r/politics 6d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/essidus Minnesota 6d ago

The problem is that, right now, all of America believes that the Joe Biden we saw last night is an accurate reflection of how he is normally. If that's the case, we're in trouble.

Some people are saying that Biden has a cold or something. That might be (though it still doesn't reflect well on his cognitive function), but if that's true, Biden is going to prove it hard. He's going to need another extended public session showing how effective he really is. Otherwise, this debate is going to haunt him all the way up to the election.


u/theumph 6d ago

He's doesn't have the ability to dig himself out of this. In 2012 Obama had an awful initial debate. Democrat pundits were very critical of him. He appeared disconnected and aloof. He followed that up with a fantastic performance. An 82 year old is not capable of putting on a performance to assuage the concerns from last night.


u/[deleted] 6d ago


u/theumph 6d ago

It's not good enough. Debates are a test of pressure. A rally being supported by cheerleaders does not equate. It's wild to me that people accept or embrace an 82 year old presidential candidate. I liked Biden as VP, but it's way past his time to be in public service


u/[deleted] 6d ago

What would be good enough, in your view?


u/theumph 6d ago

The democrats need to find a candidate that voters can have a connection with. Historically they have been very good at that. At this stage Biden is not a big enough draw to bring in independents, and more crucially the young voters. Biden should have announced he wasn't running after the mid terms to allow the party to cultivate candidates. Instead we got a bastardized primary and no real choice. People have questioned Bidens condition for years, and not just right wingers. It's a concern that the party disregarded and nothing will drive voters away like disregarding their concerns. If Biden runs Trump will win.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

So no matter how well he does, it won’t matter to you?


u/kaimason1 Arizona 6d ago

It is possible to screw up enough that you can't make up for it.

If it comes down to it, I'm still voting Biden, but my vote wasn't going to be the deciding factor. The general public just saw a performance that validated the GOP's claims about Biden, and polling was already scary close before the debate.

The convention hasn't occurred yet, Biden's name isn't already set in stone on any state's ballots. There is still time to pivot... but if we wait to see if a) Trump will agree to a second debate, b) Biden clutches out some miracle performance, and c) the public is actually tuned in and cares enough to make up for the first debate, it will be far too late to change course and veer away from the impending cliff of a second Trump presidency and Project 2025.

Even if everything does work out in the end, why wouldn't we want to run a younger and more exciting candidate who doesn't have to recover from this in the first place? The incumbency advantage is completely gone now.


u/theumph 5d ago

Unless he can reverse aging, no. If I was hiring for a business and he walked through the door I would not hire him. He's just no longer capable IMO.