r/politics 4d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/jmcgit Connecticut 4d ago

Sure, but that’s not going to help him. You don’t win debates by being right, you win them by being persuasive.

Nobody expected Trump to go out there and tell the truth, but they hoped Biden would be able to expose his lies to a national audience and make him look like the clown that he is. If Biden can’t do that, it’d be nice if the candidate was someone who can.


u/snorin 4d ago

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. How is Trump saying the same thing over again no matter the question persuasive. He just repeats I'm the best, no one has seen someone as great as me before. Biden is bad. He had nothing to say the entire time. I don't get how that is persuasive.


u/IndigoHawk 4d ago

Yeah same. I left the debate knowing specific things Biden wants to do and how he's going to achieve them. For example, he's going to keep Social Security solvent by raising taxes on high earners. He's going to improve border security with additional agents, revised asylum laws, and drug scanning machines. Etc.

From Trump, all I heard was that no bad thing would happen if Trump was elected and magically everything would be fixed. Wars would end. Illegal immigrants would be gone. No idea how. Also the border is somehow responsible for all problems everywhere. Trump provided zero information and dodged all questions and clearly lost the debate.

I think maybe people don't know what debates are. Trump is loud and confident and lies about everything. I guess people think that's what debate is. That's a performance, not a debate.


u/snorin 4d ago

He said he would end the Ukrainian war before he even was sworn in. But have no comments on what that means, what/how he would pull this amazing feat off.

He talked about abortions after birth????

And then "I'm the best👈👉 I'm the most tremendously president, some say 👌👌of all time. My statistics guy actually just gave me that stat, okay 👐 he said to me , wow, 👐 you are so tremendous, no one has ever, and Biden👌is the worst, weaponization at level no one has seen,👆 he should be in jail because I'm the best👌."

I truly do not understand how anyone can see his face and hear what he said and then be like yes, that's my guy.