r/politics Rolling Stone May 15 '24

Biden Challenges Trump to Two Debates. Trump Immediately Accepts Soft Paywall


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u/cmnrdt May 15 '24

r/conservative having a rare moment of sanity in voicing their support for this approach. Seems like everyone over there agrees that Trump's tendency to interrupt and shout while Biden remains composed and respectful is a bad thing to have shown on camera. Of course, they wouldn't be r/conservative if they didn't also come up with a dozen reasons why this is all good for Trump and bad for Biden. They think it'll be like an MMA match with Trump running laps around Biden as opposed to Biden coming off like an intelligent statesman while Trump delivers a word salad interspersed with the words "border" "Ismeal" and "(unintelligible)".


u/JohnStamosAsABear May 15 '24

Interesting to see if Biden forces Trump to talk policy. 

All Trump has been doing for the past 3 years is bitching about everything. 

I’m curious how wild and vague his campaign promises will be.


u/cmnrdt May 15 '24

His MAGA base doesn't care about policy, and the rest of his more reluctant supporters would argue that anything would be better than a second term of Biden/Harris. How badly the debates impact Trump's popularity would be purely dependent on how far conservatives need to tie themselves into knots to explain away his inevitably lackluster performance.


u/yaworsky Virginia May 15 '24

Yeah the NYT article on 12 Trump voters demonstrated they don't know shit about policy. It was almost entirely a focus group about feelings.

Of the 12 voters, 1 said she would be less likely to vote for him if he was convicted of a felony.

When asked to pick words to describe Joe Biden

Incompetent x3, weak, idiot, wishy-washy, confused, traitor, lost, and tired.

It's fucking infuriating. Breaking down word by word:


  • Major Legislation passed under Trump: 1 major tax cut;

  • Biden has helped pass American Rescue Plan, bipartisan infrastructure bill, a gun safety bill, CHIPS act, Inflation reduction act.


  • Trump says russia can do whatever they want with countries...

  • Biden has been strong on leadership against Russia and helped galvanize Europe. I would also say they are pretty similar on immigration despite how people perceive them. Biden basically only stopped the most egregious policies.


  • For this I feel like there just isn't any evidence Biden is an idiot. Meanwhile trump literally pays thousands of dollars for being unable to keep his mouth shut.


  • Again, Biden has had pretty damn similar beliefs and values for like 30 years. Trump flips back and forth on policies constantly.


  • I'd argue they both sometimes seem confused. Trump constantly mis-names people and Biden sometimes gets stuff wrong.

Traitor and lost I'm skipping.

But finally tired.

  • Trump is falling asleep in courtrooms... Biden gave numerous long speeches and has been out stumping. But they are both fucking old.

Overall I feel like I just can't read articles like this anymore because of just how fucking un-informed and feelings-based people are this election.


u/superpandapear May 15 '24

biden also has battled a stutter since childhood, which explains some of his gaffes and makes the long speaches quite impressive


u/DecorativeRock May 15 '24

I'm waiting for people to realize that these extremists need to be ostracized. They need to feel social consequences for their actions. I realize there's a likelihood for them to turn to extreme groups for community. I think that ignores how hurt and lonely they feel that their favorite family and friends aren't interacting with them.


u/yaworsky Virginia May 15 '24

Going to be tough when they are like a 3rd of our population.


u/DecorativeRock May 15 '24

It's not as tough as you think. It takes a little bravery.


u/CappinPeanut May 15 '24

Trump won’t talk policy, Trump doesn’t have policy. I’m just hoping Biden accuses Trump of shitting himself and uses his whole 2 minutes complaining about the smell.


u/Geofrancis May 15 '24

its wild over there, they are worried that biden will be given amphetamine or snort cocane before the debate and it will make trump look bad.


u/ZombiePiggy24 May 15 '24

“and when Trump objects to these demands, Biden will call off the debate and say "see! my opponent doesn't want to debate me"!”

They’re already prepared to blame Biden when Trump tries to change the terms he agreed to


u/762_54r May 15 '24

Sounds like the top 5 or 6 comment chains on this post lol


u/PleaseBmoreCharming Maryland May 15 '24

Projection as always. Trump is the one with a supposed amphetamine problem.



u/GoodhartMusic May 15 '24

We all heard the sniffing


u/Lumpiest_Princess Alaska May 15 '24

As if coke ever made anyone look more intelligent


u/Geofrancis May 15 '24 edited May 15 '24

They realise that as long as he is conscious, then he will make trump look less intelligent.


u/SpiderGlaze May 15 '24

What if they required a urine test from each contestant before allowing them to debate?


u/Geofrancis May 16 '24 edited May 18 '24

they should start it like a boxing match, "in the blue corner we have biden, powered by amphetamine and cocane, and in the red corner we have trump fueled with his branded mix of crack and heroin he calls orange bull"


u/SpiderGlaze May 16 '24

That made me laugh. TY. Since their debate will be a circus show anyway, why not have them actually box each other at the end? People would pay good money to see that. My money would be on Biden since he's actually somewhat fit, but who knows? Hell, I'd bet money on that fight.


u/IJustLoggedInToSay- Illinois May 15 '24

Well these are the same people who watch a debate with a science educator and a creationist and think the creationist won because they were louder, said more words, and called the educator names.


u/EmptyBrook May 15 '24

True primitive ape logic coming from those who say we arent apes


u/TheAngriestChair May 15 '24

Maybe because they've seen his rally speeches where he rambles on about how a serial killer cannibal is a hero? Or how the battle of Gettysburg was fantastic and beautiful and wonderful? You let him talk too much and the world will see just how far his senile old man brain has gone.


u/Steedman0 May 15 '24

I got banned from r/conservative recently. All I did was comment on how an article they shared from hotair.com had a concerning affiliation with neo-Nazis and white supremacists.


u/GeronimoRay May 15 '24

The way conservatives are making Joe Biden seem - If he's able to utter one sentence coherently, it will be an absolute home run for Biden. Spoiler Alert: Biden is extremely capable of debating Trump.


u/cmnrdt May 15 '24

They'll just make jokes about how many uppers they had to put him on in order for him to appear to function normally. Off camera he's practically a corpse. Obviously.


u/GeronimoRay May 15 '24

A corpse who rides a bike everyday and goes to public beaches to take his shirt off.


u/bejammin075 May 15 '24

I would bet a lot of money that Trump finds some "excuse" to back out as we approach the scheduled debate time.


u/Captzone California May 15 '24

Yikes... That sub is a straight up cesspool of smooth brains.


u/No_Biscotti_7110 Wisconsin May 15 '24

Half of r/conservative are the “I just wanted tax cuts” people who don’t like Trump’s personality and even criticize him sometimes, but in the end they will always vote for him


u/aabil11 New Jersey May 15 '24

Man, I remember when those people thought the "because you'd be in jail" line during Trump vs. Hillary was some kind of slam dunk on Trump's part. It's like they have no cognitive dissonance


u/angry-mob May 15 '24

Brother what do you think you and everyone else here is doing? At least /r/Conservative is true to its name.

It’s absolute lunacy the level of Biden jock riding that happens here while shitting on trumpers doing the same thing.

Just rename the sub already. It’s exhausting. Just give me politics.


u/TheWikiJedi May 16 '24

Bro all the Trumpet conservatives left r/Conservative a long time ago