r/Eldenring Jan 12 '24

My Boyfriend bet me $500 that I couldn’t beat Elden ring in 6 months with little to no video game experience. Humor

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The rules of the bet:

  1. No magic
  2. Only Melee
  3. No farming for runes
  4. Have to beat the entire game by June, 6th, 2024

I am currently on the last boss of the game with 89 hours played. I hope the last boss doesn’t take me 5 months. 😂


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u/jrow_official Bloodhounds Fang Gang Jan 12 '24

Can you summon help for the bosses? 😅


u/lizzied23 Jan 12 '24

Lol yes!


u/Rasbold Jan 12 '24 edited Jan 12 '24

LOL! Your boyfriend just baited you into getting into one of his hobbies by putting 500$ on the line. Money well spent tbh


u/Sgt-Cowboy Jan 12 '24

A small price to pay for fun with a significant other


u/Rasbold Jan 12 '24

The madlad somehow found a way to buy quality time


u/RMX_Texas Jan 12 '24

furiously takes notes


u/kourier6 Jan 12 '24

the fucking paper catches on fire from the note taking speed


u/Organic_Swim4777 Jan 12 '24

"There's absolutely no way you can make a great steak 4 times a week for 30 years."


u/BogusNL Jan 12 '24

Heart attack at 45 hell yeah brother


u/doomed-ginger Jan 13 '24

r/carnivore wants to have a word with you about your dirty lies.


u/Uncle_Creepy_7861 Jan 12 '24

Or just go vegan and die of malnutrition after about 2 years


u/NoWaySomebodyTookThi Jan 13 '24

There is no in-between. These are our only options. Dying of malnutrition as a vegan or of a heart attack eating meat. Damn.

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u/Redrumofthesheep Jan 12 '24

Mmmmm, colon cancer, Best 50th birthday present a guy could hope for!

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u/Bored_Amalgamation Jan 12 '24

You failed.

It cost money to buy a new notebook. smh my head


u/Shaasar Jan 12 '24

Glad to see others on the smh my head train

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u/Cyrano_Knows Jan 12 '24

Step 1: Get a girlfriend ;)

:Looks askance:

Step 1: Get a girlfriend... 8L


u/Perithius Jan 12 '24

Can I summon help to find a girlfriend?


u/TCH_doomsikle Jan 12 '24

Yes, but you can only summon Patches


u/IncelDetected Jan 12 '24

The moment you need him to be a wingman and distract a grumpy friend he’s going to dip just like he does with Radahn


u/Chrissyball19 Jan 12 '24

You'd invite him to a party, he'd push you into the pool while you're talking to your gf.


u/Sicktekneekz Jan 15 '24

Patches always been a bitch since dark souls one. Pushed us off a cliff smh

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u/ebagjones Jan 12 '24

Just don't summon 'let me solo her'.

Unless you're into watching, I guess.


u/dapper_diaper Jan 12 '24

I am Malenia, blade of miCUCKla


u/Searscale Jan 12 '24

And I know De FEET


u/LampJr Jan 13 '24

Im so done with reddit 😅

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u/action2288 Jan 12 '24

Underrated comment.


u/Sensitive_Club_3381 Jan 12 '24

How do i summon a girlfriend?

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u/Posmposmposm Jan 12 '24

Step 2: … Step 3:profit?

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u/Rude_Entrance_3039 Jan 12 '24

$500 and OP is already 89 hours in. I'd say $5/hr is a pretty good rate to distract your significant other.


u/lefix Jan 12 '24

Plot twist, she had to pay for the console and the game


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '24

Buying GF


u/lizzied23 Jan 12 '24

We’ve been dating for 5 years 😂


u/petophile_ Jan 12 '24

It all started when he bet her $100 bucks she couldnt keep her hand in his hand for an entire day


u/Crashman09 Jan 12 '24

Shared finances in this particular case would be a hilariously big brained strategy. Basically 69D chess

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u/MandogMyers Jan 13 '24

5 years?! Should had bet an engagement ring.


u/Skizznitt Jan 12 '24



u/Space4Time Jan 12 '24

It’s called an investment.


u/OneMoreYou Jan 12 '24

Effortless rizz


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '24



u/Eurotriangle Jan 12 '24

I hope you shatter like you’ve been struck by Marika. (=


u/oTranscended432 Jan 12 '24

Yu yu hakusho is the best anime.. but I think you should Yu Yu haku-go away :/

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u/ImpressiveShift3785 Jan 12 '24

