r/therewasanattempt 5d ago

To steal another person's property

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u/MrSkriggleSFW 5d ago

Stupid as it is...the "thief" in this situation could actually press charges. 100% would not recommend.


u/susan_meyers 5d ago

Bear proofing


u/Unequallmpala45 5d ago

Because bears are well known for using handles


u/nothingspecialva 5d ago

you guys are unbearable..


u/Interesting_Cow5152 5d ago

"Look, Yogi, a picnic basket!"


u/Wondering_Nova 5d ago

Yogi did say “when you come to a fork in the road, take it”

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u/goblinshark603v2 4d ago

Gee, iiiii don't know yogi, the ranger could have fastened some razors to those handles!

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u/FewIntroduction5008 Free Palestine 5d ago

You're really scraping the bottom of the bearel for that pun.


u/InnocentGuiltyBoy 5d ago

I'm sure you'd expect us to bare with you?!

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u/Relevant_Light_2010 4d ago

Bear with me here...


u/mrplinko 5d ago

They absolutely are. they open house and vehicle doors without issue. they have learned to use the different handles.


u/knox902 NaTivE ApP UsR 5d ago

That person likely only ever sees bears in movies. Pretty much anyone with an ounce of experience with them know they use handles. Especially on pickanic baskets.


u/un-sub 5d ago

Heyyyyy Boo-boo!


u/JuliaGhulia 5d ago

But yogi what about the ranger?


u/Interesting_Cow5152 5d ago

Well they also have the right to bear arms.


u/loudquietstorm 5d ago

What are they gonna do with all those bear arms, though? That’s the real question here.


u/goofydad 5d ago

When shaved, they become bare bear arms.


u/Interesting_Cow5152 5d ago

So it's Armed Bears all the way down?

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u/theChosenBinky 5d ago

But they're hideous. I can barely bear bare bear arms

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u/PM_me_your_dawgs 5d ago edited 3d ago

I have the heart of a lion... and a lifetime ban from the zoo.


u/2ShotKyle 5d ago

And arm bears, and all points in between. 


u/TheFallenPotHead 5d ago

Actually just watched a myth busters episode last night about them testing out different things to deter a bear from a car full of food. Each time, the bear wemt straight for the handles to get in the car. It was weird but that bear knew how to get into the car for some reason instead of just forcing its way in


u/HoidToTheMoon 5d ago
  1. Bear paws at invisible barrier (window) between it and food

  2. Bear's paw slides down the glass and the door until it reaches the handle

Then it's just a matter of the paw being pulled back and accidentally opening the door, or attacking/investigating the handle because it's the only part of the door to get purchase on.


u/Stainless_Heart 5d ago

Juvenile bears also learn from momma bear. That’s part of her job, teaching young bears what food to eat and how to get it. Standing on a waterfall waiting for a trout might even be more difficult to train than door handles.


u/ThisOnePlaysTooMuch 3rd Party App 5d ago

Funny enough, Alaskans have to use specific bear proof handles for some doors. Bears do use handles.


u/Long_Run6500 5d ago

A razor blade is not going to do shit to a bear with 2" thick skin that malleabley floats on top of a thick layer of fat. It's tough to make a bear bleed.


u/ThisOnePlaysTooMuch 3rd Party App 5d ago

Bear proof handles don’t include razor blades…

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u/Yumatic 5d ago

A bear opened my truck door handle two nights ago.


u/YummyArtichoke 4d ago

Tent camping and my car door was locked. Neighbors car door wasn't. I had a dusty bear print on the drivers side door/window. Neighbor had a bear in their car.

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u/TheRealRickC137 5d ago

I hate to be that actually person but...


u/daamnnbruhh 5d ago

fish descaler


u/minnesota2194 5d ago

They're evolving faster than you think


u/Guac_in_my_rarri 5d ago

The best that broke into my MiL's cabin opened her front gate, fridge and cabinets. Minimal destruction inside. Some bears in North Carolina have figured out how to get into the simple bear boxes with latches.


u/Zexks 5d ago

There is considerable overlap between the smartest bears and the dumbest humans”

  • Some Yellowstone ranger about trash cans.


u/BadReview8675309 5d ago

Bears not gonna care about little razors or handles... Treats are gonna be got.


u/Primary-Hold-6637 5d ago

Only the smarter than average bears.


