r/politics Rolling Stone May 15 '24

Biden Challenges Trump to Two Debates. Trump Immediately Accepts Soft Paywall


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u/cmnrdt May 15 '24

r/conservative having a rare moment of sanity in voicing their support for this approach. Seems like everyone over there agrees that Trump's tendency to interrupt and shout while Biden remains composed and respectful is a bad thing to have shown on camera. Of course, they wouldn't be r/conservative if they didn't also come up with a dozen reasons why this is all good for Trump and bad for Biden. They think it'll be like an MMA match with Trump running laps around Biden as opposed to Biden coming off like an intelligent statesman while Trump delivers a word salad interspersed with the words "border" "Ismeal" and "(unintelligible)".


u/aabil11 New Jersey May 15 '24

Man, I remember when those people thought the "because you'd be in jail" line during Trump vs. Hillary was some kind of slam dunk on Trump's part. It's like they have no cognitive dissonance