r/pics 2d ago

Matthew McConaughey & Woody Harrelson paddle boarding together in Croatia.

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u/295DVRKSS 2d ago

“I just want you to stop saying odd shit.”


u/SimmaDownNa 2d ago

"I'm just here to talk about Rampart."


u/ResponsibleArtist273 2d ago

Man, he got ripped for that so hard that people are still talking about it all these years later! I felt kinda bad too, because I’m sure his publicist was just like “Ok, so next up on the promotional tour is reddit with an AMA thing” with zero context.


u/salmalight 2d ago

Honestly, I don’t know if he’d get it but I think he’d recognise people are getting a laugh out of it. Seems like an easy going guy on his podcast

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u/DocHollidaysPistols 2d ago

I got an idea. Let's make the paddleboard a place of silent reflection from now on.


u/Skeeetz 2d ago

Well given how long it's taken me to reconcile my nature, I can't imagine I'd forego it on your account


u/ScipioCoriolanus 1d ago

"Time is a float circle."


u/No-Category-6343 2d ago

Like you smell a Psychosphere.. just stop

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u/mfyxtplyx 2d ago

"This place is like somebody's memory of the sea, and the memory is fading."

"I just want you to stop saying odd shit"


u/not_sure_if_relevant 2d ago

“Let’s make the car a place of silent reflection”


u/UpperApe 2d ago

"It's true detectiving time"


u/plssirmayihaveanthr 2d ago

“you’re like the michael jordan of being a son of bitch”


u/Pops_Sickle 2d ago

"just a regular type with a big ass dick"


u/filthy_harold 2d ago

And then he true detectived all over the place

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u/xenoarchaeologist 1d ago

-> "Let's make the paddle board a place of silent reflection" <-

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u/h4rlotsghost 2d ago

I use this line on my kids all the time. My son is almost old enough to watch the series so I'm excited for him to get it.


u/_talk_show_host_ 1d ago

My husband and I say this to each other more often than we should 🤣

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u/token_bastard 2d ago

"You are the Michael Phelps of being a son of a bitch!"

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u/AnticitizenPrime 1d ago

The idea of Marty and Rust having to go undercover among beach bunnies, party barges and stoned surfers is pretty hilarious.

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u/Diamondlife_ 2d ago

You can smell the psychosphere out here


u/Abigbearman 2d ago



u/Demonyx12 2d ago

“We missed something back in 2005”


u/Vagabond21 2d ago

Did you get any sleep last night?


u/th0rnpaw 2d ago

I don't sleep, I just dream.


u/jinspin 2d ago



u/All-for-goose 2d ago

It’s funny because either one would be right at home saying either thing.


u/chasebanks 2d ago

It’s a quote from True Detective



But it would be the opposite saying it in real life


u/All-for-goose 2d ago

I realize. I loved that first season. But I’m just saying, as real people, I could see that exchange going either way.


u/DogmanDOTjpg 2d ago

I've watched season one like 5 times and I completely agree with this assessment lmao

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u/Baby__Keith 2d ago

It is, but OPs comment just made me realise that I genuinely think either actor could have swapped roles in TD season 1 and we would have still got two killer performances.

Don't get me wrong, it's perfect the way it is, but McConaughey could 100% pull off the womanising family man who's a straight shooter and Harrelson could definitely do the space-head nihilist extremely well also.

Two extremely talented actors for sure

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u/TunisMagunis 2d ago

I get bad taste in my mouth out here, Marty... Iron, ash


u/butbutcupcup 2d ago

The ocean is a flat circle


u/MudOpposite8277 2d ago

Hawaiian shirts and psychosphere.


u/NJWendys4life 1d ago

I would sign up for Max if they brought these two back for True Detectives.


u/LC__LC 2d ago

Alright alright alright


u/HotGooBoy 2d ago

time is a flat circle

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u/fulthrottlejazzhands 2d ago

Imagine having a chill moment with your bro, and a dozen paparazzis jump in your face to take photos.


u/Squaretangles 2d ago

Worse is that they're probably being buzzed by drones. How shitty. Trying to do something zenful and getting droned by annoying fucks. Privacy laws, please.


u/AlkalineSublime 2d ago

I don’t know his personal stance, but woody harrelson seem like the type of person to hate drones too. Like I can imagine him saying “fuckin things give me the creeps” or something lol


u/StealthyPulpo 2d ago

I can hear it in his voice, it’s like he’s inside my head


u/blackteashirt 2d ago

I went to a nice beach on a pacific island a few years ago and some kid was flying a drone around while me and my soon to be wife were trying to watch the sunset.

