r/AITAH 4d ago

AITAH for not wanting to be harassed for not wanting to read 200 unimportant chapters.

So I have been wanting to get into this book called Lord of The Mysteries. In my research I was told that some of the first 200 chapters are unimportant. I then asked a dedicated subreddit about and was met with and harsh criticism for not wanting to sit through 40 chapters of unimportant chapters and horrible translations. One person specifically who will not be named was very openly vocal about how terrible a person I am for not wanting to read that much unimportant chapters and after I had deleted the post made another one that they found me and harassed me on again.

So Am I the Asshole for not wanting to read all of those chapters and asking for advice about it.


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u/Alarming_Reply_6286 4d ago

What is your goal? Debating with people online or actually reading this book?

You asked strangers a question & you got your answer. If you expected everyone to nicely agree with you, your expectations were unrealistic & unreasonable.

Why do you believe it is a good idea to continue engaging with this topic? What is your goal?


u/lavender_fluff 4d ago

I could imagine OP was hoping for someone to share their experience instead of just "do it" or "don't do it".

Like an "I did/didn't read them and then later had/hadn't a problem understanding xyz" so OP can make an informed decision? (cause otherwise, why post?)

I think reddit is sometimes a bit too focused on just wanting to assign something as right or wrong immediately and then leave instead of just talking about different experiences... It's just a book after all, no need to get so emotional over it. NTA