r/Fallout 18h ago

Fallout 76 Rate my fashion ! I chose « industrial » for a tinkerer build.

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r/Fallout 15h ago

What if everyting was planned?


I was thinking what if vault tec were responsible for making each game protagonist do what they did for population control beacuse in almost every game you take down at least 1 or 2 factions So they set then on there path to make sure no one got to much control that's why you interact with everyone

r/Fallout 15h ago

Suggestion [New Vegas] Why is Dean Marting cut off


I have started a new game on FNV recently, and one thing that keeps bugging me is, that Dean Martin keeps getting cut off by Mr. New Vegas .

Like, you hear the first few seconds and then there's either an intermission or another song .

Happy 4th of July 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

r/Fallout 1d ago

(Fixed) T-60, one person in the comments section noticed the wonky helmet design so I slimmed the cheeks up so hopefully this is better looking, I also widened up the chest and gave him a laser rifle.

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Minifigure for scale.

r/Fallout 17h ago

Fallout 4 submarine codsworth strikes again

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r/Fallout 11h ago

Fallout TV Hank kinda has a point


If the world is torn between factions, all disagreeing on how to "save the world" as Maximus puts it, then the easiest and most straighforward solution would be to eradicate the other factions so that only yours remains.

r/Fallout 17h ago

Question Is it only worth playing fallout 76 with friends?


I want to play the game but don’t have anyone to play it with and prefer playing solo. Is there any point to buying it if I’m just gonna play by myself?

r/Fallout 1d ago

Fallout: New Vegas Hot take: although General Oliver is a fool, he isn't completely wrong


Yes, there are a lot of flaws with General Wait-and-See, but at least some of his reasoning is understandable:

Rivalry with Hanlon:

Yes, Oliver is a moron for getting big buddy Kimball to send the veteran rangers on a pointless trip to Baja, and yes, Oliver is a fool for endangering patrol rangers in the Mojave, but his behaviour is slightly understandable. It's hard to completely blame him for feeling hard-done by Hanlon getting the credit for Hoover Dam. After all, before the clever Boulder City trick, Oliver had his troopers put up a decent fight against the Malpais Legate's forces (and this is without the supplies and manpower that were supposed to come through The Divide).

The NCR took over a hundred casualties, but Oliver held the line long enough to allow Hanlon's tactic to work. I can see many generals getting pissed off if someone else, especially from a different branch, gets all the credit for a battle in which both parties played their role.

Salvaged pet-project:

I can't remember where, exactly, it's said that the salvaged power armour troopers are Oliver's favourites, but they're not as dumb as some people claim. I used to believe that they're silly as well back in the day, but having T-45ds can make a big difference if they're used right, which Oliver does. He stations them at fortified positions, which would make it hard for the average enemy to get through.

And we can't really blame them for stripping the servos, because this is using FO3/NV lore of power armour needing training (which the OG Fallouts didn't have). It only looks questionable if we analyse it without OG or post-NV lore. The bigger issue is Oliver misusing rangers to spite Hanlon (although, to be fair, Hanlon is secretly being a treasonous dick as well).

Second battle for Hoover Dam tactics/big dreams:

Oliver's idea of putting up a grand fight against the Legion to redeem himself and overshadow Hanlon is petty and questionable, but it isn't entirely without merit. It might be flawed (especially since the Legion ends up coming through the pipes anyway), but it has one major advantage if it works: breaking the Legion's spirit.

Look at it this way, if the Legion loses against House or Yes Man, they could easily blame it on cowardly profligate techno-trickery (not that Oliver would expect any of that to happen). So even with The Fort destroyed and Lanius possibly dead, the rest of the forces back east would have enough disgust to stay cohesive for a while. Caesar's and Lanius's images would take a hit, but their defenders could claim that only hundreds of high-tech, Old World war machines could stand up to the Legion's finest (and in the case of the Courier misleading Caesar with the bunker, further accusations of profligate trickery).

On the other hand, if the Legion straight-up loses against Oliver and friends (despite possible Boomer, BoS, and Enclave remnants help), it feels more like a conventional loss overall than Securitron trickery. Would be harder for Caesar's and Lanius's defenders to blame the supposedly-inferior profligates here. It's a loss that the Legion will have to accept as being mostly fair (and even against a struggling NCR frontier anyway), and which will cause more tensions and civil war out east, further breaking the Legion.

So yeah, Oliver made a lot of stupid mistakes, but there's at least some reasoning to the man. Doesn't change the fact that Hsu would've been a better general, though.

r/Fallout 21h ago

Discussion Are these the same power armor?