I asked him to stop, fortunately he did.

Drones absolutely need to be banned from quiet natural places. Around cities and sports stadiums, concerts etc I don't care.

We use them in construction to take photos of very large work sites, acres of land, quite good in that regard and tracking progress etc.


u/Skandronon 2d ago

People fly them over remote mountain lakes around where I live and sometimes they end up in the lake. It requires someone to go remove the drone before it starts leaching into the water. My wife was a ranger and just the sound of a drone sets her off.



I just had an intense Imagination Burst of there being a show about your wife being this badass ranger with PTSD fighting bears aliens methheads and wayward drone enthusiasts in the mountain and shit.

Is she yoked as fuck in this vision, yes. Does she love baking, yes. Is this set in the John Wick Universe, yes.


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Around cities and sports stadiums, concerts etc I don't care.

Those are like the worst places to have drones. It may suck if you're out there trying to enjoy it, but remote places with no people are going to be the safest places for drones. I'm all for banning them within a certain range of a person, but "only in crowded areas" is just insanity.

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u/frosty720410 2d ago

I can see the spaces in his teeth when he says it. But not like open mouth, the sides of his mouth grimace/small grin


u/zamboni-jones 2d ago

Woody kicks his cowboy boots up on the desk softly, leans back and absolutely eviscerates drones in a cool western drawl. Complete with a harkening back to the good old days and an ultimatum, he lays into it. Concludling his monologue, Woody leans forward and tips his hat, as if the wind itself is exiting the room with a rustle of jeans and jangle of boots.

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u/TheAero1221 1d ago

Me too, now my internal dialogue is stuck like that. Help.

Actually, maybe don't. It isn't that bad.

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u/2001_Chevy_Prizm 2d ago

They do suck for litterally everyone except the operator. Basically very loud mosquitos.


u/40ozkiller 2d ago

One passed by an outdoor bar once and the server said “we dont know who that is”

Then the whole crowd flipped it off

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u/viccityguy2k 2d ago

Then takes a drag


u/Least-Back-2666 2d ago

Absolutely. He lives on the most remote part of Maui, notoriously holistic vegan type...

Also about the two biggest potheads right there besides Willie or snoop. Had a friend who moved him here, he picked up a box and it was jars of marijuana seeds from all over the world. Dude is an aficionado of all different weed strains.

"Woody I can't move this. It would technically be trafficking."

Woody takes it in the other room, tapes it shut and comes back with kitchen stuff written on the side.



u/Jimid41 2d ago

He's a self described libertarian that thinks 5g spreads covid. 

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u/alaskanloops 2d ago

"Fucking drones. Anyway let's keep the discussion about rampart"


u/EventualOutcome 2d ago

He seems like a guy who sees a drone and thinks how nice it would be to have one deliver a doobie and a lighter.

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u/moving0target 2d ago edited 1d ago

How do you make that law work? If you're in public, basic decency suggests that you be given space, but no one can absolutely expect that. If you make more laws, how do you word them so they simultaneously protect yet do not infringe on the rights of other. There's a big picture here.

Edit: I know Europe has a hodgepodge of laws banning aspects of free speech across 44 (ish) countries. "Europe does it, so we should." is the most specious argument you can think of.


u/RaspberryFluid6651 2d ago

Airspaces are already heavily regulated and there are strict rules that people using drones need to follow. For example, in the USA, drone operators need to stay below a certain altitude and speed, not fly over people, keep the drone in their own line of sight (no flying around corners or behind things, even if you have a camera on the drone to see what you're doing), yield to manned aircraft, and follow several other rules or they get in big trouble. On top of that, a paparazzi taking photos for their job would be operating a drone commercially and probably needs an actual license.