By her stats that’s about $5/hour to enjoy your partner enjoying one of your fave hobbies. Wins all around.


u/Electronic-Drive5078 Jan 12 '24

And she's not done yet


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '24

?????? Wtf lol shouldn’t it not work like this??? Who tf are you all dating?? Why are str8 relationships so bizarrely dysfunctional ???? Genuinely confused. Don’t we seek mates that share common interests and values? Lmao


u/Sgt-Cowboy Jan 12 '24

You can’t expect everyone to like everything. While obviously the whole money thing is glaringly hilarious, it was a fun way to get his significant other interested in trying out one of his hobbies. We’re all individuals and as such it should be so that we enjoy what we like individually as well as together.

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u/GizmodoDragon92 Jan 12 '24

I pay that much and more to not have fun doing things with my wife often enough


u/aflarge Jan 13 '24

Nerddates are best dates. I met my girlfriend on a dating website, and before we met in person we played the whole co-op campaign for Portal 2, together. This April will mark a decade together and every day I love her more than the day before, so I think it's pretty safe to count this one as a success :D

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u/WhichKingOfAngmar Jan 12 '24

It's even better if she's summoning him


u/endisnigh-ish Jan 12 '24

"By spending 500$ on his girlfriend".

Tbf this man might have saved a lot of money in 6 months! Genius!


u/AbleArcher8537 Jan 12 '24

she's about to finish, he might have gotten the shorter end of the stick lmao


u/The_Deadlight Jan 12 '24

she started yesterday at 8pm


u/ThaiSweetChilli Jan 12 '24

The fuck, I should've charged my husband for making me play Armored Core 6.

Don't tell him I'm slightly enjoying the game


u/BigFatStupidMoose Jan 12 '24

Making him pay for merc work is just getting in the spirit of things with AC6 anyway. Got a job for you, 621.

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u/ManufacturerDry108 Jan 12 '24

This. My wife refused to play anything but animal crossing occasionally on her switch lite, but after a little bit of betting that I was better at certain games, she now plays video games right along side me. Gave her my old pc after I built my new one


u/Alternative-Earth-76 Jan 12 '24

Galactic levels of brainwork right here


u/jhhertel Jan 12 '24

yes this guy is an absolute genius. Notes taken!

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u/jmxd Jan 12 '24

worth it lol


u/Sepulcherz Jan 12 '24

Total madlad, he made it.


u/Junkyjoe11 Jan 12 '24

Agreed I would totally do it


u/MapleSyrupLover_ I’m raging Jan 12 '24

ngl I'm gonna try that with my gf too


u/KaramelThunder Jan 12 '24

He's the goat


u/good_guy_today_ Jan 12 '24

500$ that she have to use in gift for him (possibly)


u/BroadwayBully Jan 12 '24

New games lol


u/SuperiorBear79 Jan 12 '24

"No cost Too great..."


u/Lsj17 Jan 12 '24

The moment i read the title i thought to my self i can bait my gf into playing er using this simple trick.


u/Mr_Hero420 Jan 12 '24

I just told my girlfriend it was fun and she just bought it last week lol.


u/tboots1230 Jan 12 '24

fr i’m about to make the same bet to my girlfriend


u/EmergencyTaco Jan 12 '24

I am 100% doing this is my next relationship. I've never dated a girl that likes any kind of video games, but I finally got one into Pokemon Go once and it was such a blast to play even that with her. I want a girlfriend who is okay with a "let's spend all Sunday beating this game" date once in a while.

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u/[deleted] Jan 12 '24

Is opposed to the super common toxic masculinity gate keeping trope that women can’t play games?

You give a lot of grace to a random whose girl hopping online to dog his ass.

Bro isn’t bait anything. He’s just an idiot with bias and lack of respect towards women.


u/Zestyclose-Notice364 Jan 12 '24

I make bets with my girlfriend a lot that I know I’ll lose because she is poor and I want her to have walking around money without feeling like I’m paying her


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '24

You just not only insulted your girlfriend to everyone here, but your patronizing her secretly.

This isn’t the flex you think it is Andrew tate. Grow the fuck up.


u/Zestyclose-Notice364 Jan 12 '24

She’s not my wife bro. I’m not giving my girlfriend an allowance like a sugar baby fuckboy

If you made over 10x the income of your girlfriend, would you allow her to be poor or would you pay her like she is some kind of prostitute?

