r/AITAH 2d ago

AITAH for not wanting to be harassed for not wanting to read 200 unimportant chapters.

So I have been wanting to get into this book called Lord of The Mysteries. In my research I was told that some of the first 200 chapters are unimportant. I then asked a dedicated subreddit about and was met with and harsh criticism for not wanting to sit through 40 chapters of unimportant chapters and horrible translations. One person specifically who will not be named was very openly vocal about how terrible a person I am for not wanting to read that much unimportant chapters and after I had deleted the post made another one that they found me and harassed me on again.

So Am I the Asshole for not wanting to read all of those chapters and asking for advice about it.


29 comments sorted by


u/Turbulent_Ebb5669 2d ago

YTA for this post. Read them, don't read them, whatever.


u/Alarming_Reply_6286 2d ago

What is your goal? Debating with people online or actually reading this book?

You asked strangers a question & you got your answer. If you expected everyone to nicely agree with you, your expectations were unrealistic & unreasonable.

Why do you believe it is a good idea to continue engaging with this topic? What is your goal?


u/lavender_fluff 2d ago

I could imagine OP was hoping for someone to share their experience instead of just "do it" or "don't do it".

Like an "I did/didn't read them and then later had/hadn't a problem understanding xyz" so OP can make an informed decision? (cause otherwise, why post?)

I think reddit is sometimes a bit too focused on just wanting to assign something as right or wrong immediately and then leave instead of just talking about different experiences... It's just a book after all, no need to get so emotional over it. NTA


u/chibbledibs 2d ago

You want to read a book, but you don’t want to read the book?


u/Huge-Rain6361 2d ago

No. The book is under the action genre where I'm reading it. If it's misplaced there that is a whole different thing. But in the first 200 chapters there are 50 or so boring chapters that are just not what I expected from this book. They don't push the book's plot forward or anything. It's just the mc cooking a steak or them buying groceries or them debating whether or not to get a job. It's just not what I expect to see from an action oriented book


u/chibbledibs 2d ago

Why do you give a fuck what another person thinks about how you read a book?


u/Huge-Rain6361 2d ago

I don't. I give a fuck about how rude they are to me


u/chibbledibs 2d ago edited 2d ago

So you went to a Reddit sub about a particular book and basically said, “I hear this book sucks. Can I skip the first half?” and expected to be well received?



u/Huge-Rain6361 2d ago

The first 200 chapters are maybe an 8th of the story in total. I asked if i could skim and skip chapters that I found unimportant.


u/chibbledibs 2d ago

And they rightly told you to GTFO. And now you’re here whining about it.


u/Huge-Rain6361 2d ago

That's not at all what I did or what this post implies I said.


u/chibbledibs 2d ago

Oh it’s exactly what you did.


u/Huge-Rain6361 2d ago

I feel like you're having a bad day and so instead of actually seeing what I read you just skimmed like I asked if it was ok to do and formed your own opinion.


u/chibbledibs 2d ago

I not only read your post here, but I checked out the thread where you claim to have been bullied. I saw no one bullying or being rude.



u/Huge-Rain6361 2d ago

I deleted the other one thinking I would no longer see the thread in my notifications because I didn't want to. I was very wrong. Maybe don't comment thinking you're right when you aren't. The people in the new thread were actually very nice

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u/trialanderrorschach 2d ago

Most action narratives are not just a series of nonstop action, the breaks in between are meant to allow for a release of tension so it can build back up. If everything is JUST action, that's poor storytelling with no stakes. The slower chapters flesh out the world and the characters so that the reader can invest in what happens to them. It's kind of silly to refuse to read hundreds of chapters of a book that might provide important context for the characters' choices. You're probably getting pushback because your reasoning is bizarre.

That said, reading is a leisure activity and you can engage with it however you want. You just can't expect other people to agree with you if you solicit their opinions.


u/Goidelica 2d ago

You insult the art, the author and the work with this attitude. You don't deserve eyes. Go read some fuckin chatgpt. YTA.


u/Huge-Rain6361 2d ago

You're very passionate about this may I DM you about this since you hold such a strong opinion about it


u/Coco-CCharm 2d ago

You're not the asshole for wanting to skip unimportant chapters and seeking advice on it.


u/ElegantxXxNikka 2d ago

NTA. For wanting to skip boring parts in a book. It's ok to ask for help and find ways to enjoy reading. The mean comments u got were not ok.


u/Dipshitistan 2d ago

If any book (or book series) has 40 or 50 out of the first 200 (!) "unimportant chapters," what you have is a shitty book/series. YTA if you actually waste your time reading it.


u/Huge-Rain6361 2d ago

I will give the book the fact is a web novel. So the volumes are actually the chapters. The volumes are like seasons and the chapters are episodes in the volume. So it's not like regular book chapters of him cooking a steak. It's like a maybe an episode or so.


u/Dipshitistan 2d ago

Writing on the web is no excuse for the masturbatory act of writing without any sense of editing or use of an editor.


u/grouchykitten1517 2d ago

NTA boods are "single player" endeavors. People who give a fuck about how you personally read it are insanely lame. Also it just reminds me of 90s sci-fi. Everyone recommends you skip season 1.