u/hippopotma_gandhi 5d ago

They've certainly tried my car door handles judging from the claw marks in the morning dew


u/PhilipOnTacos299 5d ago

You’d be surprised


u/lukethelightnin NaTivE ApP UsR 5d ago

They actually are


u/Embarrassed_Alarm450 4d ago

Yeah but we have the right to bear hands too...


u/fight_the_bear 4d ago

It’s well known in places where bears are within close proximity to humans.


u/Visual-Living7586 4d ago

Yes you're right, they are well known for using handles


u/Reagent_52 4d ago

Yes actually that's why bear proof dumpsters are a thing.


u/Visible_Move_6023 3d ago

They do use handles, watched one open my car and one open our shed.


u/HoidToTheMoon 5d ago

I know people like these clever responses but I do think it should be mentioned that courts are generally not dumb and will monotonously tear down any half-baked excuse for behavior that is obviously done for another purpose.


u/RibboDotCom 5d ago

Yeah imagine trying this defence on a judge. That's just asking to be slapped with the maximum sentence for treating the judge like an idiot.


u/YobaiYamete 5d ago

Redditors love to think they can use Kindergarten logic against judges and somehow win

I literally see people on Reddit constantly imagining they would smirk at the judge and say WHELL ACTHUALLY I TECHNICALLY DIDN'T DO X XD

and have the judge give up and let them off


u/kittyonkeyboards 5d ago

Yeah that type of technicality stuff only works if you're doing corporate crimes.


u/DBCrumpets 4d ago

The reason it doesn't work is because this isn't a technicality, it's just obviously a lie and courts aren't exceedingly gullible.


u/stiff_tipper 5d ago

that doesn't work because of "technicality stuff" it works because of handing stacks of cash over to ppl in power

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u/Petra_Sommer 4d ago

Some publish photos of their debt collection letters after ignoring previous correspondence, asking Reddit to tell them that this has to be a scam. They ignore all advice with perhaps the secret wish that the tooth fairy will eventually make their obligations disappear.


u/BowenTheAussieSheep 4d ago

Everybody knows arguing in court is just like arguing on reddit. Whoever has gets the most laughs with their witty banter, plus whoever gets the last word, wins automatically.

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u/Abigail716 5d ago

The amount of times I've seen redditors recommend that you just perjure yourself and you'll get away with a crime is absurd. It's like they believe that the courts were created last night and the judge got his job an hour ago.


u/KyleMcMahon 4d ago

I present to you, Aileen Cannon


u/cyon_me 4d ago

That's mostly corruption

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u/HighwaySetara 5d ago

I'm wondering if monotonously is the word you meant to use


u/The_Clarence 4d ago

My guess is meticulously is what they meant

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u/MyHusbandIsGayImNot 4d ago

Especially if you post it on social media. Assuming it’s not just fake.


u/FuzzzyRam 5d ago

I would absolutely love to have a defendant try to claim they put razer blades on a cooler to stop bears from picking it up by the handles...


u/jcoddinc 5d ago

“There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists.”

  • Yosemite National Park ranger


u/YummyArtichoke 4d ago

(in reference to designing a garbage can that people can figure out how to use, but bears can't)


u/Legitimate-Sock-4661 5d ago

Most states have very comprehensive booby trap laws, that excuse likely wouldn’t fly in court


u/emojisarefunny 5d ago

Yeah thats not gonna hold up 😆


u/sneekerhad 5d ago

Oops. This person posted it on Facebook. Open a shut case.


u/kittyonkeyboards 5d ago

And then what, you get charged with animal abuse too for using that excuse? You're not allowed to injure wild animals just to keep your sandwiches safe.


u/R50cent 5d ago

Yup. Home Alone did not prep a generation of kids for the reality that booby traps are illegal.


u/roboj9 5d ago

Most things are. Doesn't stop reddit from showing us good ideas we won't do


u/under_psychoanalyzer 5d ago

Actually it's just the extreme lethal booby traps. A shot gun on a trip wire was the federal precedent set. 

 The problem is if people live the courts will let anyone attempt to shoot you for anything and you'll have to pay to get it thrown out. But that's true of completely unintentional accidents, like your neighbor suing you because their kid climbed the fence and drowned in your pool.

