r/politics Rolling Stone May 15 '24

Biden Challenges Trump to Two Debates. Trump Immediately Accepts Soft Paywall


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u/Geofrancis May 15 '24

its wild over there, they are worried that biden will be given amphetamine or snort cocane before the debate and it will make trump look bad.


u/SpiderGlaze May 15 '24

What if they required a urine test from each contestant before allowing them to debate?


u/Geofrancis May 16 '24 edited May 18 '24

they should start it like a boxing match, "in the blue corner we have biden, powered by amphetamine and cocane, and in the red corner we have trump fueled with his branded mix of crack and heroin he calls orange bull"


u/SpiderGlaze May 16 '24

That made me laugh. TY. Since their debate will be a circus show anyway, why not have them actually box each other at the end? People would pay good money to see that. My money would be on Biden since he's actually somewhat fit, but who knows? Hell, I'd bet money on that fight.