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u/[deleted] Jan 12 '24

The lady is sharing her achievement but nah, you guys only have eyes for other men's shit.


u/Rasbold Jan 12 '24 edited Jan 12 '24

I've seen plenty of people finishing the game, so I'm kinda desensitized to their overall achievements.

So when she said the restrictions of the challenge I couldn't help but think that they're close to useless and would just halt a bit of her progress by making her tackle enemies in melee range and learn to read enemies attack (which is the essence of the game)

I thought "this bf is a bit dumb isn't he?", but I thought more about it and they probably spend a lot of time talking about the game and her experience learning about the places, enemies and lore which would be worth every penny

There're very few things as great as talking about the things you care with the person you care. Getting to Radagon pales in comparison.


u/idontpostanyth1ng Jan 12 '24

I don't think you read the comment correctly. Either that or you responded to the wrong comment


u/ambisinister_gecko Jan 12 '24

Oh no! People are talking about the narrative OP brought up! They're probably sexist or something.

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u/action2288 Jan 12 '24

I’m going to steal this “bet” idea.


u/numbersthen0987431 Jan 12 '24

500 is suspiciously close to the same amount as a new PS5....


u/SuggyWuggyBear Jan 12 '24

The bf was in the other room on secret console waiting to be the one summoned.


u/rotidderrr Jan 12 '24

Great idea stolen. Happy to pay a thousand!


u/sidewaysflower Jan 12 '24

Guaranteed he had an absolute blast watching her play and encouraging her to continue when things got tough.


u/1011010100101 Jan 12 '24

Dude, this is the fucking greatest idea of all time, I'm doing it, babe if you reading this, it was my plan all along.


u/Hiire_Kummitus Jan 12 '24

Her boyfriend's been 100% of her summons unbeknownst to her.


u/Birkin07 Jan 12 '24

Id have paid my ex $500 to game with me.


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '24

I'd pay $500 for my wife to play any game. I'd pay much more then that for Elden ring.


u/VagueSomething Jan 12 '24

Is a pretty good rate too. I got my missus curious to gaming by getting her to help me play games, she was basically like my advisor when playing Civilisation. I then brought her a Switch when she had surgery and couldn't do anything for a few months and then slowly taught her to play some games on my Xbox but she insisted on having a custom controller so she didn't have to use my Elite. Between Switch, controllers, games I've easily spent more than 500 but it is so lovely to game together and see her excitement.

One thing I did learn, she struggled with moving joysticks to walk and look so I changed it to inverted and suddenly her brain clicked and she was able to look around while moving. Sensitivity had to be lowered too so she's not spinning too fast.


u/tomucci Jan 12 '24

Was thinking the exact same thing lol


u/External-Egg-8094 Jan 12 '24

Seriously I may have to use this tactic in the future. Op probably discovered she really likes it.


u/SKOGARMAOR81 Jan 12 '24

Very sharp


u/Haunting_Progress462 Jan 12 '24

Legitimately, I'm going home immediately and trying this.


u/Hitmonjeff Jan 13 '24

Just enough for op to get the same platform they happen to play on as well.


u/PaladinLeeroy Jan 13 '24

A master baiter


u/sagiterrible Jan 13 '24

Boyfriends everywhere about to bet their girlfriend they can’t hit gold in Valo together.


u/KappaJoe760 Jan 13 '24

Just asked my gf if she would do the same and she said “Fuck no” 💀


u/neversteven Jan 13 '24

Especially if he got to watch


u/Ruckus555 Jan 13 '24

He invested 500 dollars into getting her hooked knowing that some of that money will probably be spent by her to fund her new hobby


u/GrimSlayer Jan 13 '24

Damn maybe I should do that with my wife, but she doesn’t like betting lol


u/BruceInc Jan 13 '24

I’d pay that much for my wife to get into video games


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '24

the man MUST win


u/ayamarimakuro Jan 13 '24

This was my immediate tought. Might have to do the same 😂


u/WTF-61 Jan 13 '24

Sounds like she’s a gaming hooker now


u/TheReal-Tonald-Drump Jan 13 '24

Letmesolo her has joined the chat


u/firulice Jan 13 '24

While she was playing Elden Ring, her boyfriend was playing 4D Chess


u/lizzied23 Jan 14 '24

It worked. (:


u/ronignino Jan 14 '24

This 👏


u/jrow_official Bloodhounds Fang Gang Jan 12 '24

Time to cash in those 500$ I’d say 😏😈


u/Leg_Mcmuffin Jan 12 '24

“I’ll take $500 worth of souls games and a console of my own, please.”

