r/politics 6d ago

Undecided Voters Say They Now Support Joe Biden After Debate


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u/nevarlaw Arizona 6d ago

And Joe had and easy af answer on immigration too… Biden admin supported the bipartisan bill that would have strengthened processes to better catch these illegal killers and rapists BUT TRUMP SAID NO DONT PASS IT. I mean, how cut and dry can it possibly be? But Biden had a helluva time getting that point across just as much as trump hammered the immigration lies. Smh


u/lonnie123 6d ago

Biden brought it up, trump just said you don’t need a bill because I did it without one


u/malrexmontresor 6d ago

Where Trump is dishonest in that statement (among others) was that the courts allowed it when Trump was president, but blocked Biden. The courts reasoned that because Trump enacted his policy under the auspices of a health emergency caused by the pandemic, Biden couldn't continue to use the same policy when the pandemic emergency was officially over.

Any EO issued would be subject to legal challenges, while a bill would allow him to enact the desired policy freely. Where Trump and Biden differ is that Trump would likely enact his whim regardless of any court order or legality. He doesn't care about laws.


u/Big_Island7323 5d ago

Have you been living in the US for the past four years?


u/lonnie123 5d ago

Even if they hadnt, What would that matter to anything that they said?