r/BlackPeopleTwitter 4d ago

This isn't regular audacity, this is advanced audacity

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u/PMme_boobs_plz 4d ago

I just met a random chick on a dating app and now she flies me out to see her and pays me for my time. Super easy


u/Aidian 4d ago

You’re going to inspire entirely too many gullible people to be utterly insufferable if you keep this up.

Aren’t their lives hard enough as it is? Have some compassion for the dumbasses and/or idjits out there.


u/PMme_boobs_plz 4d ago

Ok that's fair. I apologize for anyone I may have inspired


u/Aidian 4d ago

Ok good, I’m glad we got that cleared up.


u/FtrIndpndntCanddt 4d ago

Nah fuck that. He inspired me! I'm already a paid munch. I need to diversity my income, apparently!


u/Aidian 4d ago

Godspeed and good luck. It’s gonna be a hard road.