r/GenZ 4d ago

Do you think Andrew Yang would have done better in the fumbled first presidential debate this year, if they had swapped Andrew Yang in to replace Biden? Political

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u/Dra_goony 4d ago

Can we get anyone else than these 2 fossils


u/Deathpill911 4d ago

Nope, because wealth is all that matters. Welcome to capitalism.


u/Funny-Cover6517 4d ago

Wars are all that matter, it seems. The world is on fire and no one is trying to sit down and have an adult conversation. I think after last night I understand why Biden hasn't talked to Putin.


u/Deathpill911 4d ago

The thing is, people want war. People are looking out for blood. More and more I'm seeing people unhinged and all I did was simply go to a grocery store. They're broke, they're struggling, and they're trying to blame someone. Unfortunately, the government backed by corporations have been fucking us the entire time and all people are doing is betting on some old morons that wont change shit anyway. It doesn't even matter which idiot will become the leader, that's not how the system works.


u/Funny-Cover6517 4d ago

Actually I was told Trump would start WW3 with NK. Next thing you know he's walking into NK and got our MIA POWs back.

He never started a war and wasn't fighting proxy wars. He moved the embassy and there was no issues. Everyone was getting along, Saudis ECT.

I dunno, Trump can say some mean things but he ran the country like a business and I'm ok with that. I'm done with ALL wars. We need to spend OUR tax dollars here in America on Americans. We could have HC by now if we stopped paying for all these BS wars that we never even win.


u/Deathpill911 3d ago

Doesn't matter who is in power, they aren't there to benefit you or me. They're there to benefit the rich, reducing their taxes and making everyone pay more. This is why Trump never addresses it. "Hey guys we wont tax your tips!" instead of forcing businesses to pay their fucking workers a livable wage. He does not give a shit, whatsoever.


u/robbzilla 4d ago

This isn't Capitalism. This is Duopoly corruption.


u/Future_Genius 4d ago

Reinforced by, say it with me, capitalism


u/deathaxxer 4d ago

Surely there's less corruption in non-capitalist countries right? /s


u/dhdjwiwjdw 4d ago

Thats a crazy statement


u/Deathpill911 4d ago

Having two elderly people who should be in a nursing home run for president, isn't though? I got to admit, this debate was embarrassing and America looks weak as shit. Imagine such a big and powerful country having these people as the potential future leader, which the vast majority don't even want to vote for.

There was no choice. There never was.


u/dhdjwiwjdw 2d ago

I never said having two old deteriorating farts was okay.

But with that said, both are horrible. But at least trump is coherent and wont continue to destory foreign relations. I hate to vote for either here, but biden very well may die in office. That would again leave us with kamala. (Assuming he chooses her again which is usually a given)


u/0WatcherintheWater0 2002 4d ago

How does wealth have anything to do with this? What are you even talking about.


u/Deathpill911 4d ago

Exactly, you don't have a clue as to what I'm talking about. You're looking left and right but not up and down. These elderly folks are millionaires. They're in a completely level in the hierarchy, one you and your family and everyone you know, will never be part of. That is why they're your only option.


u/0WatcherintheWater0 2002 4d ago

It’s funny you think that. Most elderly people with any kind of high paying job (such as US Senator, or being a successful author) are multi-millionaires

If anything you were saying were true, why didn’t Bloomberg, someone infinitely more wealthy than Biden, win the 2020 primary?

You are the one that’s clueless here. Wealth has absolutely nothing to do with anything here.


u/Deathpill911 4d ago

You are the one that’s clueless here. Wealth has absolutely nothing to do with anything here.

Ok boomer.


u/0WatcherintheWater0 2002 4d ago

Just don’t be an unhinged conspiracy theorist is all I’m asking here.


u/Future_Genius 4d ago

Sorry that deathpill is a child in explaining this, but they’re right that capitalism is at fault. Not necessarily that the candidates themselves are rich, but that corporations reinforce the status quo via political lobbying for reactionary politicians (in this case, both Trump and Biden).