But yea reddit loves to pretend it knows the law


u/bajungadustin 5d ago

A shotgun on a trip wire when the owners were NOT present on the property

There is a fine line on that precident that hasn't been put to the test yet. I remember leagle eagle mentioning something about how if the couple had been on the property they could have been OK with the trap.


u/under_psychoanalyzer 5d ago

Yea that too. It's specifically an unattended, lethal trap. The reasoning is pretty straight forward: Someone's life isn't worth protecting your property when there's no threat to your person.

If you're a 10 year old home alone afraid for yourself because two grown men are breaking in you can absolutely merc the shit out of them.


u/RibboDotCom 5d ago

It's also because emergency services can have legitimate reasons for visiting your property and your trap has no idea who is setting it off.


u/creasedearth 5d ago

And curious little kids


u/WinterDigger 5d ago

them setting off the trap would be a bonus though


u/bajungadustin 5d ago

Lololol.. Thats fucking hilarious.

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u/RhynoD 5d ago


A booby trap may be defined as any concealed or camouflaged device designed to cause bodily injury when triggered by any action of a person making contact with the device. This term includes guns, ammunition, or explosive devices attached to trip wires or other triggering mechanisms, sharpened stakes, nails, spikes, electrical devices, lines or wires with hooks attached, and devices for the production of toxic fumes or gases.

If a person sets up such a trap to protect his/her property, he/she will be liable for any injury or death even to an unwanted intruder such as a burglar. It is illegal to set a booby trap on one's own property to prevent intruders.

Nowhere in this legal definition does it specify the lethality of the trap, only that it is designed to cause injury or harm. A razor blade glued under the handles is designed to cause harm and you would be liable for that injury.

like your neighbor suing you because their kid climbed the fence and drowned in your pool.


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u/syopest 4d ago

But yea reddit loves to pretend it knows the law

This is highly ironic considering your first sentence which is not true.


u/JakeArrietaGrande 4d ago

Actually it's just the extreme lethal booby traps.

I don't think that's correct. Can you cite the law? Someone else linked a legal definition, and everything else I've seen says that causing bodily injury is enough to qualify

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u/ISeeYourBeaver 5d ago

It's not just lethal, it's anything that causes injury of any sort. That was the case that set the precedent, yes, but that doesn't mean said precedent only covers similarly lethal traps.


u/meeu 4d ago

It doesn't have to be lethal, severe bodily harm will do it. Booby traps are a dumb idea anyway unless you're trying to hunker down in a zombie apocalypse


u/digiorno 4d ago

The movie should’ve ended with an extensive court sequence where the family gets sued for millions and the mom screams “Kevin!!!!” in the court room.


u/tuckertucker 5d ago

This might be a stupid question but does it count as booby trapping if it's an active intruder? Like I know laying traps for would-be intruders is illegal but if there's someone actively trying to break in, isn't that just self defense if it's a non lethal trap?


u/YobaiYamete 5d ago

Yes it's still illegal because any situation where you could set up a booby trap would be one you could have just escaped or something

Only exceptions would be if someone was like actively breaking through your door with an axe and you somehow quickly set up a broom with a knife on it to fall over and hit them or something that was going to happen in the next few seconds while you couldn't reasonably retreat


u/lemons_of_doubt 5d ago

The problem is there are legal reasons a person might break in.

A firefighter, a Paramedic, your next of kin after you die and they inherited your property.

The trap doesn't care why, who, or how long it's been.


u/SillyFlyGuy 4d ago

As far as I can tell, it's an untested legal gray area if you booby trap the domicile you are currently occupying. If you set one and leave, that's definitely illegal. But if you are in the house and set a trap and catch someone, maybe you're ok maybe not.


u/1521 5d ago

I did this but behind my radio after the third one got stolen in a month. Not only can you be sued (I wasn’t) but you now have to deal with who knows what disease in the tweaker blood that is everywhere in your car


u/KonigSteve 5d ago

Well that and I wouldn't be surprised if they break some shit when they get mad about their fingers.


u/Cyno01 5d ago

Right? This seems a good way to get your boat torched by some kids trying to steal some beers.


u/DukeofVermont 4d ago

That was also my first thought. Cut someone's hand, they burn down your house.


u/Cyno01 4d ago

I think thats a little far, arson of an occupied dwelling is usually attempted murder, but somebodys boat gets torched, either they pissed someone off that much, or they did it themselves for the insurance money, and the cops arent gonna put much effort into either scenario.

