r/BlackPeopleTwitter 2d ago

This isn't regular audacity, this is advanced audacity

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152 comments sorted by


u/OrdainedFury ☑️ 2d ago

This fool said ol' girl got a subscription lmao. I ain't never in my life had that much delusional audacious confidence in my life lol


u/Tiny-Buy220 2d ago

Yeah, but she ain’t getting the Boyfriend+ premium subscription babe, that’s only you!


u/KDs_FakeAccount 2d ago edited 2d ago

It got me thinking, would women pay for a subscription boyfriend🤔.

It Might be an untapped market


u/Dangerous_Pepper_939 2d ago

Before you invest more time in this, no.


u/PMme_boobs_plz 2d ago

I'm currently getting paid to do this right now. Lol


u/Aidian 2d ago

And I’m sure someone out there gets paid a staggering sum to test-nap those opulent “more money than I’ll ever have for one”luxury beds, but it’s a really fucking niche market at best.

99.999% of us don’t have the connections and/or skill set to aspire to that level of laxity, so don’t go getting their hopes up.


u/NewSauerKraus 1d ago

I heard the market is pretty big with older women in Japan.


u/anarchetype 1d ago

Isn't that what the host club industry is for?

It's expensive as shit, though, so undercutting them might be profitable. That is, unless the yakuza are connected and catch wind of your activities.


u/PMme_boobs_plz 2d ago

I just met a random chick on a dating app and now she flies me out to see her and pays me for my time. Super easy


u/Aidian 2d ago

You’re going to inspire entirely too many gullible people to be utterly insufferable if you keep this up.

Aren’t their lives hard enough as it is? Have some compassion for the dumbasses and/or idjits out there.


u/PMme_boobs_plz 2d ago

Ok that's fair. I apologize for anyone I may have inspired


u/Aidian 2d ago

Ok good, I’m glad we got that cleared up.


u/FtrIndpndntCanddt 1d ago

Nah fuck that. He inspired me! I'm already a paid munch. I need to diversity my income, apparently!

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u/ElishaAlison 1d ago

You’re going to inspire entirely too many gullible people to be utterly insufferable if you keep this up.


I shall be taking this quote with me thank you 🥷


u/Fishylips 1d ago

So is lying.


u/David_From_Philly 1d ago edited 1d ago

Did anyone believe this?


u/paperpeddler ☑️ 1d ago

Exactly. As someone wise once told me "dick is free, pussy is expensive. Act accordingly."


u/somethingclever79 1d ago

I like this saying I shall take it and leave one in return. "A woman can give away more pussy than a man can buy."


u/yasaswygr 7h ago

Japan does this already


u/Hi-Road ☑️ 2d ago

Part of the boyfriend subscription is not having to pay for most things!


u/FtrIndpndntCanddt 1d ago

Not every woman can get that on her own. A lot of women out here making more than men and look rougher than construction workers. They gotta pay! 🥴


u/loptopandbingo 2d ago

Gigolos have been a thing for centuries, if not millennia


u/KinseyH 1d ago

And now you've put David Lee Roth in my head. But you know what? That's cool. Sounds like highschool up in here.


u/Seattlehepcat 1d ago

Bop! Bodsy-bodsy bop, skitty bop!


u/KinseyH 1d ago

YOU GOT CHARRRRRIIIISMA (it's been 30 years since I've seen the video. At least)


u/Paraxom 2d ago

i think those are called host clubs


u/FtrIndpndntCanddt 1d ago

Ouran host club was peak anime!


u/99-dreams 2d ago

I assume it's a very limited market. You'd have to find a group of women who are making good money, but can't find a long term dating partner and don't mind being a sugar mama. Like, I'm sure there's more than one but it's not a lot.


u/EcstaticMolasses6647 1d ago

Replying to OrdainedFury... Buying the Boyfriend Experience in Japan


In Tokyo, a new wave of services is targeting these women, serving up the ""à la carte"" boyfriend experience. Whether they're craving a shoulder to cry on, a hunk to take shots with, or a late-night cuddle, Tokyo-based women can fulfill their relational needs on demand and by the hour.

