r/DunderMifflin 4d ago

How did Pam find out that she was pregnant just from having a scan on her ankle?


Apologies if this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything. I might be missing something obvious, but in Company Picnic when Pam finds out that she's pregnant, she's at the hospital for a check on her ankle, which you would assume is some sort of scan. How would the doctors find out that she's pregnant just from that? Whenever I've been in the hospital for a similar thing, it's been a quick x-ray (or whatever scan) specifically on the injured area and then straight out, no blood tests or full body scans, so I'm not sure how they would know.

Edit: God damn it's so much harder work being a woman! Thanks for all of the answers guys, makes total sense that there's a "better safe than sorry" protocol. Sorry for my total ignorance and obliviousness.

r/DunderMifflin 4d ago

Is this the dirtiest joke on the office?

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r/DunderMifflin 1d ago

The darkest joke made in The office (explained below)

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r/DunderMifflin 4d ago

The Universe is yours, people!

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r/DunderMifflin 3d ago

Great dialogues/total dialogues ratio


There are so many characters in the show who say very few lines, or contribute only a few minutes in the episodes they appear on, but almost everything they do is totally gold. Some characters, e.g., Lizard King, has somewhat longer presence in episodes but every scene and every line seems to be quotable, memorable, meme-able (if that's a word).

So I'm looking at this ratio: great dialogues/total dialogues delivered in the show

My top 3 are: 1. Creed 2. Nate 3. Robert California

Let me know yours.

r/DunderMifflin 4d ago

Me watching the deb@te last night

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r/DunderMifflin 4d ago

Michael Scott at Wimbledon

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r/DunderMifflin 3d ago

hear me out


andy and kelly would make a great couple

r/DunderMifflin 4d ago

Essential tutorial for life

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r/DunderMifflin 4d ago

"Don't tell him I said this, but I always thought he was kinda cute."


Ouch. Just ouch.

I know many here think Toby's a total creep, but I did feel for they guy, especially with Pam. And that is just the last thing I'd ever wanna hear from my crush who is now in a happy relationship on the last day that I see her.

And it's gutwrenching to think that once the documentary is out, he sees this scene, knowing that he did actually have a shot with her. But it's way too late, she's married to Jim and they have two kids.

As someone who also had difficulties approaching crushes, this line haunts me. I know its a fictional sitcom and all, but shoot your shot while you have the chance, you never know

r/DunderMifflin 2d ago

If The Office aired in front of a studio audience, what moments get the biggest applause breaks.


Here are some of my picks…

Any romantic milestone (any first kiss, Jim proposing to Pam, Michael proposing to Holly, etc.)

Kelly slapping Michael (Diversity Day)

Jim locking Dwight in the conference room (Health Care)

Jim flipping the interrogation onto Dwight (Drug Testing)

Michael kissing Oscar (Gay Witch Hunt)

Michael finding his poster with Jan in the warehouse (Back from Vacation)

Andy punches the wall (The Return)

Michael threatening to withhold sex (Negotiation)

Jim impersonating Dwight (Product Recall)

Stanley knocking out Jim (Beach Games)

Pam walking across the coal (Beach Games)

David’s phone call with Ryan (The Job)

“This is unacceptable and it stops now” (Dunder Mifflin Infinity)

“I drove my car into a fucking lake!” (Dunder Mifflin Infinity)

Dwight beating the computer (Launch Party)

“Take a chance on me” (Launch Party)

“I declare bankruptcy!” (Money)

Michael putting up the neon sign (Dinner Party)

“I’m coming back the wrong way” (Business trip)

Kevin raiding the vending machine (Stress Relief)

“He said you told him how much you love me…” (stress relief)

“Boom roasted!” (Stress relief)

Pam joining Michael (Two Weeks Notice)

Pam’s first sale (Michael Scott Paper Company)

“I just have to out wait you”/Michael gets rehired/“Nope. You’re done” (Broke)

Michael sneaks out of the cheese cart (The Meeting)

“Doubt it” hangs up (Mafia)

Pam finds out (The Lover)

Pam slaps Michael (Double Date)

“It wasn’t me! I’m not going down for this!” (Murder)

The twelve drummers (Secret Santa)

Jo’s first confessional (The Manager and the Salesman)

Michael handing out leads (The Leads)

The printer catching fire (The Cover Up)

Michael spanking Luke (Nepotism)

Dwight emerging from a snowman (Classy Christmas)

The office sings for Michael (Michael’s Last Dundies)

Michael and Dwight play paintball (Goodbye Michael)

Pam makes it to the airport (Goodbye Michael)

The office gets 5,000 points (The Incentive)

Andy punches the wall again (Angry Andy)

Meredith shaves her head (Lice)

Brian defends Pam from Frank (Vandalism)

Michael returns (Finale)

r/DunderMifflin 4d ago

The older I get the more I relate to this snake

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r/DunderMifflin 3d ago

BRU airport inspired by geniality of Michael Scott

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r/DunderMifflin 4d ago

I absolutely love Ryan on rewatches. What's your favorite quote?


"I want leadership. But don't just, like, boss me around, you know, like, leave me, leave me when I'm in the mood to be lead". His character in a nutshell.

r/DunderMifflin 2d ago

Superfan episodes…


They’re pretty overrated… some just drag out the story and the jokes they add are pretty bad

r/DunderMifflin 4d ago

Spotify shuffle just played Careless Whisper and the Brokeback Mountain themem back to back

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r/DunderMifflin 3d ago

Hot Take: Andy was at his Peak when introduced in S3, but got progressively worse


I know this might ruffle some feathers, but I've been rewatching The Office and I can't help but feel that Andy Bernard was at his best when he was first introduced in Season 3. His quirks, anger management issues, and need for approval added a fresh dynamic to the show. But as the seasons went by, it seemed like his character just became more annoying and less enjoyable.

