r/politics Rolling Stone May 15 '24

Biden Challenges Trump to Two Debates. Trump Immediately Accepts Soft Paywall


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u/Cod-Medium May 15 '24 edited May 15 '24

Nah it’s a white collar business crime / fraud for a first offender there’s no way he’s going to jail. On the other hand it makes the penalty phase of any conviction for the RICO case in Georgia a lot more serious

Edit - thanks for the reddit cares - nothing says “I’m a chicken shit trumper who can’t participate in a the dialogue outside /r/conservative safe space” than abusing reporting in this manner. It’s like a “special upvote”. Thanks!!!


u/unhappy_puppy May 15 '24

The only reason i have any hope of consequences for this one is that another first-time offender went to jail for the same crime. it's only a little bit of hope . . .


u/jaylotw May 15 '24

I had a Trumper report me for "abuse," as well, when I asked him to quote what part of the gag order prevented Trump from taking the stand.

It's so much fun seeing such wimps pretend to be the tough guys.


u/ScaredLionBird May 16 '24

I once had a Trumper literally scream he had contacts and would "erase me" by PM. He was banned in a day.


u/espresso_martini__ May 15 '24

Lol the "special upvote". I also got one after a Trump comment. These fragile snowflakes really have no other way to express themselves. I'm disappointed I only got the one special upvote so far.


u/iskyoork Florida May 15 '24

It's funny how reverse things are going for them as they were all calling us snowflakes just a few years ago, now they have to hide in /r/Conservative cutting down any speech that doesn't agree with their cult.


u/Billy_Miles May 15 '24

to be fair, this is r/politics where bots massive downvote every opinion that could be interpreted as conservative so you can't even see the comment unless you click the little button


u/iskyoork Florida May 15 '24

Bots aren't people my friend.


u/kickaguard May 15 '24

You guys are late to the party. The "special upvote" has been going on everywhere since last night for any comment about anything. Has nothing to do with politics as far as I can tell. Just somebody fucking with reddit on a massive scale.


u/Cod-Medium May 15 '24

Interesting didn’t realize that. You’d think they would just disable the feature already.


u/blasek0 Alabama May 16 '24

It's only hitting certain subreddits, apparently. I haven't gotten any from multiple comments in r/baseball but got one almost immediately after commenting in r/politics.


u/kickaguard May 16 '24

I got my first two from r/nottheonion and r/drugs. Figured it was everywhere.


u/kickaguard May 16 '24

That may be why they did it the way they did. Reddit can't very well disable the feature for sending somebody a message if you're concerned for their safety.


u/shazam99301 May 15 '24

Is that why I got a Reddit Cares thing? Lol.


u/Cod-Medium May 15 '24

Haha conservative snowflakes gonna snowflake


u/LiesArentFunny May 15 '24

Eh, it's a white collar business crime which generally isn't worth jail time... but Trump has been doing everything possible to signal that he is utterly unrepentant and to piss of the judge. There's a small but non negligible chance he talks himself into jail time here.


u/ScaredLionBird May 16 '24

I've promised myself if I get one more Reddit cares message, I'm reporting that moron and he's getting his ass banned. We'll soon see if anyone wants to martyr themselves in an attempt to annoy me.