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u/Sleep-more-dude 4d ago

I think the kind of people that do this don't care about escalation lol.


u/Perrah_Normel 5d ago

Did what? Razors? What do you mean, I want some details.


u/1521 5d ago

I hotglued concertina wire behind my radio. Dude reaches up to yank the wire harness out jams his hand into it. You can tell it surprised him cause he shook his bloody hand enough to get it everywhere. He didn’t come back though and for the previous three weeks he had stolen my radio and battery every Sunday night so i considered it a win. I had even put a padlock on the truck hood and it got pried off and battery taken anyway

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u/BourgeoisCheese 5d ago

"Stupid as it is" is not stupid at all there are laws against booby traps for an enormous array of extremely good fucking reasons and I'm so exhausted with this argument online it's been done so many fucking times.


u/notKRIEEEG 3rd Party App 5d ago

There are good reasons, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't creates some stupid situations every now and then


u/BourgeoisCheese 5d ago

Yeah, of course. The nature of laws and language and people means no law is ever going to be proofed against absurdity. But this is one of those situations where it's like how do people think laws are written? Do you think someone was just sitting around one day and was like "wouldn't it be hilarious if booby traps were illegal?"

No. Of course fucking not. In reality what happened was decades if not centuries went by where booby traps were casually common until they wounded, scarred, maimed, and killed enough people that someone sat down and looked over the numbers and was like "Geez, these things seem to be doing a lot more harm than good. Maybe the few random potatoes we're saving from being stolen aren't worth all these neighborhood kids showing up with missing arms and legs because they were trying to retrieve a stray baseball from their neighbors property."


u/RhynoD 5d ago

Especially when there are plenty of very legal and safe remedies, like locks. Even barbed wire is fine as long as it's conspicuous. You don't need to boobytrap your stuff.


u/eulersidentification 4d ago edited 4d ago

I was playing in the back, very quiet section of a car park while my parent was grabbing some sort of plumbing shit from a shop. I was just doing what a kid does, running around, jumping over stuff, see how long i could hang off a wall, etc.

Top of the wall felt a bit weird, so i pulled myself up to look and someone had cemented broken glass all across the top of the brick wall. Thank christ someone had sanded them all down with something, because I would have lost several fingers just for being a kid.

Booby traps are fucking stupid and we should all have known a good subsection of redditors would think it's "stupid" to prevent them.

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u/BeefShampoo 5d ago edited 5d ago

no, "i want to kill people who are stealing from me for who knows what reason" is not a good reason either

edit: every weird conservative beneath this post inventing magical scenarios about people who are pointlessly burning down their house with their entire family in it are just masking the fact that they want to legally murder someone for stealing their catalytic converter.


u/gabortionaccountant 5d ago

for who knows what reason

I’m not saying it’s a good reason, but it seems pretty obvious


u/SirFancyCheese 5d ago

I mean same thing with shooting a thief. I don’t see anything wrong with that.


u/BeefShampoo 5d ago

your shit is less important than a human life. people make mistakes and do bad things, maybe they're on drugs or poor or whatever, but you dont get to kill people over a tv, internet tough guy


u/thefrydaddy 5d ago

You've actually struck right at the core beliefs that make someone conservative or liberal. What is more important to you? Property rights, or human rights?

If your answer is human rights, read le Guin's The Dispossessed if you haven't already. If your answer is property rights, definitely read it. It will break your brain in a fun way.


u/Ttoctam 5d ago

I think Le Guin is maybe a little farther left than liberal. She was an outspoken anticapitalist.

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u/Capt_Scarfish 5d ago

You're only allowed to use self-defense if you have a reasonable expectation that you will be harmed if you don't. In most circumstances a burglar entering your home presents reasonable danger. A fleeing burglar does not, and injuring or killing a fleeing burglar is very illegal.

Sorry Rambo, but the law of the land is that you don't get to kill people over stuff.


u/SirFancyCheese 4d ago

I never said anything about anyone fleeing. You said it your self. Depends entirely on the state. But if some dude breaks into your house and you shoot him I don’t see anything wrong with that.


u/JakeArrietaGrande 4d ago

You're allowed to use force in self defense if you genuinely believe your life is in danger. However, you can't kill someone over property, and if you shoot and kill someone who isn't posing a threat to you, you can be tried for murder.

