r/pics 4d ago

Matthew McConaughey & Woody Harrelson paddle boarding together in Croatia.

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u/i_should_be_coding 4d ago

I'm just gonna pretend this is where Rust and Marty went after season 1.



Best season of tv ever created. Had no idea they were good buds. Makes it so much better.


u/regnad__kcin 3d ago

Just a regular guy... with a big ass dick


u/made-up-account 3d ago


u/RewrittenSol don't allow around children 3d ago

I want this to be cannon. Imagine finding this dude, and becoming best friends. Then you find out you're brothers? I'd watch that movie with them in it.


u/yellowwoolyyoshi 3d ago

A cannon goes kaboom.

Canon is fiction.


u/championchilli 3d ago edited 3d ago

Technically Canon is a Catholic term referring to the truth of biblical teachings, which ones are the true story of the religion.

So yeah it's actually fiction you're right.


u/f1rstman 3d ago

They should have a special episode of Finding Your Roots with just the two of them on it.


u/Hammerhead3229 3d ago

Couldn't agree more. True Detective Season 1 is just in a league of it's own.


u/eggsaladrightnow 3d ago

Shit, do I have to watch true detective S1 again? It might be time. I still remember the scene in New Orleans like it was yesterday


u/jazzysunbear 3d ago

It was so good and so poignant


u/Wookie301 4d ago

Should have been them for every season


u/i_should_be_coding 4d ago

I actually prefer they only appeared once. Keeps them as classics and great in my mind, instead of what the rest of the seasons became.


u/Disastrous-Resident5 4d ago

Season 2 was such a fumble. Season 3 wasn’t bad. Haven’t watched all of Season 4


u/DeadEnoughInsideOut 3d ago

I really liked season 2 once I rewatched it. I think my biggest problem was that season one was so good I was expecting that level again. 3 was OK but seemed pretty predictable. I'll give 4 a try if there's like an HBO max free trial


u/melrowdy 3d ago

I'm with you on season 2, I introduced a friend to the show, and just for the hell of it we watched season 2 as if it was S1 and he liked it although he thought it was nothing special. Then when we watched season 1 he couldn't stop talking about the show. And now he has watched the other two seasons on his own and whenever TD comes up he seems so disappointed, meanwhile I'm content with just having seen the two seasons.


u/-__echo__- 3d ago

4 is some of the worst television I've ever watched. Utterly squandered some decent cast members with poor writing (and totally wasted their legendary lead). It's not a detective show, just "mystery box" storytelling that spins its wheels until it's time for the next reveal. Almost none of it makes a bit of sense. 2/10

Watch 'Mare of Easttown' if you want a female-led True Detective, S4 isn't it.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/-__echo__- 3d ago

What did you like the most, perhaps the total lack of any detective work? Oh no, maybe it was the naked women drowning off the coast of Alaska (at midnight on Christmas eve) and the coastguard not only IMMEDIATELY find her body but then instantly TELEPHONE her next of kin. Or perhaps the cringey subplot involving the lead's daughter being in a relationship with an underage girl and everyone hand waving it as 'technically legal' (whilst casting a 30 year old to play the teen).

The entire script reeked of ChatGPT (and got caught literally using ai generated artwork for their set dressing). Characters just go to places for no reason, plenty of scenes just exist for the sake of it, and everything of any interest happens off screen

Season one was a masterpiece, Mare of Easttown' is a worthy successor. Season 4 simply shoehorned in callbacks to S1 to slap the TD brand on a dog shit.


u/Cervical_Plumber 3d ago

motherfucking facts right here. S4 was trash. How how about the subplot with Hank getting catfished?? Why is that even there at all??

if this wasn't a season of true detective, there's no way I would have finished that season of trash television.


u/TheIrishFellow 3d ago

I agree, really one of the most poorly written things I’ve ever seen

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u/h4rlotsghost 3d ago

Season 3 was excellent in its own way. Maybe it shouldn't have been called True Detective though. It's a pretty spot on meditation on the nature of partnerships whether professional, personal, or romantic. And how they change over time.


u/TheHollowJoke 3d ago

I don’t agree at all, I loved season 2. The problem is people loved season 1 so much (and they were right, it’s amazing) that they were expecting something similar in terms of plot and atmosphere. The writers wanted to make something different and they succeeded imo, it’s very different from season 1 which is a good thing. People should stop taking season 1 as a reference for what the series should be, it’s great and probably the best season but it’s an anthology series and I think the writers should make the different season try to stand on their own. I didn’t care much for season 3 and found it much less interesting than season 2. I liked season 4, not as good as 1 and 2 but still pretty good, great acting and atmosphere.


u/YungLean8 3d ago

season 3 wasnt good either


u/psu5050242424 3d ago

Eh season 3 was pretty good I enjoyed it. Season 4 felt like a different detective show I enjoyed it but not really true detective.


