r/politics Rolling Stone May 15 '24

Biden Challenges Trump to Two Debates. Trump Immediately Accepts Soft Paywall


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u/torode May 15 '24

By the time the first debate which Trump will find an excuse to back out of rolls around, he will not only be a court-adjudicated rapist but also a convicted felon.


u/Just_Candle_315 May 15 '24

If the manhattan jury returns a guilty verdict he might be in prison


u/Cod-Medium May 15 '24 edited May 15 '24

Nah it’s a white collar business crime / fraud for a first offender there’s no way he’s going to jail. On the other hand it makes the penalty phase of any conviction for the RICO case in Georgia a lot more serious

Edit - thanks for the reddit cares - nothing says “I’m a chicken shit trumper who can’t participate in a the dialogue outside /r/conservative safe space” than abusing reporting in this manner. It’s like a “special upvote”. Thanks!!!


u/LiesArentFunny May 15 '24

Eh, it's a white collar business crime which generally isn't worth jail time... but Trump has been doing everything possible to signal that he is utterly unrepentant and to piss of the judge. There's a small but non negligible chance he talks himself into jail time here.