r/tifu 2d ago

TIFU by being horny on main (street) S

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u/CriminallySleepwalks 2d ago

Don't worry, he probably thought you were making fun of him.


u/Cool_As_Your_Dad 2d ago

He is telling his wife that some strangers was swearing at him for doing his work


u/stringofmade 2d ago

I hope so! I'd rather be known for raging than thirsting. 😂


u/Jeffrey_Friedl 2d ago

It doesn't sound like it was clear to them what was going on, so not really a fuckup (luckily)


u/smugmug1961 2d ago

Obligatory - if the genders were reversed this would be ruled as sexist, inappropriate, let her just do her job, ad nausea


u/grossflips 2d ago

Obligatory - not for just saying “oh my god” lol. Do you go outside?


u/I_T_Gamer 2d ago

now also consider the context of the story, and actually flip it. A male confirming they were indeed attracted to a specific female, and had the audacity to voice it vocally!? How dare they!? /s


u/Feisty-Season-5305 2d ago

This is the world we live in bro why tf u put /s


u/hsiale 2d ago

Congratulations, you have won a nice spot in the horny jail.


u/Logical_Lemming 2d ago

[insert bonk gif here]


u/Anachronistic_dude 2d ago

Well, well, well! How the turntables have turned!


u/Silent_Tea4599 2d ago

Go back and be his lunch, make it easy for guys to date it’s 2024


u/stringofmade 2d ago

I did drive past again... In avoiding where they were, I ended up where they are. I did take a second for that thought to enter my mind.


u/MANLYTRAP 1d ago

remember that strangers don't think about you as much as you think about them, for you it's an embarrassing memory, for them out was a Tuesday


u/AproposWuin 2d ago

That's a compliment! If he knew what was going his way you made his day!

Or he just figured you were complaining about the wait


u/brakeb 2d ago

we all do it... don't vilify yourself for it. if you'd have shouted something more inappropriate perhaps you'd have a reason to believe you FU

perhaps not have an obnoxiously colored vehicle if you're going to do it, though...


u/stringofmade 2d ago

Next car is going to be the super stealthiest of stealth. I do love the color but this isn't the first time I've wished it not to be so... Vivid


u/Apollyom 2d ago

Well they were cool looking but were a pain to take care of, so good luck with your Stealth, that is black in color.


u/brakeb 2d ago

Get a car wrap with a more subdued color, then you can do as you please:)


u/Tassemet 2d ago

The "oh my god." Could have been your reaction to construction (again)


u/stringofmade 2d ago

IKR. The things I've said sitting in line. They're totally repaving the entirety of the town I work in and it's sooo ridiculous


u/Baseofthetotem 2d ago

Good do it more, men need and deserve that just the same.


u/stringofmade 2d ago

Straight up admiration and compliments. Yes

A returning of their behavior towards us. Also yes

Not sure which angle you're going for but, yes

Eta- I'm still embarrassed though. My inside thoughts really don't need to make public appearances lol!


u/I_make_switch_a_roos 2d ago

oh yeah that was me


u/topperk12 2d ago

M or F ?


u/NightmareWokeUp 2d ago

Dw he has no clue


u/South5 2d ago

Is op male or female?


u/stringofmade 2d ago



u/South5 2d ago

Downvoted (?) because there was no indication whatsoever at any point that the person writing this is female. It could have easily been a male. Reddit is dumb as a box of rocks.