If you shoot a burglar who's fleeing, and they have entry wounds in the back and there's blood in the street outside, you can expect it won't end well for you.

Your comment implies that you're a gun owner and are eagerly anticipating an event like this. I would suggest you read your local laws about allowed use of force and do some serious rethinking

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u/SodaPop2077 5d ago

It is perfectly valid, especially in cases where the they enter a place they shouldnt be, on business that is already criminal by their presence and could be violent, and the person(s) are likely armed, desperate, using mind altering substances, and/or wish me harm. Why should i give up my things for someone who (as i said before) is ALREADY committing crimes by trespassing with intent to steal/do harm. He values my things more than his life, i wont call him a liar, but i sure as hell will let him hash it out with god


u/SandboxOnRails 4d ago

Because human life is more valuable than a few things, or at least any sane person thinks so.


u/LordKolkonut 4d ago

it sounds like the thief should be valuing their life more than other people's stuff, then.


u/SandboxOnRails 4d ago

It really sucks when I'm reminded that basic human decency is something some people just don't have. "Murder is bad" isn't the kind of thing you expect to need to teach someone, but here we are.

Murder is bad. Even if they have your stuff. Stuff is not worth killing someone. This message brought to you by the letter "E". For "Every human life is important. Even if they have your stuff."

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u/barkwahlberg 5d ago

Yeah but "I can do whatever I want to anyone who might do anything illegal or remotely harmful to me" is toddler-level vindictive thinking so it will always be popular.


u/CrossP 4d ago

I do love a good stew in my steaming toddler thoughts.


u/fauxzempic 4d ago

Reddit, collectively does not understand that the law works in ways that might not match up with our personal values, and no one seems to want to read into exactly WHY certain laws exist.

I get in these arguments all the time. Booby traps is one of the big ones. "It's your property, you should be able to protect it!" and you absolutely can, but you need someone who is physically protecting it so that, I don't know...a child doesn't see an attractive nuisance and cut his fingers off? Or a first responder who needs to move the cooler for some reason injures himself?

Then there's the idea of the lawsuit. Lost on everyone is the fact that you can sue anyone for anything (chances of winning/settling will vary). During the peak of the Kia Boyz stuff, one kid stole a car, crashed it and one or several passengers in his car died. The subject of the parents of the dead kids filing suit came up. The Reddit Juris Doctorates came out with top-not, Bar-approved nonsense like:

  • "No, their kids were associating with the driver, so they can't sue. It's their fault."
  • "No, Kia did nothing wrong, so you can't sue them."
  • "No they can't sue the owner of the car because they're the victim."

Like - you routinely name multiple parties in these types of suits because you are going to want to depose them in discovery to see if maybe they actually did do something negligent that's worth seeking damages. Maybe the driver threatened the kids. Maybe the driver stole the car, picked the kids up and claimed that his dad just bought the car. Maybe Kia has a duty, after being aware of how easy certain models can be stolen, to quickly recall and fix the security issue adequately. Maybe they DID and the car owner didn't bother with the fix. Maybe the car owner didn't get it stolen in the conventional "Kia Boyz" sense and instead, left it running in a parking lot, unlocked, with the keys in it.

The outcome for all these scenarios could very well be "nope, not liable for any of this, nice try" - but you can sure as shit count on these and probably other parties being named in a suit.

No one understands this.


u/AMaleficentFox 4d ago

Reddit loves valuing property over lives. They would revel in you putting cyanide in a sandwich someone stole out of the communal fridge.

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u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/CosmicTaco93 5d ago

And this is why people say to kill intruders, not wound them. Shit like that, where a thief can sue you for keeping them from stealing your property.


u/SenorSkriggle 5d ago

Yes and no. Most states allow families of victims to sue in civil court for the death. Even if they were in the process of committing a crime. So unless said thief also has no family, you may get popped in court anyway. The family likely would not win but you still got lawyers and court costs.

For reference, when getting my conceal carry the instructor specifically made the class aware multiple times that you should also carry a lawyer on retainer if you decide to carry regularly. Perp may be dead but shit doesn’t end there.

