r/worldnews 7d ago

Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine Russia/Ukraine


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u/CarnegieFormula 7d ago

This is to prevent others from following suit by making an example


u/I-RonButterfly 7d ago

...Because he is weak.


u/fiduciary420 7d ago

Just like donald trump. Who will totally behave this way if enough uneducated, bad people vote for him this year.


u/minnesotalattes 7d ago

Trump will be the only one to stop the war you dummy


u/fiduciary420 7d ago

Yes, he will stop the war by making sure Ukraine can’t defend itself, allowing Putin to wipe out the Ukrainians and take their land. Only the trashiest republican pieces of fucking dog shit think this is a great idea.


u/Antique-Cry4807 7d ago

They aren't defending themselves if they are completely dependent on outside help. Who ever wins this will only get a huge never ending welfare case. Let em have it if they can take it. I think Ukraine does pretty good without us. And Russian army kinda sucks.


u/Dark_Rit 7d ago

Russia can't afford to perpetually wage war on Ukraine though, we're not trying to support Ukraine for decades upon decades. What eventually happens is Russia is forced to give up or sacrifice all their young people to the war effort, crippling their economy for decades.


u/fiduciary420 6d ago

Guess we should have just let the Nazis have Europe then, right republican?