She got bamboozled and it’s lovely


u/wolfhound_doge Jan 12 '24

mimic will want 50% of that cash


u/Bleachsmoker Jan 12 '24

Can't it just mimic the money?


u/awoogr Jan 12 '24

Just out of curiosity, why melee only for the extra challenge but then you can summon help?


u/lizzied23 Jan 12 '24

Sorry, I meant I can summon spirits.. is that the same thing you’re talking about?


u/Madg2 Jan 12 '24

Get tiche she is really good


u/_Ralix_ Jan 12 '24

If you can beat Alecto with melee to get Tiche, you're capable enough to beat essentially anything that's left.

I've had honestly far more trouble with Alecto than with Radagon.


u/Four-Triangles Jan 12 '24

Man Alecto was so hard.


u/A7X_Nightmare Jan 12 '24

I always have to cheese this boss if I’m doing melee.

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u/throw23me Jan 12 '24

This is one of those bosses that really surprises me with how many people struggled with her. I didn't have that much trouble with her because she's so easy to stagger.

Jump attacks destroy her. She has that one attack that is tough to dodge that is like a mini-Waterfowl Dance (maybe more similar to Maliketh's attack, on second thought...) but you can literally run up to her and jump or heavy attack and it will cancel her out of it.

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u/Master-Cranberry5934 Jan 12 '24

Agreed , tiche melts almost everything in the game

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u/lizzied23 Jan 12 '24

I can’t summon other players.


u/kamuimephisto Jan 12 '24

the secret is, the best spirits are better than the average player anyway


u/Lordrandall Jan 12 '24

Yeah, but not nearly as funny.


u/Griffin880 Jan 12 '24

Also, other players increase the bosses health, spirits don't (as far as I know anyway.)


u/Soulus7887 Jan 12 '24

Correct. Spirits quite literally only make it easier.


u/ddplz Jan 12 '24

Some bosses are legit much harder with other players, boss hits that normally put you to 10% instead 1 shot you.

I did a hard as fuck boss once with 2 other players helping, (one of those tree slug things) and it was legit impossible, then I tried soloing it and it was a joke.

Unless of course that other player is letmesoloher...


u/TwatsThat Jan 12 '24

Even if they're not, the bosses scale for multiplayer when you summon other players but not when you use summon ashes so, even if they're a bit worse than a player that you could summon, you'll likely still be better off.

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u/Fish_Smell_Bad Jan 12 '24

Summoning other players increases the boss health anyway lol. Get black knife tiche if you want a ridiculously high damage summon.


u/Ereaser Jan 12 '24

Yeah, but sometimes you get a player that can easily solo the boss and it just helping people out.

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u/Qzkago Jan 12 '24

Summoning fucks with the enemy ai, makes it easier than a magic focused run


u/firedancer323 Jan 12 '24

What really fucks with it is giving a mimic tear shabiris woe and then unequipping it on yourself


u/twiceasfun Jan 12 '24

The value of spirit summons to draw aggro and give me a moment to breathe and heal and even mid-fight buff is very nice. But for the majority of the fight, I want the boss looking at me because I have more faith in my ability to dodge than any spirit's ability to tank. Though there could be some super tank summon that I just don't know about because I don't really mess with summoning much at all to begin with


u/Ct12341234 Jan 12 '24

Mimic with great stars and the aow prayerful strike can solo most bosses


u/twiceasfun Jan 12 '24

Oh I'm sure. I went most of my first playthrough not thinking much of spirit ashes because I didn't even try them. Once I finally did, I discovered that some of them are really really strong. Mimic tear was a champ because I had a bleed build so the extra source of bleed more than offset the increased resistance. And then I kept not using them because I wasn't particularly interested


u/Synikul Jan 12 '24 edited Jan 22 '24

When I was 100%ing the game last year, my last playthrough I decided to use summons for the first time. I decided to go with what people considered cheese on release, so I was full Moonveil cannon with a mimic tear that did the same. If this shit is post-nerf, I cannot even imagine what it was like back then. Most bosses second phases were just them groveling on the ground in a stagger animation before they died. And this is in NG+2, I'm sure Mr. Tear could've soloed them in +0.