This, however, is in Croatia. I don't know the rules there.


u/Big_Plankton4173 2d ago

Yeah it sucks but it's pretty hard to stop those vultures without it having unintended consecuences.


u/theSunAlsoRise5 2d ago

If I'm in a public space, why can't I just be playing with this bit of fishing net and oops crap I've knocked out your drone into the sea. Best luck next time.

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u/Sleve_McDychael 2d ago

Charge the publications that are publishing the footage. If you cut off the revenue that generates these photos it could go away.


u/moving0target 2d ago

Charge them with what?


u/aburningcaldera 2d ago

The non-existent ambiguous, hugely litigious, difficult to define, public spaces, privacy law of course!

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u/Shmeves 2d ago

Freedoms come with a cost. There is no simple answer to privacy from cameras in public.

You do not want to get rid of the 1st amendment, which is what is protecting your right to public photography/film.

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u/throw_blanket04 2d ago

I always downvote pap pics. This is something that shouldn’t be encouraged. Leave people alone!!


u/SadLilBun 2d ago edited 2d ago

They’re not going anywhere. Celebrities (PR teams) will sometimes call paparazzi on themselves and/or work with them to get photos. Sometimes for the visibility. Sometimes for image rehab. Sometimes in exchange for not bothering them at other times.


u/judasmachine 2d ago

Brad Pitt was known to call reporters and tell them where they were going for dinner so they'd get it out of their systems. IIRC the value of his and Angelina's photos actually went down because of it.


u/SCARLETHORI2ON 2d ago edited 2d ago

one of my favorites was Daniel Radcliffe wearing the same outfit every day to mess with them and make the pictures all worthless. link


u/w_a_w 2d ago

Member. That was fucking brilliant!

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u/Chadme_Swolmidala 2d ago

Some 4D chess. He must have a great agent (obviously)


u/FunkyChewbacca 2d ago

Celebrities (PR teams) will sometimes call paparazzi on themselves

Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift on the beach together come to mind

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u/Soytaco 2d ago

Pretty sure neither of these guys called up the paps to make sure their relaxing paddle boarding sesh would be interrupted by the obnoxious buzz of a drone. Pretty sure neither of these a-list celebs need visibility or image rehab. Pretty sure this would qualify as one of those "other times" they don't want to be bothered.

Just becomes something happens sometimes doesn't mean it happens every time.

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u/FinndBors 2d ago

Yeah why would I want to see a picture of a Pap smear?


u/BestCakeDayEvar 2d ago

We should talk about ramparts instead

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u/Dextrofunk 2d ago

My first thought. Why am I being shown this image?

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u/dingadangdang 2d ago

Watch Fishing with John from HBO late 80s. Link is Jim Jarmuach fishing for Great White. Slow humor but hilarious


Dennis Hopper and Matt Dillon.

There a 2nd season from the 2000s which I'll start tonight.

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u/zzptichka 2d ago edited 2d ago

It's part of the deal. They can always hop back on their 300-ft yacht and move to the next bay over.


u/ImKrispy 2d ago

People are delusional and idolize celebrities way too much.

They are well compensated for this, its part of being a celebrity.

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u/SkinnyObelix 2d ago

I hate this fucking argument, no it's not part of the deal. This is like saying you can be rude to people in retail because they're getting paid to handle your shit.

Seriously, some people have completely lost the plot when it comes to money...

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u/hamlet_d 2d ago

Interesting thing: they could actually be bros, at least according to McConaughey

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u/i_should_be_coding 2d ago

I'm just gonna pretend this is where Rust and Marty went after season 1.



Best season of tv ever created. Had no idea they were good buds. Makes it so much better.


u/regnad__kcin 2d ago

Just a regular guy... with a big ass dick


u/made-up-account 2d ago


u/RewrittenSol don't allow around children 1d ago

I want this to be cannon. Imagine finding this dude, and becoming best friends. Then you find out you're brothers? I'd watch that movie with them in it.


u/yellowwoolyyoshi 1d ago

A cannon goes kaboom.

Canon is fiction.


u/championchilli 1d ago edited 1d ago

Technically Canon is a Catholic term referring to the truth of biblical teachings, which ones are the true story of the religion.