I’ve many times seen these two power armor models called the “Advanced Power Armor Mk II” and i just would like to know are these technically the same power armor models? They look entirely different, there are very few parts that looks similar (really inly the eyes and the stomach section). Is the “X-02” just Bethesdas rendition of the model, and they just went with a different artistic vision? Or are the enclave from the west coast different from the enclave from the east coast (considering theres no mention of President Eden in NV, as well as no mention of Frank Horrigan or Dick Richardson in 3)

r/Fallout 17h ago

Question Need help with glitch 😔


In Fallout 4 every time I look up it makes me pull out me weapon and zoom in. Does anyone else have this problem? If so how do you fix it?

r/Fallout 1d ago

Fallout 4 codsworth i though you said you couldnt swim

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r/Fallout 2d ago

Discussion S2 of the show, can be AMAZING

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s2 is CONFIRMED to take place IN NEW-VEGAS!!!! the producers can do one of the coolest things, and give us The Courier in SHOW FORM!!!- imagine, Lucy see's him/her IN the mojave- deathclaw appears, Courier 1 SHOTS IT- they then talk. This COULD be possible as the Courier lives at the end of the game, and would only be slightly older as the shows time comes around, plus, its The Courier, bro COULD actually 1 shot a DC if wanted

r/Fallout 1d ago

Original Content Lightbulbs in the wasteland?


How many Children of the Atom does it take to change a lightbulb?

Two. One to change the bulb and another to absorb enough radiation poisoning that the room starts spinning.

How many NCR soldiers does it take to change a lightbulb?

Sixteen. One to request a requisition form. One to fill out the requisition form. One to deliver the bulb. One more to fix it after delivery. Finally, send in a squad of twelve rangers to do the actual lightbulb changing.

How many Legionaries does it take to change a lightbulb?

Fifty one. Fifty to die, and one to stack them into a pile in order to reach the bulb and change it.

How many Followers of the Apocalypse does it take to change a lightbulb?

None of them actually change anything, but if you let them set up camp in your backyard they can hook you up with the drugs you need to change your own lightbulb.

How many ghouls does it take to change a lightbulb?

They don't change the bulb, they just suck up enough rads to start glowing themselves.

How many Tunnel Snakes does it take to change a lightbulb?


r/Fallout 18h ago

Fallout 2 Friendly Fire Problem


My companions keep shooting each other by accident. The biggest culprit is Sulik, armed with MAC 10. I’m at the point where I’m just going to only arm him with the sledgehammer, which seems a shame. I tried giving Sulik a desert eagle, but he won’t seem to use it. Will he use a .223 pistol if I arm him with that? I’ve seen several post that suggest he will, but he doesn’t mention pistols among his weapons of choice.

Second question, does Sulik’s ranged combat animation always seem like he’s using a sub machine gun, regardless of what weapon he’s using? I gave him a desert eagle and took away everything else, but he still shoots a sub machine gun during combat.

I’m away from my PC a few days and so thought I would ask these questions here.


r/Fallout 1d ago

Having a glass of Nuka-Cherry 🍻

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r/Fallout 1d ago

Fallout 4 The Pip-Boy app is literally the coolest thing and I figured out how to use it on PS5


I learned about the app maybe a month ago as I’m new to Fallout, but saw it wasn’t really supported for new gen. But earlier today I got SUPER invested in trying to get it to work on my PS5. I was trying EVERYTHING. But I finally found a random comment in a thread that worked FLAWLESSLY.

(Keep in mind I only tried this on PS5)

  1. You have to download the PS4 AND PS5 version of Fallout. (If you are on the PS4 version you can transfer saves to the PS5 version)

  2. Go into the PS4 version and go to Gameplay in settings. Scroll all the way down and enable the Pip Boy app setting. (Make sure this is done in the PS5 version too)

  3. Open the app and press the PS4 button to scan for it. It should work (if it doesn’t just try turning the setting on and off or try closing Fallout.)

  4. (This is important) CLOSE the Fallout 4 PS4 version. But don’t close the app. You’ll see a “connection missing/failed” message. Now open the PS5 app.

  5. Press “Retry” and it’ll either automatically connect or you just have to press the first option that says “PS4” on the menu.

Then you’re good! Also fun fact, you can change the pipboy color in the game and it’ll show up on the app!

A good reason to have the app is that it literally FUNCTIONS AS THE PIPBOY IN GAME! You can equip weapons, fast travel, select quests, THERES EVEN MINIGAMES IN THE APP! Plus whatever one you were on last CAN BE INTERACTED WITH OFFLINE! (Obviously you can’t do anything in game but STILL!)

r/Fallout 1d ago

I updated the T-60 power armor and thickened up the shoulder pads. (Minifigures for scale.)

