r/tifu May 29 '24

TIFU by making my child vegetarian. S

I have a 6 year old son. We went to a fair a few months ago and there was a display of livestock that the public could pet.

Me, trying to be jolly, told him that he'd be eating them for dinner someday.

My son was shocked and asked me how was that possible. I told him that meat is made by killing animals and cooking them. He then asked me what all the meats were. I told him that it's chicken, beef, steak, sausages, salami and mutton.

Later that night at home, I noticed him seperating his dinner. He removed all the meat pieces from the rice and only ate the rice. My wife asked him what was wrong and he said he doesn't want to eat animals.

Thankfully, he's fine with milk and eggs. However, he continued refusing to eat any meat. A week passed and we went to the doctor. The doctor said that it's probably just a temporary phase and we should feed him vegetarian alternatives for the time being.

We now buy canned beans, lentils, greek yoghurt, olive oil, whey protein, soy nuggets and plant-based patties/sausages. We also order a cheese pizza for him.

It's been a few months now, and I've bought iron and B12 gummies for him. Even my wife and I are starting to go more vegetarian.

TL;DR: We went to a fair and there was a display where the crowd could pet livestock. I told my son he'd eat those animals soon, and he's a full blown vegetarian now.


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u/[deleted] May 30 '24

Not to mention they're forcibly impregnated and pregnant 95% of their lives


u/Amaculatum May 30 '24

? What do you think happens in the wild?


u/ARACHN0_C0MMUNISM Jun 01 '24
  1. Dairy cows don’t exist in the wild.
  2. Wild animals don’t typically have every single one of their babies taken away and killed.


u/Amaculatum Jun 01 '24

I'm replying to the comment about how they are "forcibly impregnated" and pregnant most of their life. Wild animals of most species don't exactly get the right of consent, nor do they have birth control.


u/Objective-Affect5952 28d ago

Not sure how that translates to "so it's fine if humans forcefully impregnate animals and prematurely take way their children to slaughter them shortly after their birth".