r/AITAH 2d ago

Update AITAH for not sharing my reception with my older sister

Original post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/uxUG8BXO2Z

Update the vow renewal ceremony went long so we where behind showing up to receptions. The shuddle showed up just in time to see security stopping my sister (without her husband) & other uninvited guest getting ID.I ask my party to stay back a minute as I didn't want to over whelm the security. Granted to say it turn into a bit of entertainment. She had a couple hundred dollar dress & was trying overwhelmed the security with just the amount of people . The guard had quite a voice & yell loudly tha anyone who is here for dig sister reception is in the wrong place & will not allowed in unless they where on the guest list. A large group of her party just walked away. My big sister starts demanding to speak to the manager & how dare he scare people off. The manager show up alongside more security. My sister puts on her best crying act ever but the manager just say she & her guest has 5 mintues to leave the property or the police will be involved. She storms off screaming about how it was unfair & how much money she wasted on a dress for this night.

The rest of the night was uneventful & was really chill. The staff & security got a very good tip & any left over alchohol or food they wanted. I hope that was the end of that but this morning I get a money request for $400 USD from my sister saying if I don't pay she will sue me. I have a lawyer so this is of no concern to me because she wouldn't have grounds to stand on. I swear she getting worse with time & need some mental help. I'm am limiting contact with her to email & only in regard to my mom's care.


53 comments sorted by


u/LTK622 2d ago

Trying to sue you is just her attempt to save face, after she got embarrassed.


u/Goidelica 2d ago

I'm really glad you got the night you deserved, pal. Wee bit of revenge too, I wager haha. Good luck to you both.


u/maroongrad 2d ago

and to think, she wasted all that time she could have prepped for her own wedding. Instead, she rushed it so that she could use YOUR vow renewal for her reception. 100% that's why she did it. I'm glad your security was there and competent, congrats on your vow renewal. I don't think she needs mental help so much as she needs to quit bullying. She planned to steal your vow renewal right from the start when she got married only a few weeks before.


u/Astyryx 1d ago

It's not enough for her to be the center of attention. She also has to steal it from OP so that they are not the center of attention.


u/JuliaX1984 2d ago

The retainer for a lawyer + complaint filing and service fees alone would be more than double that $400, maybe triple. Block her and keep enjoying your life. Congratulations!


u/SnooWords4839 2d ago

Small claims court doesn't need a lawyer, just a filing fee. I would love to see the judge laugh her out of court.

Judge - Let me get this straight:

1 - you bought a dress for an event you weren't invited to.

2 - You tried to use your sister's paid for event as your wedding reception.

3 - You and all your guests needed to be escorted of the premises, since you weren't on the guest list

4 - You want your sister to pay for your dress.


u/UnusualPotato1515 2d ago

This! The silliest people always want to sue!


u/SnooWords4839 2d ago

LOL! She thinks she can sue you for a dress she bought for an event she wasn't invited to?

Gosh, I hope her husband files for an annulment!

Congrats on your vow renewal!


u/Natural_War1261 2d ago

I'm stocking up on popcorn for the next update.

Your security team were awesome.


u/Critical-Wear5802 2d ago

..just out of nosiness... How many uninvited guests of sister's showed up? Trying to figure out the size of her entitlement!


u/midnightanglewing 2d ago edited 1d ago

She had 6 family members that I didn't invite & 7 of her friends. So 13 in total that showed up. The reception hall was only rated for 25 people.


u/Foreign-Yesterday-89 1d ago

Why wasn’t her husband with her?


u/Lathari 1d ago

Most likely slunk away as soon as the security prevented entry.


u/midnightanglewing 1d ago

He seem what I said Facebook & probably didn't go along with her for that reason. He a very nice guy that trying to keep peace & help her get help.


u/medicalbillsrus 1d ago

And her DH was NOT there, right?


u/midnightanglewing 1d ago

Nope. He never showed up.


u/Samarkand457 1d ago

If he had a brain in his skull, he would have packed his shit and hauled ass to the nearest divorce lawyer's office.


u/Critical-Wear5802 1d ago

Holy CARP! 🐟 That's some majorly entitled audacity! I am SO glad you had security!


u/Full-Friendship-7581 2d ago

OP! I’m glad you got to enjoy the show before you went into your reception!! Congratulations 🍾🎊♥️


u/cassowary32 2d ago

The lady that didn't have money for a reception has money for a lawyer? At best she can try to take you to small claims court but I think she'll get laughed out. NTA.


u/Blackheart26_6 2d ago

Is your sister stupid or what? Why isn't she listening to you when you rejected her For like 100 times??

She has the nerve to come to the wedding after you publicly uninvited her on Facebook.