u/-Badger3- 3d ago

Season 4 literally was a completely different show that HBO slapped the “True Detective” label on. Like, that’s actually what happened.


u/filthy_harold 3d ago

Every season is different so I'm not sure what you expected. 3 was kind of a parallel story to 1 but 2 was totally its own world. 4 felt like a little bit of a callback to the supernatural feel to 1 but still its own world. I hope they continue with unique stories for each season. It's more of a franchise than a series.


u/i_should_be_coding 3d ago

Haven't watched season 2, didn't like season 3, and I'm still trying to see where I can get a refund on my time spent on season 4.


u/onlyonequickquestion 3d ago

Ohh no. I was going to watch s4 at some point. You recommend against it? I liked s3, s2 was not good. S1 was classic, rewatched a few times.


u/crimps_and_jugs 3d ago

I like season 4


u/onlyonequickquestion 3d ago

Ok I'm convinced, enough people saying it's alright. I was interested for the setting alone, seemed really interesting. Thanks


u/filthy_harold 3d ago

Season 4 was really good. I watched the whole thing on a crappy airplane screen so watching it on a nice TV would have made it more enjoyable but I was still into it.


u/i_should_be_coding 3d ago

It was nice, until the finale. I absolutely hated how it ended and the "big reveal" of the mystery.

The season itself was decent, I just wish there was an alternate ending.


u/filthy_harold 3d ago

I liked how they tied it up. It had the supernatural elements from season 1 but with a true crime kind of ending.


u/WannaAskQuestions 3d ago

I felt like I wasted my time watching season 2. Left such a bad taste in my mouth I haven't dared to try out neither 3 nor 4


u/-colorsplash- 3d ago

3 is way better than 2!


u/i_should_be_coding 3d ago

I felt like 3 was very disappointing, with absolutely zero stakes.

One girl, possibly missing, two clueless detectives, and the kicker at the end is that nothing they did mattered. They had absolutely no impact on the case they were investigating, and only found out what actually happened when a guy was like "OK, it's been so many years, let me tell you exactly what happened..."

I did not enjoy that experience, even though I've been told repeatedly that this was exactly the point. It may be clever and wise, but it made for very lackluster TV.


u/-colorsplash- 3d ago edited 3d ago

It had it's limits but Mahershala Ali and his dynamic with his wife and family; and his pursuit for the truth, and him going too far for the truth and only stopping due to his family I found interesting. Plus the time elements were also intriguing and how that one case defined his whole life, his wife's book, and his world lens.

You're right, it still left a lot to be desired, the pacing was off, it didn't come close to good TV or season 1 levels, but I still felt mesmerized by the production value, by Ali, and by a detective mystery.

I could not say the same of season 2, that had virtually nothing going for it.


u/i_should_be_coding 3d ago

For me, the fact that the entire case would have been exactly the same if the two main characters just slacked off and did nothing made me just hate it. The guy telling them what happened in the end felt like an NPC the GM put in at a D&D session after the players fucked around for a few hours and he wanted to wrap up the story quick before everyone went home. Just straight up "here's all the details about everything that I've known all this time, and all you had to do was ask".

Season 1 had effort and accomplishment on behalf of the detectives. They cared, worked their ass off, and earned the victory in the end. Season 3 ended with the detectives not even realizing how the case ended, and nothing they did had an effect on the girl who was alive and well the whole time.

I can look at the other elements like the fucking shootout out of nowhere that just felt like the writers were trying to copy that part from season 1, or the family lives, etc, but in the end, I feel like the detective show should revolve around the case. The rest are side-plots and the main plot was a let-dowb for me.

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u/-Badger3- 3d ago

Season 2 is a lot better on rewatch when you know how all the pieces fit together.

It’s still not amazing, but it’s better.


u/Disastrous-Resident5 3d ago

Season 2 is worse than 3 significantly


u/Trappedinacar 3d ago

I agree with you there, it adds to the lore of season 1.

But if they were to come back for another season now it would be absolutely legendary.


u/jotyma5 1d ago

Imagine this: the show would have been better with them in each season 😱


u/midnight_riddle 3d ago

Nah, they earned their happy ending. Season 1 is perfect and you don't have to pay attention to anything made after that.


u/EkkoThruTime 3d ago

No, it was perfect the way it was.


u/Fen_ 3d ago

No, it shouldn't have. Just because a thing is good doesn't mean there should be more of a thing.


u/Sniper_Hare 4d ago

Man that would have been so good. 


u/Mr0range81 3d ago

'Let's make the paddle board a place of silent reflection'


u/11Busstop 3d ago

Probably paddling in a flat circle, 🔄 because their paddles are on the same side.


u/iqjump123 3d ago

That was such an awesome show. Finished S2 and S3, but IMO plummeted after that- not even watching S4, looks like an occult horror film or something.


u/qpwoeor1235 3d ago

Sounds like alternate dimensions Rick and morty


u/gnarly_weedman 3d ago

Shouldn’t you be coding?