r/tifu 4d ago

TIFU by being labelled a pedophile for asking about consent. S

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u/Psychological-Fox97 4d ago

It cracks me up that you're here in the comments trying to act like this isn't obviously what people were going to assume.


u/bugzaway 3d ago

Exactly. He knowingly posting something he knew people would misinterpret so he could get the gotcha pleasure of saying "I meant body piercings!!" except that the mods weren't having it. That post was 100% bait. I can picture him chuckling as he pressed "post."


u/Krazyguy75 4d ago

Also OP: "Pro-Life believer's: What is a realistic alternative to abortion if an underage girl gets pregnant from rape?"

Yeah I feel like that's a red flag.


u/Womcataclysm 4d ago

How? That's a legitimate good question to pro lifers.

I mean I guess I can see your point that it's weird that he thinks about underage pregnant girls etc but that was a normal talking point for a bit


u/cave18 4d ago

yeah kinda confused on how its a red flag


u/Optimal-Golf-8270 3d ago

It's not in isolation. He's asking questions that alone sound innocent but together are suspicious. I bet it you could be arsed digging though his post history there'd be more shit like this.


u/KneeDeepInTheDead 3d ago

Well youd lose that bet. Just took a peak. The guy just is obsessed with asking questions. Hes probably exhausted most questions and is scraping the end. One of them was "What animal should not exist?" which is honestly pretty funny.


u/SomeAwfulMillennial 4d ago

I also asked what things are inherently Conservative and Liberal.

Which of those two are red flags? Am I a Far Right Nazi or am I a Marxist douchebag.


u/Lokijai 3d ago

It's classic layering, ask some benign questions to hide your motives.


u/DazB1ane 4d ago

Jesus Christ


u/SomeAwfulMillennial 4d ago

So far, it's mostly Americans that went to that place.

Culture always plays a big role but holy shit.

Age of consent.

Not them being responsible for themselves, being able to have a say in visiting relatives, piercings, tattoos, having school photos or family portraits, choosing their bedtime, what to eat, be breastfed, be named, have blood transfusions or even go for puberty blockers.


u/IrreverentRacoon 4d ago

You're being deliberately obtuse. There are a thousand ways you could have asked the question to the same effect without provoking a swarm.

Read the room. Almost every culture on the planet is in the midst of a reckoning with consent and the nuances around intimacy. This has not escaped you.


u/chief_yETI 4d ago

you're autistic, right?


u/SquidIAT 4d ago

I've made a similar post, I think it's just Americans. I'd say don't listen to 'em, it's a valid question.