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u/atimholt Apr 07 '24

I'm at the Haligtree for the first time. I just had the idea of combining Shabriri's woe with summoning Latena, and I'm thinking of using it on Malenia when I get there. I guess I ought to try the combo out elsewhere, as well.

Only thing is, I tried the Shabriri's woe + mimic trick with Astel, and it'd still sometimes attack me. In fact, it consistently attacked me on its second tail-swing in its two-tail-smashes attack. Makes me wonder if it loses interest in the mimic tear when the tear is staggered, or something.


u/firedancer323 Apr 07 '24

It’ll attack you still if you were the last one to hit it still and if you forget to unequip it on yourself it’s just a wasted talisman spot. Using it with latena works really well too especially against assassins

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u/VVillPovver Jan 12 '24

Don't listen to people further down in the Convo bitching about summons. They're in the game for a reason. When you get your 500 bucks, get your own system, play with your BF, and roll a magic based character. You'll love it. Also, AWESOME JOB, and congrats!


u/figgiesfrommars Jan 12 '24

yeah, soulsborne doensn't have "traditional" difficulty selection, but it does have summons and "over"-leveling lol

literally nothing wrong with playing the game the way it was made, people just love gatekeeping


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '24

ya theyre in the game to make it easier. theres nothing wrong with that, but it isnt bitching to point it out. its pretty obvious the bosses werent designed (maybe duo bosses because they seem very clumsily designed) to deal with two entities at once. even decent summons trivialize most of them to people who have played other souls games.

again.. nothing wrong with having a difficulty option so to speak. love that so many more people were able to enjoy a FS souls game due to it.

maybe next time they'll have summons but make it more of a playstyle than a major self-buff with no real drawback.


u/Azionesan Jan 12 '24

They're in the game for a reason.

Yeah, reason being easy mode. Fromsoft is pretty good about letting players organically tweak difficulty, you shouldnt treat spirits as anything other than mechanism to lower difficulty.

Anyway play the game however you want, the bitching is unwarranted although understandable

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u/awoogr Jan 12 '24

Ah my bad I was thinking player summon. Spirit summon makes more sense


u/Replikant83 Maidenless Enjoyer Jan 12 '24

You're not using furcalling items to summon players?


u/MrBeanDaddy86 Jan 12 '24

Only words you need to know are Greatshield Soldiers, Banished Knight Oleg, Dragon Knight Kristoff, Black Knife Tiche, Lhutel the Headless. (Maybe I missed a couple, haha)


u/Redsmok2u Jan 12 '24

Oleg until capital then Rollo for win


u/Cant-think-a-name Jan 13 '24

Add in Ogha for a heavy turret and Latenna for a light turret.


u/Wf2968 Jan 12 '24

No farming but summons allowed lmao what is this rule set


u/Ghastion Jan 12 '24

That's what I was thinking. Farming runes and being over-leveled barely makes a difference compared to summons being allowed.


u/thehood98 Jan 12 '24

It's spirit summon not multiplayer


u/RadishAcceptable5505 Jan 12 '24

Playing with spirit summons is still easier than playing with Magic. If anything, melee only helps her with her build as she's not tempted to spread her stats in a poor way.


u/Ereaser Jan 12 '24

Which is probably good since it's her first time playing a game.


u/RadishAcceptable5505 Jan 12 '24

Sure. I don't think it's bad to use anything the game gives you (neither do I think it's bad to do challenge runs where you don't use specific things). It's just odd why "no magic" would be a rule of the goal was to make the game harder for her when allowing spirit summons.


u/jazzjazzmine Jan 12 '24

Maybe it wasn't about it being harder but about it being, in the bfs opinion, the real way to experience the game?


u/RadishAcceptable5505 Jan 12 '24

Aha, that would make more sense, even if it's silly ridiculous. You're probably right. He wanted her to have an experience more similar to his, most likely.


u/Was_Silly Jan 14 '24

For a first time souls run I feel like magic adds too much complexity. I wouldn’t make it a rule not to use it. It’s there, so use it if you want. But I remember my first DS3 run as a Pyro. I abandoned it and gave up on the game for 6 months, it was too hard to put stats in too many things. I built a glass cannon. Came back, did a pure str build, found the biggest hammer I could (I think it was the frosty mace from the bulldog looking boss early in the game. It staggers and deals frost damage) and all was good.


u/MeddlinQ Jan 12 '24

No farming but summons allowed lmao what is this rule set

He doesn't expect to win, he just wants her to have a good time so in the future they can play together.


u/papasmurf255 Jan 12 '24

Ding ding ding. This is super cute <3


u/jhhertel Jan 12 '24

its just meant to keep her engaged, and it worked!


u/e_smith338 Jan 12 '24

Damn your bf really fucked up allowing so much assistance. Enjoy that $500 lol


u/SplitPerspective Jan 12 '24

4D chess, now he has a gamer girl.