Host Karley Sciortino travels to Tokyo to sample the services that are marketed to the country's powerful single women and speaks with the men who make a living catering to that need.


u/Fluid_Measurement963 2d ago

I could tap that market...


u/certifiednemesis 1d ago

Its an absolutely tapped market. Check japan rental boyfriends.


u/Holygrail1985 2d ago

Charge it to the game mane🤷🏾‍♂️it’s untapped


u/give_me_the_formu0li 2d ago

Doesn’t that happen in Japan? You can rent a gf over there


u/McNemo 1d ago

Yes, duh


u/Particular_Set369 1d ago

Yes. They will. They do.


u/sidward6969 1d ago

Rental boyfriends are a thing in Japan and during the holidays so its not too far off. If you're that marketable


u/gracilenta 1d ago

they do have rent-a-boy/girlfriend in Japan and S. Korea, so…


u/DavidSmokes 1d ago

Funny enough Japan got somethin like this but for guys that want gfs an shits poppin last I heard


u/PunishedWolf4 2d ago

Worse part is he’ll get away with it


u/Trix_Are_4_90Kids ☑️ 2d ago

Yep. Sure will. Too many women fall for the "I'm better" bs.


u/spotty15 2d ago

If I was half as confident, I'd probably be living life a bit better.

But I have self respect and morals and shit


u/razorfloss ☑️ 2d ago

I wish I had that much confidence Jesus.


u/idfkmanusername 2d ago

That’s not confidence. That’s pathological.


u/jumpers4goalpostz 2d ago

The guy is trying to play 4d chess, instead is playing with his life



Playing chess with checkers


u/jumpers4goalpostz 2d ago

Snakes and ladders


u/Xannyrixh 2d ago

eels and escalators


u/m8bear 2d ago

I don't see any ladders here


u/longrungun 2d ago

People would do everything but be honest with one another I'm not exception to this either, gotta work ok that


u/Low-Entertainment343 2d ago

Lmaooo 😂😂😂😂 first step is admittance so you’re on the right track


u/slick_pick 2d ago edited 2d ago

As an introvert who don’t mind being single. The game too exhausting for me, it take ALOT of energy to lie and I can’t be doing it to multiple people lol


u/RustyG98 1d ago

No lying required if you're doing it right.


u/bigbronze ☑️ 1d ago

Yea but it’s one thing to not want to admit that you are selfish, but it’s another thing to lie like this… like how gullible does someone have to be? Did he really think that it would work? He really got at least 2 chicks while being like this?


u/silly-stupid-slut 1d ago

Concept: He's not sleeping with the other woman either, he's convincing her to buy a Silver PackageTM Boyfriend Experience.


u/UnintentionalWipe 2d ago

I don't get people like this. If you can't be loyal, then don't be in a relationship. It feels like these people just enjoy hurting those that love them.


u/blamethepunx 2d ago

That's like saying "If you can't pay a living wage and offer benefits and agreeable working conditions, don't run a business."

People are greedy sociopaths, whatever others let them take they will take


u/naenae275 2d ago

They do enjoy it


u/Raecino 1d ago

Just be poly or ENM, BAM no more hiding and lying.


u/Kenan_as_SteveHarvey ☑️ 1d ago

They don’t think they’re going to hurt anyone because they don’t think they’re going to get caught


u/Finemind ☑️ 2d ago

Why does the top message look like it's shot in potato rather than 4k??


u/workingclassher0n 2d ago

It's a vanishing message that's been screenshotted. She smelled bullshit and probably went to contact OP.


u/Mistavez 2d ago

Do women really believe this kinda bullshit? Somedays i think I was born in the wrong era


u/Nordie25 2d ago

Surprisingly, some people fall for anything honestly, they will believe anything as long as they love you enough


u/captainguytkirk ☑️ 2d ago

Or even if they know you’re lying, playing them, whatever, they’ll love you enough to ignore it, and even if they can’t/don’t ignore it, they’ll still stay.


u/FireSaphire242 2d ago

Shit sounds scary af hope I never get to experience loving someone so much I put up with such trifling.


u/ellejay-135 1d ago

Unfortunately, yes. My friend thought she was in an exclusive relationship for two years until her "boyfriend's" marriage was announced in church one day. He told her that he didn't love his wife and they didn't have sex. They only got married for tax purposes. She continued to deal with him for another year. That's when she found out the wife was pregnant. 😑


u/Mistavez 1d ago

Damn that’s brutal


u/Z3r0c00lio 1d ago

At least one woman has been known to get pregnant sans sex


u/Blackentron 2d ago

Your era was wild. This was easier to get away with back then than now.


u/Behuman_ 2d ago

People believe what they want to believe. I’ve seen it


u/ladystetson ☑️ 1d ago

Not in this case.

