r/politics 4d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/BLF402 4d ago

If you go back and watch the debate last night Biden was more on point when it comes to the platform whereas trump was just spewing nonsense lies and self congratulatory rhetoric.


u/jmcgit Connecticut 4d ago

Sure, but that’s not going to help him. You don’t win debates by being right, you win them by being persuasive.

Nobody expected Trump to go out there and tell the truth, but they hoped Biden would be able to expose his lies to a national audience and make him look like the clown that he is. If Biden can’t do that, it’d be nice if the candidate was someone who can.


u/snorin 4d ago

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. How is Trump saying the same thing over again no matter the question persuasive. He just repeats I'm the best, no one has seen someone as great as me before. Biden is bad. He had nothing to say the entire time. I don't get how that is persuasive.


u/gottago_gottago 4d ago

There are three kinds of arguments: logos, or arguments from facts and logic; ethos, or arguments from ethics and morality; and pathos, or arguments from emotion.

You're viewing the debate as argument-from-logos, but more people are persuaded by argument-from-pathos. For those people, the person that speaks more clearly, confidently, and loudly is the winner.


u/KazzieMono 3d ago

Also known as charisma. You can be the dumbest fucking idiot on the planet, but as long as you’re charismatic and loud and you talk over everyone, people will fold.

It’s such shit. Humanity’s brains are fucked.


u/snorin 4d ago

Necessarily your definition includes the word argument. Trump didn't have an argument. He lied in the same way essentially in the same words no matter the question. He did not present a view point, he just made things up.

That is what I don't understand. I don't know how anyone can say he won the debate, when everything he said is beyond disconnected from reality.

The only people who could say he won are those that already supported him.


u/jmcgit Connecticut 4d ago

It’s because it’s a debate, not a quiz. You don’t need substance to win a debate. It’s like that Family Guy skit where Lois Griffin won a debate by saying 9/11 over and over again.

He won by presentation.


u/snorin 4d ago

But he didn't present anything. That is my issue. He said the exact same thing that he always says.

I feel like I just don't get it which is frustrating to me. I want to understand.


u/endlessupending 3d ago

If you wanna truly understand the mind of a trumpist you're gonna have to start huffing some glue, and keep huffing until he starts making sense. This may be irreversible


u/jmcgit Connecticut 4d ago

The only thing you’re missing is the fact that the bar was so low that the repetitive garbage he brought to the table was enough to win. Biden might have smoked Trump if he was 15 years younger, but it didn’t play out that way.


u/Shrekinator321 4d ago

Read my comment.


u/Shrekinator321 4d ago

Because the average American isn’t that far off intelligently from the average human. And the average human is motivated by emotion and “feel” rather than facts and logic. This is why pathos is so powerful and logos is mainly used in institutes of science.