r/farscape 1d ago

I'm the fiance who called my partner nuts for finding Scorpius hot... he's starting to grow on me.


I don't like him like *that* but even still god help me.

r/farscape 1d ago

This is a very imaginative sci-fi series. What/who do you love most in it?


r/farscape 1d ago

Is Moya one off or one of many?


r/farscape 1d ago

Who are the Peacekeepers?


r/farscape 3d ago

How the heck did I miss it


Hey anyone also a fan of Grimm?

Watching 2013 episode 2/16 "Nameless" I saw the username in an online game was Aeryn Sun

Makes me wonder what other frelling stuff I missed

r/farscape 4d ago

Red Letter Media's The Acolyte - re:View ends with the Rich's verdict being "go watch Farscape"

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/farscape 3d ago

Best monster to represent Scorpius in D&D/TTRPGs in general?


As arguably the greatest genre villain of all time, Scorpius is a natural model for a villain in such a game. I'm personally torn between either making him a mind flayer or some flavor of draconic/reptilian creature (a bipedal and more 'alien' looking dragon along the lines of Ridley from Metroid, perhaps). The former has that eerie otherness, the capacity and capability for mind-frelling and dominating, and even the penchant for leather, whereas the latter would embody that brutal cunning that often serves in contrast to his intellectual poise and restraint, but rises to the surface when truly tested. But what might you lot think? I would elect not to play up his hybrid nature, since that was so beautifully done and felt unique to the original character, and I don't just want to lazily copy the whole concept, so I've dismissed notions like simply going with a half-orc or the like.

r/farscape 4d ago

Crichtons children


So do you guys think that John ever told his son about his sister on the royal planet? Sure she won't be born for 78 cycles but hey they could technically meet.

r/farscape 4d ago

Fanfiction Search


Hey guys, a few years back, before Covid, I read a Farscape fanfic. It involved Crightoj and Scorpius stranded together on a desert planet or something and they had to work together to survive. It was very long and I didn't read on sites like ff.net or Ao3. I remember there were fanfic authors like Alara Rogers and ScorpSik fics on the site too. I'd love to read it again but I can't seem to find it. I searched on TerraFirmasite already. Could anyone help please?

r/farscape 5d ago

That ending...


I feel for everyone that was there for Farscapes ending. Please no spoilers because I'm late to the party and still have to find a way to watch the Peacekeeper Wars... But anyone around at the time Seasons 4 ended... I feel for you. What a horrible way to end the series.

I know they thought there was going to be a season 5. Just wanted to share how I feel for you.

r/farscape 7d ago

Scorpius chip in my head

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I had this made to put up on my wall. Now its just a matter of time until he comes in through the wormhole in the picture and puts his chip in my brain. I need it, i need the help...

r/farscape 7d ago

A Look Back At Farscape interview and 25th anniversary marathon playing soon


A Look Back At Farscape With Brian Henson And Rockne S. O'Bannon, Interviewed By Adam Savage will be playing on Shout TV at 3 different times and channel, that I could find, if you have missed it like I have.

The first one is playing Monday at 3:03 am Eastern Daylight Saving Time on the Non-Stop 90s channel, second one also Monday at 3:38 am on the Farscape channel and third one on Tuesday at 2 am on the ShoutTV channel. https://watch.shout-tv.com/section/LIVE%20CHANNELS

All three channels will have the 25th anniversary marathon that was streamed around 2 pm EDST on Monday. I don't know if they will feature the small interviews of Brian Hanson, Ben Browder and Gigi Edgley before the episodes.

I'd like to thank u/ShoutStudios for mentionning the contest two days ago I would not have found this otherwise.

Small edit, small interviews with Brian Henson.

r/farscape 8d ago

Ok a little one question quiz

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Who is this?

I was surprised when I found out why his face was so familiar and my mind kept ringing farscape alarm bells!

Post answers as a spoiler if you can, but it's just a bit of fun so don't worry if you don't know how😁👍

r/farscape 8d ago

Stark questions


I’m a new fan of this incredible show. On season 3 at the moment, and it’s one of the episodes that follows the Talyn crew after Chricton was twinned.

I’m having trouble figuring out exactly what Stark’s powers are on this show. Maybe I haven’t been following it closely enough, and perhaps that’s my fault, but I don’t feel like they’ve really established what his powers are in a clear way. I don’t understand what the bright light on his face does besides drive some needed plot mechanic of the episode, or why he can seemingly sometimes sense ethereal beings/dissolve and come back. He’s the only character I could do without, honestly, because I genuinely don’t understand him.

Can anyone explain what it is he can do, exactly? I would prefer no spoilers for late-season 3 or season 4 if possible.

I feel like every other character on the show has a set of rules and strengths/weaknesses that are firmly established early on. They’re all unique and varied, colorfully written and acted. But I don’t have that same sense with Stark. He’s just kind of an unhinged, nervous key that unlocks whatever proverbial door they need him to open that episode.

Am I totally off base with this? (That’s fine if I am!) What does the fanbase generally think of this character?

r/farscape 8d ago

Help me settle a debate with my fiance


So I think Scorpius is kinda hot and my fiance thinks I'm nuts... I'm going to put it to a vote lol

175 votes, 1d ago
82 Scorpius is kinda hot
93 I'm nuts

r/farscape 9d ago

Good to see Farscape getting some love and attention in a larger sub

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r/farscape 9d ago

Win a Farscape Box Set from IGN ahead of an encore presentation of the 25th Anniversary marathon!


r/farscape 11d ago

Happy Birthday Virginia Hey!

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r/farscape 12d ago

Are the comics worth it?


Basically the title. I just finished a re-watch of the whole series and peacekeeper war and I'm wondering if the comics are worth getting into or if I should just leave it at that. What does the community think?

Edit : thanks for all the answers. I guess I'll check them out if I run across them but it sounds like they aren't exactly anything to write home about so I think for the time being I'm just going to move on to other Sci fi universes.

r/farscape 13d ago

Pilot: I respect all life. Also Pilot:


r/farscape 13d ago

Holy crap I completely forgot that Ben was on Murder, She Wrote in 94


Ignore the quality of the pics, scrounged them up online.

This is likely the first show I ever saw him on, unless I saw him in Grace Under Fire first. Definitely love him because of Farscape though lol

r/farscape 13d ago

Farscape channel


Who was going to tell me that Farscape had its own channel on frevee

r/farscape 13d ago

Can you guess which Australian TV sci-fi of the early 2000s inspired Citizen Sleeper 2?


r/farscape 21d ago

A truly wondrous show.

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r/farscape 23d ago

Trading cards

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Found in a charity shop, I didn't purchase but maybe I should go back?