Look at the text message - it was screenshotted from the other woman's phone, not the boyfriend's phone.

She definitely didn't believe it and texted right to his actual girlfriend to confirm the story. He walked right into that one.


u/FatboiSlimmmm 2d ago

Buddy said 😂


u/OrangeIvyy 2d ago

Would any rational woman believe that?


u/captainguytkirk ☑️ 2d ago

Of course they would. “I can change him” isn’t a running joke for nothing 🤷🏾‍♂️


u/OrangeIvyy 2d ago

I don’t think that rational women are looking to change men. Anyone with basic common sense isn’t going to interact with this


u/Mykophilia 2d ago

No, but that still leaves 94% of women to choose from.


u/OrangeIvyy 2d ago

Oh no, your sexism is showing


u/Mykophilia 2d ago

As well as your lack of humor.


u/Boogeryboo ☑️ 2d ago

"Women dumb" stopped being funny to most people past the age of 12.


u/dae_giovanni ☑️ 2d ago

gah damn...


u/captainguytkirk ☑️ 2d ago edited 1d ago

Before any of you ask yourselves if a woman would believe this, go watch “Vegan Gone Bad” on Netflix and see just how many hoops a human mind can jump through, including my favorite line from the MC, “At some point you just keep believing it because the truth becomes too painful to hear”

EDIT: “Bad Vegan” not “Vegan Gone Bad”


u/Flat_Wash5062 2d ago

What's it about? I am actively in that state of being in your last sentence about some things..


u/captainguytkirk ☑️ 2d ago

Okay so now that I figured the spoiler tag out, >! Basically a wildly successful vegan restaurant owner in New England (back when all-vegan restaurants were new and rare) got romantically involved with a con artist who went on to scam her (and later, her mother) out of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars, and costing her her business because she was getting scammed out of the money she needed for payroll, employees not only quit but protested against her, said owner and her lover at one point were fugitives from the law and ran to go hide in Vegas, and got caught when she had pizza delivered to their hotel room (which the media just ate up, the “all vegan girl” gone criminal getting busted by ordering fucking Domino’s) and a whole bunch of other stuff. Where that line becomes relevant is she explains just how much he warped and twisted her sense of…everything, like reality, perception of herself and others, etc. and how he always had a way of making all of his lies and stories make sense (even though most of it was just because, as she found out after the fact, he wasn’t clairvoyant or some shit, he’d just hacked her phone and emails) and getting her to go against her better judgment and that of her friends and employees, and towards the end of the story when her life is actively falling apart around her, that’s when she said that at some point she willingly chose to keep believing him because it was easier than admitting the truth (she had been lied to and scammed and this man was ruining her life, business, and reputation) !<

I’m pulling from memory here but you get the point.


u/ellejay-135 1d ago

I remember this! He told her he could make her dog immortal. And after everything he put her through, they were still on friendly terms when the doc aired. 🤯


u/captainguytkirk ☑️ 1d ago

YO HE DIDDDDD. I forgot that part. And yeah the very last scene is >! a phone call between the two of them that had that "when he calls and tells you he wants to see you and you're like 'bro fuck youuuuuuu, I'm off at 7 tho come scoop meeee'" vibe !< lmao


u/Appropriate-Log8506 2d ago

Sounds like American politics.


u/princeparaflinch 1d ago

I think that was an episode of Scam Goddess. Didn't Alec Baldwin's dog get involved at some point?


u/captainguytkirk ☑️ 1d ago

Maybe? I saw it last year so like I said I'm pulling from memory. I don't remember anything about his dog, but I do remember the MC had a dog and that was also part of how >! oh dude was able to keep scamming and gaslighting her, by, as someone else commented, promising to make said dog immortal !<


u/Fireproofspider ☑️ 1d ago

Isn't it "Bad Vegan"? The description matches


u/captainguytkirk ☑️ 1d ago

It is. Let me fix it


u/srs328 2d ago

Let me guess, he’s broke and she’s financially supporting him because she loves him, and this is how he repays her. That’s some expert level mental gymnastics to help him sleep at night


u/Nani_700 2d ago

The fact this is so common is fuckin wild to me.


u/the_answer_is_RUSH 2d ago

The man’s a genius really.


u/OutAndDown27 2d ago

Sorry but explain how you, the scorned woman, ended up with this screenshot from the other woman's phone?


u/themaccababes 2d ago

It could be fake of course, but sending the other woman screenshots and sharing evidence isn’t abnormal behaviour


u/RedRider1138 2d ago

“Sis, I think this man’s playing me.”


u/Choclategum ☑️ 2d ago

"Hello, may I speak to Barbara?"