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u/Siupak240 5d ago

That's why I decided to have a Cat and a Rifle 😁


u/ItsASchpadoinkleDay 5d ago

Better yet, a cat WITH a rifle


u/GhostofMarat 5d ago

A friend told me he heard this from a cop when he was being hassled by gang member. "make sure when you shoot him that you kill him so he won't come back and the others will leave you alone".


u/enowai88 5d ago

The U.S has a fucking mess of a legal system.


u/Siupak240 5d ago

In Chicago you have to "invite" the thief inside your house before you or your dog can have some justice.


u/Level9disaster 5d ago

it's illegal to booby trap things, or to kill criminals except in self defense, in Europe too.


u/Zealousideal-Fix-968 5d ago

And yet homeowners are no longer advised to display Beware of Dog signs as it supports the fact that the dog is a danger to others. Damn catch-22, can't win.


u/Siupak240 5d ago

That sign will also jack up your home insurance nowadays. 😭


u/Competitive_Effort13 5d ago

Something tells me this is a gross misrepresentation of what actually happened.

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u/ToddJenkins 5d ago

Please link the court opinion. I am very interested in reading the court's reasoning.


u/Siupak240 5d ago

That was like 20 years ago, I wish I had actual reference but I'm sure it can be found online it is pretty famous B's case.


u/Capt_Scarfish 5d ago

What you're referring to is Bodine v. Enterprise High School, and the successful lawsuit had nothing to do with whether or not the person who fell through the skylight was a thief. The skylight was painted black, unmarked, and there were students on the roof on a regular basis. There was also another skylight fall incident a few years earlier in the same school district where the student was authorized to be on the roof and died.

Source: https://www.orlandosentinel.com/1985/11/17/is-a-young-man-few-know-example-of-large-insurance-settlements/

The overwhelming majority of those "can you believe someone sued over this!?" storied are exaggerated or fabricated, largely to push tort reform in the late 80s-90s. Kinda like how Liebeck had severe burns from way too hot coffee and only wanted $20k from McDonalds to cover her medical expenses. McDicks refused to pay, went to court, and the jury found their misconduct so egregious that she was awarded $640k.


u/FaceofBeaux 5d ago

Could have been avoided if they used the rope handles.


u/Humble_Story_4531 5d ago

Hard to say. You cant set Booby traps on your property because the can impede emergency workers, but I'm not sure what the law says about booby trapping an object.


u/ThisOnePlaysTooMuch 3rd Party App 5d ago

I installed a car bomb in my Kia. If I can’t have it, no one can.


u/Precedens 5d ago

That's the spirit.


u/ThisOnePlaysTooMuch 3rd Party App 5d ago

Seriously, though, I bought a Kia right before the Kia Boys carjacking trend blew up and taught the world how to steal my car with just a screwdriver and phone charger. Needless to say I was paranoid as shit until they finally rolled out the update.


u/RocketizedAnimal 4d ago

And you can't have it, because there is a bomb in it.

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u/frosty_balls 5d ago

It’s not hard to say, booby traps are never legal.


u/Jelly_Belly321 5d ago

What if said booby traps involve comical pies to the face instead of razors to the fingers?


u/Jael89 5d ago

you'd hit the one guy with an allergy to those specific ingredients and he goes into anaphylaxis shock and dies


u/frosty_balls 5d ago

Try it and report back


u/CrossP 4d ago

If you can really make it harmless then you'd likely be fine. It would be pretty equivalent to those antitheft ink tags.


u/Seldarin 5d ago

The law is the exact same for both.

It's not just emergency workers it's that traps are indiscriminate.

A kid walking by could run their hand under the handle or it could fall off the truck and a Good Samaritan tries to get it out of the road and lays their fingers open.


u/Lambda_Wolf 5d ago

It's to protect the thieves, too. You don't have the right under the law to slice someone's hand open, even if they try to steal from you.

If you caught the thief in the act and decided to teach them a lesson by dragging a knife across their palm, you'd expect to go to prison, wouldn't you? Same principle, whether it's retaliatory or preemptive.

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u/RibboDotCom 5d ago

or a ball could roll under it and the kid grips it when reaching under to get the ball...

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u/Shamblex 4d ago

It's never legal because the next step for an asshole is to leave bait out and start recording it and then it spirals from there.

