r/DunderMifflin 7h ago

Andy being a gem.

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Andy isn't one of my favorites but these scene always makes me giggle

r/DunderMifflin 9h ago

Is this the dirtiest joke on the office?

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r/DunderMifflin 6h ago

Temp Ryan was the best

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r/DunderMifflin 8h ago

Me watching the deb@te last night

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r/DunderMifflin 9h ago

Michael Scott at Wimbledon

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r/DunderMifflin 11h ago

The older I get the more I relate to this snake

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r/DunderMifflin 7h ago

Essential tutorial for life

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r/DunderMifflin 7h ago

I absolutely love Ryan on rewatches. What's your favorite quote?


"I want leadership. But don't just, like, boss me around, you know, like, leave me, leave me when I'm in the mood to be lead". His character in a nutshell.

r/DunderMifflin 10h ago

Spotify shuffle just played Careless Whisper and the Brokeback Mountain themem back to back

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r/DunderMifflin 59m ago

The Universe is yours, people!

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r/DunderMifflin 2h ago

Spinoff set for 2025 "The new show is neither a reboot nor a sequel of the beloved franchise. It’s also not a spinoff centered around any of the popular on-screen characters from the former series. Rather, the new show will retain the same mockumentary format but with a different company.


r/DunderMifflin 23h ago

How did Karen lose the corporate job replacing Jan to Ryan?


An MBA with no experience is basically useless in the real world, to a competent hiring manager that is.

Karen has no managerial experience, either, however, if she was interviewed, she must be a pretty good salesperson.

Just a head scratcher to me.

r/DunderMifflin 6h ago

Getting people's name wrong as a running joke through the series


Edit: Guys guys guys - Plop is a nickname as is Pamola. The game is misnames not would I do her? Respect the game.

  • Pan

  • Jimothy

  • Dwigt, the bumbling robot maid

  • Andrea, the office bitch

  • I've never met Ravi personally... Just having known you a short while Brian; Nice to meet you Brian (bitch)

  • Tony/Toby

Adding to list from comments

  • Phallus

  • Pudge

  • Meredith —> Mary Beth

  • Stanley —> Sammy

  • Darryl —> Darnell

  • Peepee Halpert

I haven't counted people who have given themselves other names like Robert CaliforniaOregon, Bob Kazamakis: Andy who goes by Drew now etc. and when the cast forgets names like Hanks (who...who am I talking to Chief?) and the IT guy my name is Nick. Nick is my name. And Andy calling Pete “Plop” so much that he didn’t remember Pete’s real name 😆

Am I missing anyone?

Edit: Guys guys guys - Plop is a nickname as is Pamola. The game is misnames not would I do her? Respect the game.

r/DunderMifflin 22h ago

***Why did Pam put makeup on her finger in Employee Transfer? Follow Up*** Response from Anthony Farrell (writer)

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Okay guys, so the other day there was a post questioning why Pam put makeup on her finger, for her “prank” with Jim’s brothers, in Employee Transfer. Well, I sent a message to Anthony Farrell on IG and just got a response! It definitely made my day!

r/DunderMifflin 1d ago

I am not a mind reader

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r/DunderMifflin 13h ago

Who Were Dwight’s “Four Exceptions” ?


In “Drug Testing” (S2E12), Dwight comments that he likes his co-workers “generally” with “four exceptions.”

I’ve always wondered who the 4 were. Jim is obviously one of them, but what about the other 3?

Maybe Pam—for all of the times she eggs Jim on and laughs at Dwight—BUT he does seem to have a soft spot for her, even that early in the show (when he is concussed sure, but also when he asks for her advice on Valentines Day and then later comforts her when she cries.)

Who do you guys think?

My guess is that the list is

1.) Jim 2.) Toby (because Michael hates him) 3.) Ryan (because he is jealous of him) 4.) Kelly (because she is so annoying?)

P.S. before someone says: “it was just a joke there isn’t meant to be literally 4”, I understand, I’m just speculating for fun

r/DunderMifflin 14h ago

Just call me Levinson in the mooornniing baaaybaaay


I love to start my day with a healthy bowl of Jan.

r/DunderMifflin 11h ago

Are there any musical moments from the show that really stick in your mind?


Mine is the harmony Michael adds to happy birthday when he returns from the 'wilderness' - happy birthday dear Crëeeeeēd

What about you - any particular moments that come to mind?

r/DunderMifflin 1d ago

Saw this familiar face on Facebook

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r/DunderMifflin 1d ago

I love Darryl but he was very bad at fantasy football

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I mean… he traded Shaun Alexander, league MVP and #1 overall fantasy player for DEFENSE?? Are you kidding?

r/DunderMifflin 20h ago

Besides of what Micheal does in his actions, he has great manners and is always very well dressed!

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Am I the only person who has made this observation? For example, when he introduces the branch to the new CFO (David Wallace) in New York, he wanders all throughout NYC, arrives on time to the corporate building, and even waits outside before entering an appropriate amount of time before the presentation. When he‘s invited to Wallace‘s house, he brings potato salad (that he does this poorly is very true, but he at least thought of it!). Also, his suits, shirts etc. have always been immaculate. Well fitting, not stained, etc.

In a way, he is great for representing the company, just not for doing actual business. Am I the only one who sees this?

r/DunderMifflin 23h ago

How many takes did they go through to get this without cracking?? 🤣

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r/DunderMifflin 1d ago

Just listened to some Office Ladies podcast episodes and thought…


Please don’t jump me. The general commentary is that it’s bland with irrelevant deep dives, but what also puts me off of it is the fact that it seems like sometimes they… don’t get why the office is funny? Like of course they know it’s a funny show, but at times I don’t even feel like they “get” the humor and the core appeal of the show.

Like, when Jenna talks about the healthcare episode, and how at the end when Michael just stands there after claiming he had a surprise for them, that she thinks the scene was just awkward and long for television and might not make the cut to the final episode. For ppl who like the office’s humor, that scene is simply hilarious—the show at its MOST hilarious, actually. One of the first few scenes that truly hooked me on the show. She didn’t say anything about it being funny, just that it was weird. Suggesting not having that scene is sort of like not understanding what makes this show funny, idk.

And also, skipping over the “offensive” humor or ignorant jokes & basically acting like they don’t exist, also gives me that impression as well that they don’t “get” them and the ironic style of them in the way I would’ve thought they would, seeing as they played their characters amazingly. Does anyone have any similar thoughts? No attacking pls

r/DunderMifflin 1d ago

Angela smashing the ice cream into Andy's car infuriates me


To continue the trend of pointing out single scenes that irk viewers I'd like to share that mine is when Angela smashes that ice cream after Andy likes it playfully.

It irks me for the same reason a character who is written as someone too dumb to live irks me.

She does this and Andy just takes it. He doesn't dump her or anything which is so unbelievable it takes me out of it. I don't buy that love triangle at all.

Obviously still love the show but that particular scene kills the momentum for me on that whole dibocale.

r/DunderMifflin 1d ago

Who would you choose to be with in the office locked in for a whole day

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