The Democratic and Republican parties are different on social policies but not on how the economy should be organized. Both are neoliberal, in that it relies on capitalism (private ownership of the means of production, i.e. factories, businesses, and public services) as its framework. They’re simply different flavors of the same things.

Let me know if that makes sense or if you want me to explain it differently.


u/0WatcherintheWater0 2002 1d ago

The Democratic and Republican parties are different in social policies but not on how the economy should be organized. Both are neoliberal

This is totally wrong and a vast oversimplification. If you paid attention to the policies they both support, neither can accurately be described as “neoliberal”,

The Republican party for example is actually extremely illiberal, in it’s support for a candidate that wants to suppress freedom of speech, minority rights, heavily restrict foreign trade through harsh tariff policy, among other things.

That is wildly different from the Democratic party that wants, among other things, higher taxes, more corporate regulation, assistance for student debt, etc. they still mostly adhere to liberalism fundamentally (private property rights), but even if many of those policies are more populist.

Your analysis totally lacks any nuance, nuance which is extremely important. Calling all politicians “reactionary” is not insightful.


u/Future_Genius 1d ago edited 1d ago

1) neoliberalism is an economic philosophy relating to the reemergence of free-market capitalism, not a political or social one on human rights and freedoms.

2) not all politicians are reactionary, but currently the ones leading are. I’m not lacking nuance, you’re just lacking knowledge.

Like I said, on the organization of the economy, both Democrats and Republicans are on the same page. Both don’t want workplace democracy and want privatization of government functions.

The only reason why the Democrats don’t drift into full on illiberalism (social and political freedoms) is because they’re more of an umbrella party now than ever and have to attract both centrists and leftists to its cause. That worked in 2020 when they made their promises, it won’t in 2024 because they broke those promises.


u/I_hate_mortality 4d ago

Chase Oliver seems reasonable.


u/Robivennas 3d ago

I don’t even agree with most of his policies but I think I’m going to vote for him simply because 1) I know he isn’t actually going to win and 2) I want to send a message to both parties that I’m not voting for these shitty candidates you’re trying to give me. For context my state is going blue no matter what so my vote doesn’t really matter.


u/I_hate_mortality 3d ago

I’m in a similar boat only my state is going red. I think it’s stupid that we only have two viable candidates and both are awful.


u/Fentanyl4babies 4d ago

Guess I'm voting for RFK then


u/Seymour-Krelborn 3d ago

Here's RFK Jr's response debate. Another voice and another option can't be a bad thing to hear


And here's proof of his viability as a candidate.



u/Fentanyl4babies 3d ago

Yea that's how I listened to the debate. Didn't want to give cnn ratings after they illegally barred him from the debate.


u/Fantastic_Draft8417 3d ago

If Biden truly wanted to see Trump not get a second term, he would let RFK Jr run uncontested. But his desperate need to have a legacy and stay in power, at an age where most Americans have been retired for years, will be what gives Trump the victory.


u/Seymour-Krelborn 3d ago

Spot on.

So I'll vote for RFK whether Biden drops out or not


u/CanIBorrowYourShovel 3d ago

I mean the reality is that with our system, and throwaway vote or non vote is functionally a vote for the encumbant. It isnt taking a stand. That kind of thing is not done in federal elections. You want to change that, get active at a local level.


u/Fentanyl4babies 3d ago

He's polling at 15%. He only needs about 34% to win. Also, he beats either candidate in a head to head race. So if either drops out or is unable to continue then he could win.


u/CanIBorrowYourShovel 3d ago

I hear you, but you absolutely know that will never happen and hasnt even come close since teddy roosevelt's bull moose party - and he had everything going for him.

Either that or this is your first election cycle and you just haven't yet realized the reality of just how cynical and terminally entrenched our system is.