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u/Handleton Jan 12 '24

Have you had fun with it? If so, Baldur's Gate 3 can do couch co-op. Sackboy and Moving Out are also really fun games to play with your BF if you want to keep going.


u/AimoLohkare Jan 12 '24

If he actually wanted to win not allowing spirit or player summons would've been one of the restrictions. I think he just wanted to trick you into playing some games.


u/RosieDa Jan 12 '24

You got this in the bag. Summon Mimic and the game is as good as beat.


u/schungam Jan 12 '24


You didn't beat the game.


u/ShoCkEpic Jan 13 '24

So? What is your impression about video games?


u/QuiloWisp Jan 13 '24

"No magic! It's too easy!"

Allows something far stronger instead


u/nisanosa Jan 12 '24

He said no to magic, but he's ok with summons? lmao.


u/HoleButFingerTry Jan 12 '24

Not allowing magic but allowing you summons is so weird considering it’s so easy to summon some comet Azur enjoyer on a regular basis.


u/rogueranger20 Jan 12 '24

Sheesh I woulda said no summons lol. Are you enjoying the game though!?


u/SoulBlightRaveLords Jan 12 '24
  • heavy breathing * - Let me Solo Her


u/Spartaninc Jan 12 '24

Yo, what console, if you'd like an escort on the last boss send me a DM. I coop with my friends all the time, easy $500 lol


u/firedancer323 Jan 12 '24

Easiest $500 ever man I’ll help you beat radagon for $5 lmao


u/shoonseiki1 Jan 12 '24

Can't summon players


u/firedancer323 Jan 12 '24

You’re running for chieftain of the rules next term then eh


u/shoonseiki1 Jan 12 '24

It's what OP said

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u/Noxthesergal Jan 12 '24

Can you use incantations or are both off limits??


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '24

Can you use the mimic?


u/Not_MrNice Jan 12 '24

Then the no magic rule is bullshit. Not because summoning is magic or something, but because magic doesn't make the game as easy as this sub thinks. It's easier to summon with melee than to use magic alone.

In fact, there's plenty of things that are easier with melee instead of magic.


u/Cayden68 Jan 12 '24

did you fight malenia? she'd the mascot of thr game and is in the intro cinematic, she's a tall lady with a cool helmet that covers her eyes


u/NorthKoala47 Jan 12 '24

In that case he was destined to lose since there's bound to be a 'let me solo her' for every boss so you just have to keep summoning when you lose. Then again, without grinding you will eventually run out of remedies to summon helpers, but if you're just not allowed to farm for runes then you can farm for materials instead.


u/Sadimir_Poutine Jan 12 '24

If you're on Playstation hit me up. I got a group of fellas here who've beaten this game to many times lol. We'd be happy to help


u/Potatozeng Jan 12 '24

Seems like he fogot the most important rule, or did he


u/Nox_Echo Praise the Moon 100% completion Jan 12 '24

so you got carried?

i hope not


u/Juststandupbro Jan 13 '24

If he wanted to keep his money you would have gotten no summons and no access to google. Although to be fair I’ve googled like crazy, use summons, and am a mage and I still haven’t beat the game.


u/analbac Jan 13 '24

Might as well use magic then. Magic and summons maje the game super easy.


u/Informal_Practice_80 800 to 1200 AR | LVL 150 Jan 13 '24 edited Jan 13 '24

I bought the game in Dec ~22nd and beat it before 2023 ended.

So it took me ~10 days. (<70h accumulated)

I would say it's possible.


u/ShadowDevil123 Jan 13 '24

Some summons can solo most bosses its not even a chellenge. 😭 Hope you enjoyed the game either way.


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '24

This was your boyfriend's main mistake.


u/sntamant Jan 13 '24

straight cooked your bf with this bet


u/InkyMonstrosity Jan 15 '24

Kinda surprised by that, given I find that split aggro trivializes bosses far more than magic can ever hope to, save for Comet Azur.


u/cutefeet-cunnysseur Jan 18 '24

This is why you managed to beat the game git gud casul