In the beginning, Andy's aggressive desire to climb the corporate ladder and his awkward attempts to fit in with the Dunder Mifflin crew were both funny and cringe-worthy in the best way. His rivalry with Dwight and his ridiculous a cappella obsession were entertaining and gave us some memorable moments.

However, after he returns from anger management and especially once he becomes the manager, his character arc takes a nosedive. He loses the edge that made him interesting. Instead of being the unpredictable wildcard, he turns into a whiny, self-absorbed character who often makes situations worse rather than funnier. His relationship with Erin also felt forced and didn't bring out the best in either character.

I understand that characters need to evolve, but it feels like Andy's evolution went in the wrong direction. He went from a hilariously flawed character to one that was often unbearable to watch.

What do you all think? Do you agree that Andy's character declined over time, or do you think his development was fitting for the series? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

r/DunderMifflin 3d ago

Some Micheal Scott quotes can be repurposed as Robert California quotes


"you have no idea how high I can fly." "The only time I set the bar low is for limbo" "I hate so much the things that you choose to be" "You don’t know me, you’ve just seen my penis."

Just envision them being said with Mr. California's overly certain, serious tone and BOOM! Robert California. Maybe I just need some sleep lol

r/DunderMifflin 3d ago

Bloopers and watching the series.


How do you guys watch the Office knowing the bloopers? Do you smile at the beginning of the scene? Do you pause to watch the bloopers in the middle of the scene? Right before it? Right after it? Or maybe you just watch and play the blooper scene in your mind while the real scene is on? I've been watching the office for the tenth times... Just wandering how do you live whith this crazy world :)

r/DunderMifflin 4d ago

Getting people's name wrong as a running joke through the series


Edit: Guys guys guys - Plop is a nickname as is Pamola. The game is misnames not would I do her? Respect the game.

  • Pan

  • Jimothy

  • Dwigt, the bumbling robot maid

  • Andrea, the office bitch

  • I've never met Ravi personally... Just having known you a short while Brian; Nice to meet you Brian (bitch)

  • Tony/Toby

Adding to list from comments

  • Phallus

  • Pudge

  • Meredith —> Mary Beth

  • Stanley —> Sammy

  • Darryl —> Darnell

  • Peepee Halpert

  • Ass-turd

  • Matt/Mark Warehouse guy

I haven't counted people who have given themselves other names like Robert CaliforniaOregon, Bob Kazamakis: Andy who goes by Drew now etc. and when the cast forgets names like Hanks (who...who am I talking to Chief?) and the IT guy my name is Nick. Nick is my name. And Andy calling Pete “Plop” so much that he didn’t remember Pete’s real name 😆

Am I missing anyone?

Edit: Guys guys guys - Plop is a nickname as is Pamola. The game is misnames not would I do her? Respect the game.

r/DunderMifflin 2d ago

Michael/Toby heads up poker scene in “Casino Night” wtf

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I don’t get how they could screw up this scene so badly. The two down cards are dealt. Michael goes all in. Everyone but Toby folds leaving a heads up situation with both players all in. At this point it is appropriate to turn your cards over, and the dealer will deal the flop, turn and river.

But in this scene, the dealer ends the hand before dealing the board and lets Toby take all the chips as Michael gets up and starts to leave. No dealer would ever allow this. The dealers are licensed and have to deal the game in accordance with casino rules. In fact, in this very scene when Michael tried to convince Toby to change his mind after To y called the bet, the dealer intervenes and says this isn’t permitted.

This scene drives me nuts every time.

r/DunderMifflin 5d ago

How did Karen lose the corporate job replacing Jan to Ryan?


An MBA with no experience is basically useless in the real world, to a competent hiring manager that is.

Karen has no managerial experience, either, however, if she was interviewed, she must be a pretty good salesperson.

Just a head scratcher to me.

r/DunderMifflin 3d ago



I’m not from America and some of my friends are big into the NBA so I’ve chosen the 76ers to be my team because of The Office

As Jim and Pam bought Jim’s childhood home in Scranton means Jim is from Scranton and he supports the 76ers.

Jim isn’t one of my favourite characters so I’m just using his favourite team and assuming everyone else does to.

As Dwight says in the Gettysburg episode that the battle of schrute farms was the most northern battle I’m assuming he is from the Scranton area and he supports the 76ers.

Also as Michael was born and raised in Lackawanna county he would also support the 76ers.

That is why I am a sixers fan.

r/DunderMifflin 4d ago

***Why did Pam put makeup on her finger in Employee Transfer? Follow Up*** Response from Anthony Farrell (writer)

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Okay guys, so the other day there was a post questioning why Pam put makeup on her finger, for her “prank” with Jim’s brothers, in Employee Transfer. Well, I sent a message to Anthony Farrell on IG and just got a response! It definitely made my day!

r/DunderMifflin 4d ago

Who Were Dwight’s “Four Exceptions” ?


In “Drug Testing” (S2E12), Dwight comments that he likes his co-workers “generally” with “four exceptions.”

I’ve always wondered who the 4 were. Jim is obviously one of them, but what about the other 3?

Maybe Pam—for all of the times she eggs Jim on and laughs at Dwight—BUT he does seem to have a soft spot for her, even that early in the show (when he is concussed sure, but also when he asks for her advice on Valentines Day and then later comforts her when she cries.)

Who do you guys think?

My guess is that the list is

1.) Jim 2.) Toby (because Michael hates him) 3.) Ryan (because he is jealous of him) 4.) Kelly (because she is so annoying?)

P.S. before someone says: “it was just a joke there isn’t meant to be literally 4”, I understand, I’m just speculating for fun