r/politics 4d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/Character_Heart_3749 4d ago

People are spending money they don't have.


u/GiuliaAquaTofanaToo 4d ago


u/_n8n8_ 4d ago

Interesting read. I’d imagine a good reason for the index being good is Goodhart’s Law.

Politicians and governments enact policies to try to raise other indicators mentioned. But, nobody is exactly going to subsidize strippers


u/hayflicklimit 4d ago

It’s similar to working in a bar or liquor store. You can tell how the economy is doing by what people are buying. They may still come in for their usual tipple, but rather than working for the Ketel One they’re going with the well. 


u/BlindSausage13 4d ago

Tell that to congress


u/CMMiller89 4d ago

When has this ever not been the case?

lol, you guy literally just look at data and go “but guys what about this thing I’ve just made up?”


u/the-mighty-kira 4d ago

Credit card debt is also down so far this year though


u/Black08Mustang 4d ago

And if they are comfortable doing that, they must feel the economy is solid enough to pay it back.


u/kgabny 4d ago

Or they feel like they won't live long enough to pay it down anyways


u/DrGoblinator Massachusetts 4d ago

I’m 52 and I’m not even kidding when I say I’ve traveled more in the last year than I have in the previous 10. I am not convinced that the country won’t death spiral immediately after the election


u/Black08Mustang 4d ago

Is the 70-105 y.o. vacation club that much of the economy?


u/kgabny 4d ago

Or they don't think they will last another twenty thirty years despite their age. WWIII and climate change, or just this country falling apart.


u/Black08Mustang 4d ago

Yea, if you ignore every other looming crisis in human history when people truly felt threatened, they conserved resources. That makes a ton of sense.


u/kgabny 4d ago

You've never heard of a bucket list?


u/Black08Mustang 4d ago

Sure, and it predates everything you are crying about. Pick a lane dude.


u/kgabny 4d ago

I thought I was rather calm here. Or did you assume my political affiliation and using that as judgement? All I did was suggest a reason why people would be spending money they don't have on trips and travel. I didn't say anything about the economy. A question was asked and I answered it.

We really need to stop with this hostility bullshit all over Reddit.


u/Black08Mustang 4d ago

No, I was reacting to how wildly implausible your idea was regardless of which spectrum it came from. And the admission that you have no idea how discretionary spending ties back to the economy only confirms the idiocy of it.

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u/kaoscurrent 4d ago

Hoarding physical resources? Sure I could see that. Hoarding imaginary dollar bucks that would poof away if the government collapses. Probably not so much.

P.S. I don't believe the government is going to collapse but this is probably how some people are thinking.


u/Black08Mustang 4d ago

Hoarding physical resources? Sure I could see that. Hoarding imaginary dollar bucks that would poof away if the government collapses. Probably not so much.

When people truly believe inflation is an issue, they start buying physical items with their 'imaginary dollar bucks' as soon as they get their paycheck. Ergo, hoarding physical resources. No one is doing that, no one is thinking that way. Ya'll are just fearmongering.


u/tha_bigdizzle 4d ago

People make horrendously stupid financial decisions all the time. Maybe they just suck at personal finance?


u/Black08Mustang 4d ago

Individuals do all sorts of weird shit. The massive number of people vacationing at national parks and packing 6 expensive disney parks indicates a trend statisticians can quantify.


u/SheHerDeepState 4d ago

In general credit card debt rises during expansionary economies. When you feel you are in a good spot financially you are more willing to borrow and consume.


u/GoneFishing4Chicks 4d ago

Look at this guy, he's stopping us from using our FREEDOM to rack up bank debt!


u/Buckowski66 4d ago

Blaming the voters is such a great strategy. That's how Bush the first beat Clinton and got his second term… oh, wait.. He list! Blaming the voters failed then too!