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r/Fallout 18h ago

Fallout TV Vault 4 Question


So I love the show and rewatched it once already to catch all the things I missed the first time around. But the episode with vault 4 I’m still a little confused about - why did they try to make it seem like that vault and the people there had malicious intentions? Like the first thing we see is that Goosey and fake-Knight-Titus aka Maximus are supposedly in the “test subjects” room (unknowingly), and then they make a whole very secretive thing about the 12th floor and whatever is hidden there and then they finish off with the weird ass ritual making us think there’s definitely something super shady going on…only to then show them in a completely different light as in - they’re actually kind and let Goosey go (and wiith some supplies nonetheless!!!) or I guess it was their sentencing of banishment to the surface technically, but like obviously the whole episode I was watching thinking they’re spoiling them to bribe them into testing and then they will use them for testing and other mal intentions….was the whole vault 4 thing just a big red herring in the show?

Does anyone have thoughts on this?

Is there anything related to vault 4 in the game that they chose to include this or was this just a writers idea?

Thanks for anyone who shares their thoughts!

r/Fallout 18h ago

Discussion What is the absolute best weapon combo for taking out the legendary bloatfly?


I usually just use the perks and stay back + implant grx and the riot shotgun but I wanna hear what y'all do instead or if the method I use is just really popular lol

r/Fallout 11h ago

Does everyone want to Join my Fallout New Vagus group?????


Hey guys I Just created a new Fallout New Vagus group called r/Fallout_nv so if any would like to join your more than welcome

r/Fallout 7h ago

Fallout 4 Just started Nuka world, It fucking sucks 👍


r/Fallout 19h ago

Fallout 4 Is there any way to see the enclave again after finishing the Quest?


I haven't seen any enclave soldiers since I finished the Quest. "someone" refills the boxes in there two outposts from time to tome but no respaw of soldiers. I would like to catch some more of there power armours.

I heard I have to reactivate the enclave signals in the outposts but this didn't work.

r/Fallout 1d ago

Video I have my own Pip-Boy now.

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I bought a steam deck, and plan to customize it full on Fallout style. Don't know how else to go about it but I got the neon green keyboard and this fantastic start-up. What's next?

r/Fallout 12h ago

Fallout 4 Sanctuary is a missed opportunity at the introduction of Fallout 4.


Here is my idea for how Sanctuary could have been at the start of Fallout 4: The sole survivor exits vault 111 and travels to see what remains of their home. From atop the hill they can see walls surrounding junk buildings atop the foundations of prewar houses. As they walk through the back gate, a town guard stops them and asks "who are you". The sole survivor states "I live here" and a dialogue tree flows from that, before they are allowed to enter the settlement. They then walk to what was once their house and find it is repurposed as a wasteland business. (From here the options are endless. Their house could be a bar with a reprogrammed Codsworth as the bartender. Codsworth could be a broken robot in a back shed that could be bought and repaired with enough intelligence or parts. The player house could be something more unsavory like a brothel, creating a tense reaction between them and the owner over what became of it, and trying to pick up the pieces of their old life while finding clues for where their son went.) The player has many options to help the town, join with outside raiders to pillage it as revenge, or abandon it completely to try and forget their past.

In essence, Sanctuary should have been a settlement you come across at the beginning of the game like Goodsprings or Megaton with different characters to interact with, and different choices to be made. Upon gaining their trust, you could use the settlement building system to upgrade the settlement in key ways.

With this redesigned Sanctuary settlement, it would make the arrival of Preston and the Minutemen more impactful also. Their desperate group finds an actual place to live and set up operations in. As Sanctuary is in Fallout 4 however, its just one of many hollowed out prewar shells that Preston could have set up in anywhere, but a Sanctuary settlement gives them a reason to go specifically there.

For these reasons I believe Bethesda missed an opportunity with the beginning of Fallout 4. The settlement building system is interesting and it is fun seeing what you can build in dozens of places in the wasteland. But it isn't a substitute for character interactions and choices. And having Sanctuary be its own town with interactions and quests would have been very impactful for the sole survivor because they'd see how the world (their own neighborhood) has forgotten them and moved on without them.

r/Fallout 7h ago

Which Fallout New Vegas ending will the show make canon?



Which Fallout New Vegas ending do you think will be canon in the Fallout universe for the show?


At the end of FO show season 1, one of the characters stopped in front of New Vegas. So...which Fallout New Vegas ending will be canon for the show?

I'm betting they'll make the House ending canon, especially as House was in the last episode of the series...but he was in the part of the episode that took place in the past. So, he could be dead in the present, possibly.

The NCR is pretty much dying to dead and lost their capital and a battle to the BoS.

Caesar's Legion, even if they won New Vegas, their leader would be dead from his brain problem by the time of the show, leading to an inevitable power vacuum which would likely tear the Legion into factions, leading to its inevitable decline and dissolution.

The Yes Man canon ending would be awesome and hilarious, especially if the courier had NCR's General Oliver thrown off of the Hoover Dam!

NCR is my favorite faction in all of Fallout.
However, I think House will be the winner for canon.

I'd want the Yes Man ending to be canon though.