUnus 2005 6d ago

Ok lots of assumptions on your part lol. First, Vivek is an extremist fool and I disagree with a lot he says about policy. Second, Haley would’ve been great as the nominee and easily would have beat Biden, but the Republican Party is so extreme they can’t get away from daddy Trump. Third, I turn 19 in August and voted in my states governor election last year. How exactly am I not able to vote?

Edit: Also, no shit the country was in shambles due to a pandemic. That would’ve happened regardless of who was in office. To act like it wouldn’t have is ignorance at its finest.


u/Sassy_Scholar116 5d ago

Vivek and Trump have the same politics. It makes no sense to be anti-Vivek because he’s too far right but believe Trump isn’t