She doesn't even have 400 dollars but she wants to sue you? 🤣🤣

Tell her if she has the money for lawyers, rather than spending it on dragging you to the court, spend it on throwing a small size reception for her wedding


u/SoCalThrowAway7 2d ago

Your sister has severe mental issues


u/LibraryMouse4321 2d ago

So glad it worked out and you didn’t skimp on security. It could’ve gone very badly.

It’s so funny that she thinks you should pay for her dress. What a crazy b**ch!


u/ZookeepergameAlert21 1d ago

Maybe entitled sister is hoping to get on one of the many, many court T.V. shows on every station. It could happen. /s


u/Forward-Wear7913 1d ago

I’m glad security was there to make sure that your event was limited to the people who were invited.

Hopefully, it will teach your sister lesson about playing stupid games.

She won’t be suing you, but it would be funny if she did and had to present a case in court. They would be talking about her stupidity for years to come.


u/Mysterious-Nee67 1d ago

Too bad you can't get a restraining order against her. The entitlement and harassment are off the charts with your sister!


u/midnightanglewing 1d ago

If it wasn't for needing to stay in contact for my mother's care then I probably would have one.


u/Ginger630 2d ago

Still NTA! Your sister is delusional. She can try to sue you all she wants. She’ll get nowhere. There was no contract or any agreement between you guys. She wasted her money on a dress for an event she wasn’t invited to.


u/HelloJunebug 2d ago

Holy shit lol glad you got your night. UPDATEME


u/jimmyb1982 1d ago

NTA. What does she think she will sue you for ???



u/KaralDaskin 1d ago



u/CosmosOZ 1d ago


Your sister must have a mental illness.


u/Worldly_Instance_730 1d ago

Where was her husband? Is he already fed up with her shenanigans?


u/midnightanglewing 1d ago

I think so. He is trying to be the help she needs but I just fill bad for him. That one hard task to take on.


u/nsmf219 1d ago

Let your sister waste all the money she doesn’t have on a lawyer who can’t do anything for her . Try to have her committed for everyone’s benefit. Sounds like she could really benefit from it, and she would learn boundaries.


u/angryomlette 1d ago

Have to say OP, your sister seems to be trashy. Glad the night ended on your terms.


u/I_Dont_Like_Rice 1d ago

I just replied to your original forgetting that it wasn't recent and completely called what your sister ended up doing. Not that that's impressive, she is sadly very predictable. I would 100% be NC with her until she gets the psych help she desperately needs.


u/Samarkand457 1d ago

So glad your sister was considerate to provide the entertainment. You should at least spot her a hundred for providing a lovely clown show.


u/CommunicationGlad299 1d ago

Alrighty then Sis, I'll see you in court. At that point, I'd tell your mother that you can no longer have contact with your sister as there is a court case pending. And it will be pending until a judge rules. If she never brings it to court, that is on her, not you, you're still NC because of the pending court case.


u/tonyrains80 2d ago

One question: Were you high when you wrote this?


u/westcoastsunflower 2d ago

OP said they were dyslexic on the original post.


u/tonyrains80 2d ago

It's really difficult to understand what OP is trying to say that's why I asked if OP was high when he wrote it. Not sure this post has anything to do with dyslexia.

"She had a couple hundred dollar dress & was trying overwhelmed the security with just the amount of people ."

I must be slow because I've read this several times and I'm still not sure what it's supposed to say. 


u/two_lemons 2d ago

"She had a dress that was worth a couple hundred dollars. She was trying to overwhelm the security guards by mentioning/showing how many people were with her, hoping that the large amount of guests would make them cave". 

Something like that. It makes sense in the original text, but it is a bit choppy. Maybe you are just tired. 


u/tonyrains80 1d ago

Could very well be. Thanks for the interpretation.


u/weeble_lowe 2d ago

No, but her sister was.


u/tonyrains80 2d ago

Very strange, difficult to read post. Here's another head scratcher, "I have a lawyer so this is of no concern to me" No one sues over $400. OP needs an English teacher not a lawyer.


u/cat-lover76 1d ago

No one sues over $400. 

You have lived a sheltered life, if you have never been aware of a stupid person threatening to sue someone over a small amount with no legitimate basis for a lawsuit. Stupid people threaten this kind of shit all the time. And it's clear that OP's sister is really, really stupid.


u/tonyrains80 1d ago

Again, I had trouble understanding the entire post. Thanks for clearing that up.


u/Fun-Frosting-5673 2d ago

Oh brother 🙄


u/midnightanglewing 1d ago

No just tired. A lot of that is the way people talked around me as I grew up. I tend to default to the strange phrasing when not fully awake. I did a lot of run on sentences but it seem most people understand what I ment.


u/One-Dare3022 1d ago

English is not my first language but I had absolutely no problem with reading and understanding what you wrote. And I’m sorry to hear about your entitled sister. It seems like there is at least one entitled person in every family.


u/tonyrains80 1d ago

Sorry. I just couldn't figure out what you were trying to say.