You will never change it at the level of a federal election. A third-party choice has to come from several cycles of grassroots small government elections to build nationwide recognition.


u/Fentanyl4babies 3d ago

Definitely not my first election. But we had both these idiots in office already once. So, I honestly don't care which one wins. To me it's the perfect time to support someone who is trying to shake things up. Also, RFK could approach Biden and say, "I'm not dropping out. So, you will lose. If you stay in, Trump beats both of us. If you drop out, then I can beat Trump. It's your choice, either I'm president or Trump." The current polls support this argument.


u/CanIBorrowYourShovel 3d ago

Man.... i wish i had your youthful enthusiasm on it. And while i share your sentiment, it is important to be clear, one of the two is very much a worse option. Women have lost bodily autonomy, lgbt people can't get care, corporate rollbacks have caused long term harm to the environment, the american taxpayer, and the world in general. The other has just been a doddering old man whose policies have been milktoast at worst, beneficial at best.

But i digress. We do agree that the two both suck.


u/telepathic-gouda 3d ago

That’s who I’m voting for!


u/Seymour-Krelborn 3d ago

A better favorability track record than Biden and Trump, especially among young people, the only third party candidate polling in the double digits. He did a response debate where a moderator played the CNN debate live and would pause it to include his responses.

Another voice and another option can't be a bad thing to hear


And also here's proof of his viability as a candidate



u/yerboiboba 1998 4d ago edited 4d ago

Jill Stein 💚

Anyone wanna pose a different option than War Mongerer, Felon, or Senile Boomer Heart Throb? Cuz Dr Stein is our best hope at saving our democracy in the long run, not just the short term fear-mongering that the Dems are using to convince you to reelect them


u/NotCreativeEng 4d ago

Literally the same thing 4 years ago. It’s your fault tbh.


u/Dra_goony 4d ago

I don't see how tf it's my fault, wouldn't matter who you voted for last time around we would literally be right here again


u/dbclass 1999 4d ago

If young people got off their ass in early 2020 and voted for Bernie (or literally anyone else) we wouldn’t be in this situation right now.


u/Dra_goony 4d ago

The democrats berned him, wouldn't have mattered


u/SpiritJuice 4d ago

Dems screwed Bernie in 2016 but he got blasted by Biden in 2020 primaries. He was popular among the younger demographic, but he wasn't electable among Democrats as a whole.


u/NotCreativeEng 4d ago

It’s about not caring about politics until you’re stuck with a candidate that’s universally hated. I mean you’re fighting trump lol, everyone should be a better candidate but you guys didn’t care the first time and didn’t do shit 4 years later.

Enjoy the shit sandwich


u/Thebobert7 2000 4d ago

Rfk is on the ballot


u/JL671 2004 4d ago

Fossil with a brain worm


u/slashkig 4d ago

Still better than a lunatic conman and a senile grandpa with dementia


u/JL671 2004 4d ago

You've clearly never met someone with dementia.


u/Fantastic_Draft8417 3d ago

Is “brain worm” really a valid criticism of RFK Jr? When the other two candidates rambled about… playing golf, Stormy Daniels, and just straight-up name calling? Meanwhile, RFK Jr is the only candidate who answered questions eloquently and directly. And all anyone has to talk about him is a past condition he’d suffered from?

Both parties are working together to smear RFK for a good reason.


u/JL671 2004 3d ago

He's not winning shit, get over it.


u/Fantastic_Draft8417 3d ago

The Reds and Blues are working together behind all the public bickering to make you and the rest of the American public think that way.

They know both candidates would get swept in a head-on election with Kennedy. But go on, squander your American right to vote. Use it to vote for the lesser of two evils.


u/Thebobert7 2000 4d ago

Whose policies are way better than either trump or Biden, has an incredible environmental track record, and is way smarter than both of them combined. He had brain worms a while ago and not anymore and is clearly still mentally there than trump and Biden. He speaks very intelligently for hours straight on podcasts. He’s the man


u/Diughh 4d ago

He’s anti LGBT and anti vax, essentially Trump lite


u/Thebobert7 2000 4d ago

He’s not anti lgbt, he may not be as liberal on it as Biden but he’s nowhere near republicans. And calling him anti vax is a bit of a misnomer, his thoughts on vaccines are way more complicated than that. He wants to do more comprehensive research into the rise of chronic illnesses in Americans and vaccines are one of the items on his list of potential causes. His view and track record on the environment is incredible, he has single-handedly accomplished so much in his career. And his plan for cheaper housing is great


u/WasionNation 4d ago

Can you explain how?


