r/AITAH 4d ago

AITAH for not wanting to be harassed for not wanting to read 200 unimportant chapters.

So I have been wanting to get into this book called Lord of The Mysteries. In my research I was told that some of the first 200 chapters are unimportant. I then asked a dedicated subreddit about and was met with and harsh criticism for not wanting to sit through 40 chapters of unimportant chapters and horrible translations. One person specifically who will not be named was very openly vocal about how terrible a person I am for not wanting to read that much unimportant chapters and after I had deleted the post made another one that they found me and harassed me on again.

So Am I the Asshole for not wanting to read all of those chapters and asking for advice about it.


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u/Huge-Rain6361 4d ago

I deleted the other one thinking I would no longer see the thread in my notifications because I didn't want to. I was very wrong. Maybe don't comment thinking you're right when you aren't. The people in the new thread were actually very nice


u/chibbledibs 4d ago

Someone there accused you of deleting the other post and you said you didn’t. Are you lying here or were you lying there?


u/Huge-Rain6361 4d ago

I lied to them to get them to stop harassing me. They were one of the two main people attacking me.


u/chibbledibs 4d ago


I’m done talking to a liar.


u/Huge-Rain6361 4d ago

Bitch not a lie was told to you.