r/politics 6d ago

Undecided Voters Say They Now Support Joe Biden After Debate


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u/nice-view-from-here 6d ago

Immigrants. Abortion? Immigrants. Inflation? Immigrants. Democracy? Immigrants! National debt? Immigrants, dammit!!!


u/nevarlaw Arizona 6d ago

And Joe had and easy af answer on immigration too… Biden admin supported the bipartisan bill that would have strengthened processes to better catch these illegal killers and rapists BUT TRUMP SAID NO DONT PASS IT. I mean, how cut and dry can it possibly be? But Biden had a helluva time getting that point across just as much as trump hammered the immigration lies. Smh


u/trippinfunkymunky 6d ago

This is what blew my mind. So many conservatives have no idea Trump had Mike Johnson kill that bill in Congress so Trump could run on immigration.

It amazes me how little so many voters actually know about what is going on. Biden had the opportunity to drive some truths home but seemed too exhausted to be effective last night. I couldn't even understand what Biden was saying half of the time.


u/Evening_Aside_4677 6d ago

If a voter cared about boring things like policy and laws they wouldn’t be undecided and wouldn’t be voting for Trump.