So yeah it's actually fiction you're right.

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u/f1rstman 1d ago

They should have a special episode of Finding Your Roots with just the two of them on it.


u/Hammerhead3229 1d ago

Couldn't agree more. True Detective Season 1 is just in a league of it's own.

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u/Wookie301 2d ago

Should have been them for every season


u/i_should_be_coding 2d ago

I actually prefer they only appeared once. Keeps them as classics and great in my mind, instead of what the rest of the seasons became.


u/Disastrous-Resident5 2d ago

Season 2 was such a fumble. Season 3 wasn’t bad. Haven’t watched all of Season 4


u/DeadEnoughInsideOut 2d ago

I really liked season 2 once I rewatched it. I think my biggest problem was that season one was so good I was expecting that level again. 3 was OK but seemed pretty predictable. I'll give 4 a try if there's like an HBO max free trial


u/melrowdy 2d ago

I'm with you on season 2, I introduced a friend to the show, and just for the hell of it we watched season 2 as if it was S1 and he liked it although he thought it was nothing special. Then when we watched season 1 he couldn't stop talking about the show. And now he has watched the other two seasons on his own and whenever TD comes up he seems so disappointed, meanwhile I'm content with just having seen the two seasons.

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u/midnight_riddle 2d ago

Nah, they earned their happy ending. Season 1 is perfect and you don't have to pay attention to anything made after that.

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u/Mr0range81 2d ago

'Let's make the paddle board a place of silent reflection'

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u/StupidGuyOnMyPhone 2d ago

Oh no, now somewhere there’s a sack not being hackied


u/ToadlyAwes0me 2d ago

A bongo goes unbonged.


u/losjoo 2d ago

The joint is wet


u/Number174631503 2d ago

Their gullets are dry


u/UpperApe 2d ago

A circle unflattened


u/drawkbox 2d ago

Shirts have gone un worn.

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u/NewOldSmartDum 2d ago

Outtake on this one was phenomenal


u/hempsmoker 2d ago

As was the rest of the outtakes. Brie Larson and Letterman


u/TheChronoCross 1d ago

I wanna thank Crystal Meth Santa Claus

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u/Johnjarlaxle 2d ago

Lol I just rewatched that today so this was my first thought seeing this pic


u/Mountain-Track-9064 2d ago

“How much of the True Detective Budget was for weed? And how much of that budget did you smoke today”


u/Groundbreaking_Dare4 2d ago

for real there is now dye being untied among us


u/GoodbyeHorses88 2d ago

LMFAO, I came here to comment that exact same thing, but I'm glad that someone beat me to it! 😂🤣

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u/jordan1978 2d ago

Brothers from another moth…oh wait.


u/eboseki 2d ago

why oh wait


u/faintrottingbreeze 2d ago


u/darybrain 2d ago

Wait, did we just become best friends?!


u/verygroot1 2d ago

no, man. We just become best brothers

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u/Reggie_Popadopoulous 2d ago

They very well may be brothers from the same mother


u/BallsDeepinYourMammi 2d ago

They probably have and just don’t feel the need to tell anyone Jack shit about their personal matters.

Seems on point for both of them.


u/Gogs85 1d ago

Username checks out?


u/BallsDeepinYourMammi 1d ago

Your mammi loves and misses you, call her and tell her you love her (if applicable, some are vile).

And don’t text or message her, she wants to hear your voice.


u/purple_penguin3 2d ago

Wouldn’t they share a dad? Matthew’s mom didnt have a baby she gave up.


u/Reggie_Popadopoulous 2d ago

I don’t remember the details but it had to do with how Matthew’s mom met Woody and said she “knew” his dad from the timeframe following her second divorce from Matthew’s dad.


u/purple_penguin3 2d ago

The timeline of it looks to be that Matthew’s dad may not actually be his dad and that he was conceived when she “met” Woodys dad.

So she didn’t birth Woody, but she isn’t 100% that the guy who raised Matt is his biological father.

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u/OfficialGarwood 2d ago

Because there's apparently a possibility they are genuinely related - though I don't think they've done a DNA test to prove it though .

