r/politics 6d ago

'Chill The F**k Out': John Fetterman Urges Democrats To Stick With Joe Biden | The Pennsylvania senator reminded panicked Democrats on Friday that he too had a bad debate once, yet he went on to win his Senate seat.


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u/essidus Minnesota 6d ago

The problem is that, right now, all of America believes that the Joe Biden we saw last night is an accurate reflection of how he is normally. If that's the case, we're in trouble.

Some people are saying that Biden has a cold or something. That might be (though it still doesn't reflect well on his cognitive function), but if that's true, Biden is going to prove it hard. He's going to need another extended public session showing how effective he really is. Otherwise, this debate is going to haunt him all the way up to the election.


u/born_tolove1 6d ago

Interesting how his rally today was very very good


u/MrEHam 6d ago



u/born_tolove1 6d ago


u/Pipe_Memes 6d ago

Damn. Where was that dude last night?

Hopefully it was just a bad night, but what a night to have a bad night.

I don’t know if the cold thing is just a desperate spin or not, but his voice was awful last night, and appears much better in this video.


u/Haltopen Massachusetts 6d ago

His performance probably would have been a lot better if they hadn't held the debate at 9pm in the evening. He was probably running on empty after being up for over 12 hours.


u/a_statistician Nebraska 6d ago

He was probably running on empty after being up for over 12 hours.

Presidents generally don't get much sleep, and we don't know what else he dealt with yesterday that isn't public news. He's leading the country, he can't necessarily ensure a good night's sleep the night before the debate.


u/owl_theory 6d ago

What the hell, this is actually night and day


u/MrEHam 6d ago

Wow, this definitely makes me feel better about last night. This should be shared everywhere. This is like the State of the Union address.


u/foreverNever22 6d ago

Difference is a teleprompter + focus group'd speech...


u/Rizzpooch I voted 6d ago

yeah, because Presidents never get time to prepare for important speeches...

He's got good people around him, and if you listen to what he said you can see that he actually knows how to do the job. I'd trust him in a crisis to do a good job so long as the crisis isn't debating an improv-trained feces-throwing chimp like he was last night. We don't need someone who can speak well off-the-cuff; it would be nice, but what we need is a competent commander in chief. People never got clips of James Madison on Tik Tok, but he was a good president. I'd be content for Biden to spend the next four years addressing the nation only at the State of the Union so long as he kept working on a popular and beneficial policy agenda


u/foreverNever22 5d ago

someone who can speak well off-the-cuff; it would be nice, but what we need is a competent commander in chief.

I say that is backwards, a competent commander in chief can speak well off the cuff. And if there's a feces throwing buffoon he should be able to handle him, shit half the other democrats could.


u/a_statistician Nebraska 6d ago

Well, that at least indicates that he has a functional staff?


u/Antique_Cricket_4087 5d ago

I guess the glass is 1/4 full!


u/foreverNever22 5d ago

No because a functional staff wouldn't let an 81 year old run for another four year term. I don't want to vote for Biden because I feel bad.

It would be like sending my elderly grandpa back to work. He's just like my dying grandpa in so many ways.


u/Shock_n_Oranges 6d ago

Reading from a teleprompter takes a lot of cognitive load off so you can focus on physical expression.


u/MrEHam 6d ago

I don’t think he did as bad as the hot takes seem. He lost his train of thought twice. Everyone does that. Then there was like a dozen stumbles on words. Not great but not cataclysmic.

Then there were his usually stutters. I think he made some good points and got in some zingers. I especially liked him hammering that Trump was rated dead last by presidential historians.

Also calling him a loser, a whiner, and having the morals of an alley cat.


u/Jerrys_Puffy_Shirt 6d ago

That’s what adderall and a teleprompter will do for you