"Barbara, this is Shirley"


u/ladystetson ☑️ 1d ago



u/NeonJungleTiger 1d ago

So judging from what she said, the other woman probably contacted her (the one tweeting) first and included the screenshot.

He told her I was paying him


u/ladystetson ☑️ 1d ago

it's obvious what happened.

The other woman asked him to explain first - then texted his answer to the girlfriend whom she probably found on facebook or instagram to confirm it.

it's clear the other girl figured out he was a snake and started asking questions and fact checking


u/iwatchterribletv 1d ago

ive sent text screenshots between me and my now-ex and the other girl he was lying to. this was after she contacted me on social media because she knew who i was and suspected all was not right.

he went to japan to meet her family, but had told me the trip was with his friends and brought me a souvenir. among a number of other terrible things, i sent her screenshots of his texts about that.

theres a lot of trash in these streets.


u/manymelvins_ 2d ago

Beeen looking for this comment. It’s most likely staged. She prob thought of the joke then created the ‘4K’ evidence


u/Cswab-Dragonfly8888 2d ago

He’s seen waaay too many white rom-coms


u/el_throw 2d ago

What's sad is the woman in the avi is actually fairly attractive. Some folk just want to watch the world burn, while eating said burnt cake.


u/workingclassher0n 2d ago

Did TLC write No Scrubs for nothing? It's right there under 'If he got a shorty that he don't show love' 🤦🏽‍♀️


u/besitomusic 2d ago

Screenshotted a vanishing message😂


u/princeparaflinch 1d ago

Got that Daigo reaction time


u/Difficult_Bit_1339 2d ago

He said they're not having sex, so if anything she's getting the husband experience


u/jono9898 2d ago

Man is the actual quote of, “I took a calculated risk, but boy am I bad at math.”


u/Bunnnnii ☑️ 2d ago

The sigh I just let out. I just can’t. I won’t, will never, never gon want to.


u/Conri 2d ago

I mean, the mans cooked, so he at least tries this, and then maybe it works. Maybe it doesn't, but at that point, he's got nothing to lose.


u/Jimmy2Blades 2d ago

Not the BFE 🤣 boi might be the goat 🐐


u/dae_giovanni ☑️ 2d ago

but why would even a BFE with no sex be okay...?


u/twalks 2d ago

I blame Shaggy for all this.


u/JeedyJay 1d ago

What's up with the visual noise on that first text?


u/peppermintmeow 2d ago

I hope this man is forced to take a shit in his hands every day and then vigorously applause near his face.


u/UchihaT2418 2d ago

I don’t get it someone please explain


u/silly-stupid-slut 1d ago

He's basically claiming to be a kind of sex worker. That women pay him to pretend to take them on dates, hang out around their house, meet their family members.


u/Eks-Raided 2d ago

She's confused on who the "other" woman is.


u/hatefulone851 2d ago

Dang. That’s wild. I guess the dude said her subscription was up


u/wetouchingbuttsornah ☑️ 2d ago

Yo this is next level mental gymnastics


u/Eastern_Heron_122 1d ago

its a bold strategy, cotton, lets see if it pays off for him.


u/LyonsKing12 ☑️ 1d ago

Type shit type shit


u/Simon_XIII ☑️ 1d ago

trying to get that Idris and Sabrina "Mercedes Experience"


u/solstice-sky 1d ago

Paying off a bum's debts? DO BETTER


u/kingbigv 1d ago

Type shit brings it all together so well


u/bbthesupreme 1d ago

That’s a dangerous individual to be able to sit and lie like that to a woman


u/RoundExpert1169 1d ago

bro is watching too much anime


u/Hammerjammer1108 1d ago

That’s a kind way of saying he ain’t leaving her


u/Fearless-Scar7086 1d ago

Wait, so we have officially reversed all of historical dating?

Men withold sex while being pampered now?

Shit. Sign me up! Lol


u/darioblaze 1d ago



u/Naidro 20h ago

…But did it work doe?


u/Weird-Tomorrow-9829 2d ago

This is exactly like having a sugar daddy.

The man has a sugar mama.


u/TheDipCityDangler 2d ago

So he's an escort. No difference than paid GFE. :p


u/Juhovah 2d ago

I Don’t feel bad for her whatsoever.