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u/cloudsitter 2d ago

Matthew's mother slept with Woody's father at one time. There's a possibility that Woody and Matthew are half brothers. They haven't done a DNA test

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u/Horrible_Harry 2d ago

They're just trying to get to Woody, Conan, and Ted's houseboat.


u/RandyBeaman 2d ago

Flea already sunk it


u/MojaveLakelurker 2d ago

I guess Flea didn’t take being “just a passing fancy” very well.


u/invisible_stache 2d ago

"we are still in on this!"


u/mostsocial 2d ago

Woody must be stopped. Now we find out Mcconaughey has also been propositioned with dreams of joint houseboat ownership.


u/pulyx 2d ago

Hahahaah Passing fancy!


u/Fivefingerasshole 2d ago

Such an obscure reference, but it’s appreciated


u/tamarockstar 2d ago

I mean it's like the 2nd most listened to podcast. Not that obscure.


u/Black_Floyd47 2d ago

I saw the post and immediately thought of the houseboat, and as a passing fancy, I came to the comments looking for the reference.

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u/Quiet-Extension2554 2d ago

Trying to get to sonas house

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u/frickzjee2 2d ago

Unrelated, but we just had Keanu Reeves in Zagreb, Croatia and reporters have mistaken him for a homeless person as he was sitting on a sidewalk with his backpack and coca-cola next to him on the pavement.


u/Least-Back-2666 2d ago

One of my two fave photos of Keanu. Him having lunch at a sidewalk bistro and having a glass.of.wine or two, followed by him just laying down under the table and taking a nap.

The second is of him gleefully running away from a paparazzi having just stolen his camera.

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u/erinkp36 2d ago

True Detective: Spring Break.

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u/cubicle_adventurer 2d ago

“That’s what I love about Woody Harrelson: I get older, he stays the same age yes he does yes he does.”


u/alex206 2d ago

Alright Alright Alright

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u/bacchusku2 2d ago

“Woody, I told you to paddle on the left side. I’m right, I’m right, I’m right”


u/Seetuped 2d ago

Alright! Alright! Alright!


u/Vast_Breadfruit_162 2d ago

Is Marijuana legal in Croatia?


u/meep_meep_mope 2d ago

If you rich enough it's legal everywhere.


u/john_the_quain 2d ago

As long you’re not famous enough to get leverage on a hostage negotiation.


u/meep_meep_mope 2d ago

Ronald McDonald isn't even famous enough in russia... but Steven Segal is... They have their own clowns.

There's a reason they're friends with North Korea.

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u/farrtrek 2d ago

Definitely went out for a doob


u/Busy10 2d ago

It wasn’t legal when they started using it.


u/raskinimiugovor 1d ago

decriminalized for personal use


u/ZeistyZeistgeist 1d ago

Decriminalized, not legal. Carrying up to 6g is a misdemeanor.


u/DisposableDroid47 2d ago

Only for the poors.


u/gatoTofi 1d ago

No, but very easy to get and find. And you will not get in any big trouble if they find on you less than 5g.


u/Jesuismieux412 2d ago

It probably is for them.

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u/stonedkayaker 2d ago

I can smell the psychosphere of this place. It tastes like ajvar and rakia. 


u/PM-Me-Your-Textures 2d ago

I wish you'd stop saying odd shit like you can smell a psycho's fear...


u/Chumbouquet69 2d ago

What the hell is scented meat?


u/SesameYeetHeHe 2d ago

Tell me you're from the Balkans without telling me you're from the Balkans.

Username checks out.


u/LeonardoDaPinchy- 2d ago

I got an idea. Let’s make the paddleboard a place of silent reflection from now on. Okay?


u/noisy_brain 1d ago

The first is a delicious orange-colored pepper spread. The second is a hard grape liquor.


u/natural_hunter 1d ago

i just want you to stop saying odd shit.


u/averyrdc 2d ago

Ok but can we get back to Rampart?


u/icroak 2d ago

This will forever be what I remember him the most for.


u/Front-Cabinet5521 2d ago

That is what I only know him for. Didn’t even watch Rampart.