u/megastud69420 4d ago

"Anti-LGBT" Straight up misinformation lmfao. He has consistently reiterated his support for LGBTQ people, he just doesn't support hormone blockers for minors. Which is a VERY reasonable take lmao

And the whole anti-vax thing is nowhere near one of the main tenets of his campaign, and when it comes to COVID he's not wrong about much. Surprised by the generally pro-lockdown sentiment on this sub when it fucked up our lives in particular so much for no good reason


u/Diughh 4d ago

Look, I don’t want to make this argument about trans kids, but the science is there to back puberty blockers as being safe and necessary for the well being of trans kids.

The vast majority of trans kids turn out to be trans. There’s a very thorough vetting process where multiple psychologists, doctors, etc are consulted and seen before permission is given to transition. Even for adults!

Hormone blockers are largely harmless, and seriously help the mental health of trans kids. It’s also why there’s such a strenuous vetting process involved, people aren’t just handing out hormone blockers and hormones just because you ask. The process takes years.

I’m assuming you’re a male, imagine being forced to endure the puberty process of a girl before going through puberty as a guy. I have irreversible changes to many parts of my body because I went through male puberty, and even though I’m on estrogen now and happy I don’t have to go through that again, the idea of essentially having male “puberty” again, as in going off my medication and having to see my face change, my facial hair come back, my body shape changing again, is completely sickening to me. Ask any trans kid. It would be torture for them too.

And that’s the thing. I don’t like politicians who don’t trust the experts. This is what medical experts, who have literally dedicated their lives to these fields, are saying about the topic. Same with vaccines. If these things were questionable they wouldn’t be publicly available and accepted by the medical community


u/jtt278_ 4d ago

It is not a “VERY reasonable take” it’s explicitly transphobic and rooted in science denial. It’s literally like getting up on stage and saying “I want trans kids to suffer and die”


u/SamMan48 2000 4d ago

He’s supported gay marriage for decades


u/WasionNation 4d ago

Right on dude. Been watching podcasts with him, all the things these guys say about him are plain false. If they took the time and listened to a couple long form podcasts and read some books they’d feel real stupid


u/Thebobert7 2000 4d ago

When the gop and dnc combine to hate on someone, they can be very successful. People say they wish there were other options than Biden and trump. Rfk is that, there’s a reason the 2 parties are working together to get rid of him. He is clearly the best candidate and if people just listened to him and weren’t scared of wasting there vote he may win


u/WasionNation 4d ago

Yep. Exactly. Dude is who we need right now. Kinda sad how dumb people are. I think they might be the brain worms


u/Auspicious_BayRum 2003 4d ago

Preach! It’s sad how any talk about RFK Jr is instantly downvoted and lies about him are consistently spewed. He is not anti-vax, nor is he anti-lgbtq. He’s far more articulate than the other two candidates despite having a brainworm two decades ago. He’s the most environmentalist candidate too, with a strong track record. It’s depressing to see how brainwashed so many people are against him. I bet none of them have genuinely looked into RFK Jr themselves, they’re just believing whatever msm is telling them.


u/jtt278_ 4d ago

He literally repeats anti vax conspiracies and thinks we should ban hormone blockers for minors. His agenda majority strips down Biden’s climate and environmental regulations too.


u/JL671 2004 4d ago

He's not gonna win tho, is he? It's a waste of time we gotta be realistic here.


u/Thebobert7 2000 4d ago

So I gotta vote for a demented old man? I wanna vote for the person I think will do the best job. Also if every person in this country who won’t consider rfk because it’s impossible for him to win voted for him, he’d probably win. It’s only impossible because they convince us it is


u/JL671 2004 4d ago

Who's they?


u/Thebobert7 2000 4d ago

The establishment.


u/yuh__ 2000 4d ago

He’s got my vote