r/politics 6d ago

America Lost the First Biden-Trump Debate Soft Paywall


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u/xman747x 6d ago

"The debate continued, of course. And, in fairness, Biden slowly picked himself up off the mat and began to steady his performance. Fortunately for Biden, Donald Trump was not landing haymakers. In fact, the 45th president repeatedly exposed his own weak chin, digressing — if more energetically than Biden — into bouts of verbal diarrhea, as when he said of Biden: “He’s become like a Palestinian. But they don’t like him because he’s a very bad Palestinian.” Or when he alleged of Biden, nonsensically: “He’s the one to kill people with the bad water including hundreds of thousands of people dying.” Trump, also flashed menace, pushing dark lies about Democrats seeking to murder babies “after birth,” while making bizarre claims about his environmental record: “We had H2O, we had the best numbers ever.”


u/The_River_Is_Still 6d ago

He speaks his bullshit and complete nonsense confidently, that’s who I want running the country!

Never mind the absolute sacks of shit he’d have in his cabinet. Biden might be old, but he surrounds himself with people who have education and experience in area they’re assigned to.

Trump is a vile lowlife. One of the worst people in the public eye in history, in my opinion. He’s fucking disgusting and history is going to tear apart this timeline and how we let it get this far.


u/relator_fabula 6d ago

Not enough people understand this. The President does not run the country, and a good President does not try to run the country. A good President listens, delegates, and surrounds himself with a lot of experienced, qualified people who can help run the executive branch. This is what Biden has done with empathy and compassion, with a genuine intent to help everyone in this country.

Trump is a lying cheating sack of pus who surrounds himself with yes men, opportunists, and fascists. He will hurt anyone to boost his ego, to get revenge, or simple because he likes it.


u/Justdoingthebestican 6d ago

Too many Americans can’t even explain how a bill becomes law. If they can’t explain that, they have no understanding of the limits of a president and what they can and can’t do