r/nottheonion 6d ago

Convicted child rapist qualifies for Olympics


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u/BearOnTwinkViolence 6d ago

And those men are usually the ones who have countdowns to a girl’s 18th birthday and don’t see the irony in it.

Pedophilia is embedded in our culture. It’s much more pervasive than people realize. The sexualization of young teenage girls is so common that we don’t bat an eye when men talk about how hot some 19 year old is. We think that turning 18 magically makes you an adult.

If we actually looked at pedophilia as who’s attracted to children (and not who has raped a child) then we have a pretty big problem on our hands.


u/fieldy409 6d ago

Nah don't say that counting down to 18 thing about people you don't know that's a wild accusation to casually throw.


u/BearOnTwinkViolence 6d ago

I didn’t aim it any individual, I said men who brag about the ways they’d torture pedophiles are usually into young girls themselves. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Sorry if that bothers you but there’s a very strong correlation between the normalization of violence and the sexualizarion of young people.


u/fieldy409 6d ago

Yeah I don't like it because I'm talking about guys I know, I think they're all right.

It's a pretty common thing to have torture fantasy over someone irredeemable. I can disapprove but I don't think it's right to damn them as groomers or I'd be damning 99% of the world you know?


u/Suitable-Juice-9738 6d ago

I think they're all right.

You just described what utter monsters they are.


u/fieldy409 6d ago

Nope. Just flawed humans.


u/Suitable-Juice-9738 6d ago

You know what man I dig that. I've changed my mind.

Not an ounce of sarcasm. I was wrong.


u/fieldy409 5d ago

Nice. Brofist 🤜