r/nottheonion 6d ago

Convicted child rapist qualifies for Olympics


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u/mminer23 6d ago

He was tried in the UK, but the Dutch only agreed to extradite him if the British let him serve his sentence in the Netherlands, who then released him after serving one year in prison: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-39292039


u/Lamb_or_Beast 6d ago

Holy cow.

I didn’t realize the Dutch consider something so grotesquely evil as child rape so lightly. Surely something this horrible deserves a more severe sentence..


u/Suitable-Juice-9738 6d ago

If he hasn't reoffended, and doesn't reoffend, then their system has proven superior

The idea that prison should be revenge is barbaric as fuck.


u/2canbehumble 6d ago

How do you know he hasn’t re offended?


u/Suitable-Juice-9738 6d ago

Has anyone suggested he has?

My point is rather clear. If someone is not a danger, they should not be imprisoned. This person acknowledged the mistake and is unlikely to reoffend - this is literally the reason why he was released.

I fail to see why this person should continue to be punished.


u/Enticing_Venom 6d ago

This person "acknowledged the mistake"?

"I have been branded as a sex monster, as a paedophile. That I am not, really not."


u/Suitable-Juice-9738 6d ago

I don't disagree with his statement if he doesn't reoffend.

I find it gross that people are so willing to throw a potential success story away out of bloodlust


u/Enticing_Venom 6d ago

Raping a kid is the definition of being a pedophile. How can you agree that it's appropriate for him to make excuses and downplay his behavior?

I find it gross that people are so willing to throw a potential success story away out of bloodlust

This is not a potential success story if accountability is not taken. And it has not been.


u/Suitable-Juice-9738 6d ago

Being sexually attracted to prepubescent children is the definition of a pedophile

If he isn't that, in an everyday sense, he's not a pedophile.

I also disagree with calling Pedophiles monsters as rule. Pedophiles don't deserve to be imprisoned for being pedophiles. They deserve to be imprisoned if they rape children. Pedophiles should be encouraged to seek help. We would absolutely minimize risk and harm to children if our society encouraged this. It's not even arguable

I have not downplayed his crime at all. He definitely deserved to do prison time. If he is rehabilitated (which the state believes, which is why they released him), then I do not see the point of being outraged, and instead question the inhumane prison sentences I see elsewhere.


u/Enticing_Venom 6d ago

You're explaining obvious information in an attempt to avoid the obvious observations. He raped a child, he appeared to be attracted to her and the first thing he does on release is try to downplay what he did instead of express remorse.


u/Suitable-Juice-9738 6d ago edited 6d ago

I feel the child was definitely not helped properly by the state, but I fully support the release of anyone who is not a danger to others, and the state, through more information than we have, decided that.

I find our current expectations of prison to be barbaric and, frankly, evil. People wishing death and mutilation on this man, in quite simple terms, are acting evilly. People are flawed. We should understand that. Dangers should be imprisoned and those who are not dangers should not.

I would, however, support him getting a lifetime ban from the Olympics. I support the concept of society taking away privileges and honors our or societal vengeance, within reason.

His crime was severe, and I think it is fair for people to express their displeasure and outrage. I do not think it is fair to imprison people who are not threats.

He should be able to get a job and provide for himself. I think justice is that job not involving olympic volleyball or children.


u/Enticing_Venom 6d ago

You keep repeating that the state released him because they don't believe he is a threat anymore, but there is nothing in any of the reports to support that claim. He had a complex extradition case and a single judge determined his sentence. There was no team of experts who cleared him from release because they felt he was no longer a danger to society.


u/Suitable-Juice-9738 6d ago

He was released 1 year into a 4 year sentence. He literally qualified for early release


u/PunkRockBeachBaby 6d ago

Prison reform is important. Preventing child rapists from raping more children is more important. I have to imagine that people who do not understand that have never seen what being raped as a child does to someone. Fucking “barbaric and frankly evil” is an unhinged label to throw around when you’re defending child rapists. Scumbag.


u/Suitable-Juice-9738 5d ago

Prison reform is important. Preventing child rapists from raping more children is more important

I agree with both of these statements, and based off the results of this specific incident I would be surprised if there was additional risk.

I find it weird that you think I am somehow bad here.

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u/Fragrant-Insurance53 6d ago

Liberal American Redditors are all about forgiving criminals and rehabilitation, unless it's a sex crime and not murder or something else violent like that.

Rape is apparently worse than actually killing people in their heads


u/PunkRockBeachBaby 6d ago

Smugly mocking “Liberal Americans” for being upset about child rape is not the slam dunk you think it is, buddy.