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u/fearyaks 2d ago

Deep cut

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u/AnythingOk7654 2d ago

Read: Matthew and Woody paddle boarding together in Carcosa

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u/BlueRiverDelta 2d ago

Is Woody's foot swollen looking to anyone else?


u/drawkbox 2d ago

Woody Harrelson recently got hit by a Tesla on a bike. Though it appears he only hurt his wrist but maybe he tweaked it.

Woody Harrelson Got Into a Motorcycle Accident on the Way to an Interview

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u/MoonOut_StarsInvite 2d ago

The water and the sky in Croatia are incredible. This doesn’t even capture it fully.


u/introoutro 2d ago

definitely a great place to go paddleboarding.

wonder if this was in hvar, isnt that where all the celebs vacation.


u/MoonOut_StarsInvite 2d ago

There are hundreds of islands, could be lots of places! Hvar was killer though! We did spend a few days there, simply amazing.


u/introoutro 1d ago

I seem to recall reading something about Johnny Depp always parking his yacht in Hvar when he vacations, it is kinda Tortuga-esque so checks out?

But yeah you cant lose along the Dalmatian coast, its absolutely jaw dropping

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u/wish1977 2d ago

It would be a lot cooler if we were there.


u/RustinSpencerCohle 2d ago

Better start asking the right fucking questions


u/RoxyPonderosa 2d ago

Brothers Boarding


u/HappySkullsplitter 2d ago

I hope Woody brings him on Conan's podcast someday


u/KyoMeetch 2d ago

That Rust and Marty finally taking a vacation after True Detective.

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u/emal-malone 2d ago

oh god, now Matthew’s gonna be thinking he’s getting a house boat with Woody in Croatia


u/citizenjones 2d ago

Get those two Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman in a movie. It doesn't even have to be about 'bromance'... Regardless of any story... It would just.. happen.

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u/Decabet 2d ago

If I become famous ever and you take a picture of me shirtless and that position, nothing in the world will stop me from finding you and shoving your camera up yer bottom


u/svenner2020 2d ago

True Blood Brothers.

All right

All right

All right


u/pulyx 2d ago

Im still waiting the day they’ll take the DNA test.


u/Ok-Abies-7400 1d ago

Imagine someone waiting and watching your every move. Wait for a picture or video. Just to show your normal behavior or make you look like a fool for enjoying a burger. Screen time is cool for them and interviews. Besides that. Fuck off and let them live. Let me put a camera in your face with every move you make. Outside of their films you don't know them and they don't know you. Just another person


u/wtfisthat 1d ago

Not a single one of you realizes how much stretching is required to sit on a paddle board like that, for any length of time, at that age.

Between your 40s and 50s, your body rebels folks and you need to fight back. It comes on suddenly too - you go from able-bodied to cripple in a matter of days. I'm not kidding.


u/minkywinky 2d ago

Pretty sure they're half brothers.

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u/Codex_Absurdum 2d ago

- McConaughey Goat Fuck?

- Yes.


u/Hi_My_Name_Is_CJ 2d ago

Is this the next season of True Detective


u/jayeskimo 2d ago

Man this just makes me wanna go chill paddlin' with my bud


u/rybozamac 1d ago

Croatia is incredible


u/Rymundo88 2d ago

"Hey Matthew..."


"How do we turn this darn thing around anti-clockwise? Like, is there something we should specifically be doing with the oars?"

"Just do what I say, ready?"


"Alright, alright, alright"


u/Douglasqqq 2d ago

This is what carries you across the river Styx in the pothead afterlife.


u/ykeogh18 2d ago

Is that the houseboat he’s been talking about?


u/masterhogbographer 2d ago

Didn’t one of these guys crash a high school grad and bang a teenager? 

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u/AltruisticSpot5448 2d ago

I honestly wish I wasn’t seeing this picture. Leave them alone


u/FuckThisShizzle 2d ago

"time is a flat circle"

"We are on a lazy river, Rust"


u/Randomcommentor1972 2d ago

Nice to see possible half brothers spending time together


u/TomppaTom 1d ago

Just two dude, chilling out, having fun, living their best lives. It’s what everyone dreams of, really.