r/pics 4d ago

Matthew McConaughey & Woody Harrelson paddle boarding together in Croatia.

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u/All-for-goose 4d ago

It’s funny because either one would be right at home saying either thing.


u/chasebanks 4d ago

It’s a quote from True Detective



But it would be the opposite saying it in real life


u/All-for-goose 4d ago

I realize. I loved that first season. But I’m just saying, as real people, I could see that exchange going either way.


u/DogmanDOTjpg 4d ago

I've watched season one like 5 times and I completely agree with this assessment lmao


u/All-for-goose 3d ago

Right? I bet it was just as good the 5th time as it was the first. The first time I watched it I was having dinner with my roommate at like 8 on a weekday. We got hooked immediately and ended up grinding the whole season. Went to bed around 4AM just to wake up two hours later for work. Completely worth it.


u/Baby__Keith 4d ago

It is, but OPs comment just made me realise that I genuinely think either actor could have swapped roles in TD season 1 and we would have still got two killer performances.

Don't get me wrong, it's perfect the way it is, but McConaughey could 100% pull off the womanising family man who's a straight shooter and Harrelson could definitely do the space-head nihilist extremely well also.

Two extremely talented actors for sure


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Ha, nice try. I know it's from the ground-breaking story-telling vehicle that is Serenity; clearly they're shooting a sequel.


u/few_words_good 4d ago

Exactly.. I was like now hold on, which one is saying each of these lines..