r/AITAH 5d ago

AITAH for ghosting my girlfriend after she nearly killed both of us?

So, my girlfriend (20f) and I (22m) have been together for a little over 10 months now. We haven't had any heated arguments or fights, except for the fact that she keeps tickling me randomly despite the fact that I've repeatedly told her to never do it again because I can act strangely to it (something from my childhood which I won't delve into).

Now to get to the current situation: this week I've had my car returned from a paint job and some major look changes and I was really satisfied with the results, so I took a day off from work and took my girlfriend on a short trip outside the city. We drove to a lake, ate some food and relaxed for a couple of hours until it got pretty dark and we decided to head back home to get some sleep as I had to go to work the next day and she had an exam. On the way home, I started talking about how happy I felt with how the paint job turned out and out of nowhere, she starts tickling me. I pushed her hand away and told her to stop, then she reached for my ribs with both hands and got me swerving off the road.

Thankfully, nobody was hurt (although my car got some deep scratches but that doesn't even matter anymore), as I already slowed down after her first attempt to tickle me. I'll admit that I told her "what the fuck is wrong with you" as soon as we stepped out of the car and she started crying, but I couldn't care less as I felt as if my veins were about to pop.
When we got home, I told her to pack her things and go to her best friend, but she threw a tantrum and begged me to forgive her for "a little mistake".

I didn't say a word, I simply stared in disgust and pointed to her luggage. After her friend picked her up, I tried to go to sleep but my mind was racing, so i barely got any rest. This happened on tuesday, and she's been blowing up my phone ever since, but I haven't answered any calls or texts and just blocked her. This led to her friend coming to my house and telling me to at least hear my girlfriend out, but I've told her to fuck off and leave me alone, which made her tell me that I'm more in love with a car than with my girlfriend.

So, AITAH in this situation? Should I talk to my girlfriend? I already feel like I can't trust her after what happened and that our relationship can't be fixed.

Update: https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/55iHa59YgW


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u/DawnShakhar 5d ago edited 4d ago

NTA. What your ex GF did could have ended in manslaughter. And even before that, her tickling you when you told her repeatedly that it disturbs you was abusive and disrespectful. But tickling you while you were driving was insanely cruel and dangerous. I'm sorry, but there is nothing to talk about here - she has shown you what she is, believe her and don't let her near you.


u/Amazing_Cabinet1404 5d ago

Even without the childhood trauma tickling someone driving a hurtling missile going down the road is so incredibly stupid and dangerous that it shows the absolute immaturity of this girl. She needs to grow up before dating anyone else. It has nothing to do with valuing your car more than your girl - it’s valuing your life more than your girls petty feelings.


u/nataliechaco 5d ago

even at 20mph they could be badly injured, higher than that they most likely would be dead or badly injured on a much much worse scale. She could've killed them both. Imagine if he had swerved into another car?


u/Pighillian 4d ago

Or into a pedestrian or cyclist who doesn’t have a metal frame to take some of the impact.