Saw an article years ago about someone doing similar near a homeless encampment. Didn't end well for the perp.


u/Own_Personality_8492 3d ago

6 it's on has property, you can set booby traps, but there has to be clearly visible signage of booby trabs, so I imagine the same goes for all your property


u/Cory123125 5d ago

But also because you have morals right??? Right???? FFS reddit please stop with the overzealous blood lust.


u/Spectrum1523 5d ago

I'm not sure that someone cutting their hand because they want to steal from me is immoral


u/Cory123125 4d ago

Thats because you're a peice of shit

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u/Automatic-Formal-601 5d ago

They would practically be turning themselves in if they did that


u/Treacherous_Peach 5d ago

Not civil charges. Criminal ones. Which are executed by the state, not a person.

Booby traps are illegal for good reasons. More often than hurting thieves they hurt other innocent people.

But why would an innocent person be touching my things/on my property?

Lots of reasons. Firefighters cause your house caught fire, paramedics doing a wellness check, police doing an investigation because you keep yapping about thieves stealing your shit, your 7 year old grandson running around your yard and climbing into your parked boat, you passed away and your son is going through your belongings to sort your shit out, blah blah.

Don't booby trap.


u/Greed_Sucks 5d ago

Thievery sucks, but maiming a child should never be a possibility even when they are being hooligans.


u/BrokeFailure 5d ago

But it wasn't the owner of the boat who did this. It was probably some kid thinking it was a fun prank...........


u/Dylanator13 5d ago

Yeah you can’t set traps, that’s illegal.


u/fredandlunchbox 5d ago

Curious what the difference is between this and razor wire on a fence in a legal sense.


u/MiKkEy22 5d ago

This box thingy is a trap. Razor wire on a fence is clearly visible and not a trap


u/UnknownHero2 5d ago

I'm pretty sure booby trapping is even its own separate crime.


u/invisible-dave 5d ago

Especially if the 1st person had ended up moving the container before dropping it and then you come along trying to be a good citizen and move it out of the walkway only to cut your fingers.


u/wad11656 5d ago

How many thieves would have the gumption to own up to the fact that they were stealing though? Maybe if they're a long-time impoverished criminal with absolutely nothing to lose....


u/MeBadNeedMoneyNow 5d ago

Wow, great insight. It's not like every thread about this has the same bot-ass comment that you posted. Just light-years ahead of the curve man.


u/Doodahhh1 5d ago

Yeah, booby traps are illegal IIRC


u/therealhlmencken 5d ago

Anyone can press charges any time


u/asparaguspee0 5d ago



u/asparaguspee0 5d ago

i just mean can’t you technically modify it however you want if it’s your property


u/TheAsianTroll 5d ago

I was thinking that too... this could easily be proven to be booby trapping, which is illegal in many states


u/ItaDapiza 5d ago

Yea, in the early 2000s I had a house that the local teenagers would use as a cut through and they'd go through my backyard messing things up. Drove me nuts so I wanted to glue tacs on the part of the fence they would jump and my Dad was like uhhhh no. 😂 I was like 20 and thought this was a great idea. He said it's a great idea if I wanna get in trouble lmao.


u/Extension-Tale-2678 4d ago

I'm sure the criminal swiftly called his lawyer on retainer.


u/CHKN_SANDO 4d ago edited 4d ago

Not stupid.


u/DedTV 4d ago

Or come back with a bandaged hand, a can of gasoline and a road flare.

Or wait for you to show up to the boat and merc you.

Just lock up your shit. It's less likely to get you arrested or targeted by a pissed off criminal.


u/rm_minus_rf_slash 4d ago

I've seen that before but people refuse to explain. How in the FUCK is he going to press charges if he is hurt as a direct consequence of his own ILLEGAL actions?


u/Verto-San 4d ago

And how is the thief gonna proof it? If you are smart enough to not post the evidence in internet and then remove the razors and clean the box there will.be no evidence.


u/DarthUmieracz 4d ago

Not exactly. Depends on jurisdiction.


u/Decloudo 4d ago

What charges would that be? (honest question)


u/Pernellius88 4d ago

Reminds me of this


u/shewy92 4d ago

We call countries that cut fingers off for theft barbaric yet a lot of people have no trouble maiming people for this or potentially killing someone for messing with their food by boobytrapping it


u/The_Flyers_Fan 4d ago

That's America for you


u/ObviouslyAme 4d ago

In court: "Yeah so I was tryna steal this guys cooler but he had put razor blades under it" He gon have to plead guilty or hes cooked if he takes that to court

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