r/nottheonion 6d ago

Convicted child rapist qualifies for Olympics


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u/mixile 6d ago

They have some of the lowest reoffense rates and lowest incarceration rates in the world. What's more important: reducing crime or getting retribution?


u/rollin340 6d ago

The brain understands that the former is crucial for the progress of society, but the heart doesn't act on logic. I understand both points completely. This is simply the case of logical pragmatism winning out over collective emotions.

You don't have to like it, but if it stops future crimes, then it works. But man I hope he at least gets kidney stones or something. :X


u/Weird_Ad_1398 6d ago

The Netherlands has a recidivism rate of 47% after 2 years. You don't have to like it, but if it doesn't stop future crimes, then it doesn't work.


u/Chromotron 5d ago

That's for general crimes and those statistics are generally wonky anyway (for example, two studies done in the same year in the same country somehow get very different numbers). If you look up recidivism rates for child sexual abuse in the NL, then you find relatively low numbers such as ~20% without and ~10% with treatment. The latter is also often required as part of the sentence.


u/hikerchick29 2d ago

For actual child rapists? Both. Both is good. Keep pedophiles off the streets, full stop


u/Weird_Ad_1398 6d ago

The Netherlands has an above average recidivism rate of 47% after 2 years. What's more important: reducing crime or virtue signaling about rehabilitation?

And what the fuck kind of rehabilitation do you think a man, who meticulously plotted the grooming and rape of a child over several years, is capable of in just 1 year? A man who by all accounts doesn't even feel guilt for what he's done?


u/kabukistar 5d ago

Where are you getting those numbers?

This study finds them with a lower recidivism rate than the US or the UK for people who were imprisoned (although higher rates for people sentenced to community service).


u/Hot-Refrigerator-623 5d ago

Not clicking this link but is this specific to pedophiles or all recidivism in general? I can see a murderer, embezzler never doing it again but not pedophiles.


u/Bigdoggieee 5d ago

LOL you dont want to click the link but expect someone to tell you...


u/Hot-Refrigerator-623 5d ago

You go ahead clicking for pedo shit


u/Fearless_Success_828 5d ago

It’s a link to a scientific journal you moron


u/ElderlyOogway 6d ago

Dude raped a 12 years old when her mother wasn't at home, he travelled to a different country after grooming her since she was 10, to do that. It was premeditated, planned and executed. Paraphrasing, I like Moore's point in retributivism: "it reaches a point where the monster is not the person who reacts strongly about the most depraved type of torture of innocents, but the one who is ok with it as long as it doesn't bother him no more". We should reduce crime and get retribution.


u/sztrzask 6d ago

Cool. Except that, as the reality has shown, you can have one, not both.


u/chahoua 5d ago

Kill child molesters.. No more molesting from them and retribution for the rest of us.


u/Herbstein 5d ago

That's how you turn a child rapist into a child murderer. Leaving the child alive means more evidence, and more chance of them reporting it


u/chahoua 4d ago

I've heard that before but I don't believe that to be true.

Logically you'd think it would be but people who commit these kind of crimes are not rational thinking people.

If you commit crimes like these you're not worrying about the consequences. Even in countries with lesser penalties you'd be a social pariah the rest of your life and the people you'd known before would hate you and you might get killed by relatives to the victim..

Tldr: I don't believe killing child molesters lead to more dead children.


u/ElderlyOogway 5d ago

You mean in this case or overall? Because overall you certainly can have both. It's not an either/or option.


u/sztrzask 5d ago

And if you googled that, you'd quickly learn that it's been debated at length in either or sliding scale. 


u/ElderlyOogway 5d ago

I know it's being debated on the either/or, but it can be both. It's like saying "people are debating either or in laissez faire capitalism vs social state intervention", but it can be both. You're being purposefully obtuse.


u/hikerchick29 2d ago

How the fuck is this getting downvoted? The man was an unrepentant pedophile!!!


u/ElderlyOogway 2d ago

Truth hurts! And the next post on this same sub on the same topic (which has more upvotes) has very favorable views to the truth


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/ElderlyOogway 2d ago

I agree with you. I'm also the person who you first replied.


u/CommunicationAny6250 5d ago

Getting retribution.


u/riko_rikochet 5d ago

Of course they have some of the lowest incarceration rates, they don't incarcerate child rapists!