r/nottheonion 5d ago

Religious leader wants to display Indian scriptures in Louisiana public classrooms


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u/Flanman1337 5d ago

If you let one, you gotta let them all. 


u/Padhome 5d ago

Also this bullshit about the Ten Commandments being the “original law” when we all know it was the Code of Hammurabi. Kids today need to know how to handle their slaves and punish classroom thieves by chopping their hands off.


u/BrainChemical5426 5d ago

If you want to be an asshole be a bit pedantic it was the Code of Ur-Nammu. It says that any man who divorces his wife must pay her 1 mina of silver - unless of course, she has married before. Then it’s, uh, half a mina.

Other than that it’s classic eye for an eye stuff.


u/czs5056 5d ago

How much is a mina?


u/BrainChemical5426 5d ago

Back then, probably about the value of several hundreds of dollars today. Maybe $400 or so?

Edit: But this was probably like more than the average monthly wage back then. So basically, a whole fuckin’ lot.


u/Angry_Hermitcrab 4d ago

There's a whole lot of people that'd gladly give their spouse away for the low cost of a months salary.


u/DunDunDunDuuun 3d ago

Do you have, like, a source, or did you just pick a number?


u/BrainChemical5426 3d ago

I googled it and stole it from the top reddit result.


u/No_1-Ever 5d ago

Twice as much as half a mina


u/jaldihaldi 3d ago

I’d say Half as much as 2 full mina.


u/Oni_K 4d ago


(Eddie Murphy reference for those not in the know. NSFW. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZW4eFErSzc)


u/Maleficent_Curve_599 4d ago

Less than a maja, more than a micra.


u/Skruestik 4d ago

570 grams.


u/Professional-Box4153 4d ago

About tree fiddy.


u/A_Rabid_Pie 5d ago

It's also full of fun stuff like the first building codes (if a building collapses, the builder is liable for damages), fair lending practices (debt payments are paused if a natural disaster ruins your crops), the original version of Miranda rights (the accused had the right to have the laws read to them), and much more.


u/Mechapebbles 4d ago

The technology might have been more simplistic, but something modern people don't realize is that our ancient forbearers were just as inherently intelligent and capable of reason as we are. They were all fundamentally the same humans we are. With roughly the same wants, needs, aspirations, etc. It's really no surprise they thought up some pretty common sense ideas to keep civilization cohesive and civilized for it to have endured from their time on up through now.


u/AlphaCygnus6944 2d ago

A corollary to that: when we look back in amazement at the seemingly crazy things people accepted thousands of years ago, that is how people from the future will look at us.


u/Faxon 4d ago

Yup for all the barbaric shit they had in it, there was a lot of stuff that was also totally reasonable and still is law in many places today (plus some laws which aren't in many places but really should be, like that bit about debt payments). It set up the framework for the very idea of laws and rules to govern and live by.


u/greenie4242 4d ago

So basically all the stuff MAGA hasn't figured out yet?


u/cutelyaware 4d ago

all the stuff MAGA hasn't figured out rolled back yet


u/not_a_moogle 4d ago

Banks can't charge interest either? sweet!


u/ClamClone 4d ago

It also established a fair price for beer. And prostitutes were not allowed in taverns.


u/cbbuntz 5d ago

You jest, but there's a lot of Hammurabi in Mosaic law


u/Amaskingrey 5d ago

Not to be confused with Canvas Law!


u/cbbuntz 5d ago

Or bird law


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/mexican2554 4d ago

What about r/TreeLaw


u/RedHal 4d ago

Or Cole's law?


u/jaldihaldi 3d ago

Yummy I must admit, sometimes.


u/RedHal 3d ago

Well played


u/Anthaenopraxia 4d ago

Man it's almost like lawyers build on previous lawyers' work. Hammurabi built on previous rulers of that area who did the same. I'm sure up somewhere in heaven there's a goat herder from 10,000 years ago still malding about everyone copying his work without citing.


u/leostotch 4d ago

As one would expect


u/binzoma 4d ago

the torah was a collection of the best of from bronze age civilizations. that's pretty accepted from a historical POV at this point. it became the go to on how to structure semi urban/semi agricultural societies, based on the assorted failures and prior success' of the med area bronze age socieites.

the next peoples to rebuild after our collapse will pull together the best of the steel/plastic era societies into 1 'code' designed to structure a near fully urban society (likely doing away with a lot of the 'individual' concepts and far more about the collective, but I guess our grand kids/great grand kids will see)


u/Yellow_Snow_Globe 4d ago

Code of Harambe?


u/Jerking_From_Home 5d ago

Imagine Sarah Huckabee Sanders being taken from the courthouse after being convicted of theft in office, her hands placed on a bloody stump in downtown Little Rock, a guy standing ready with an axe to chop them off, and her screaming “wait, not like this! Not ME!”


u/trekie4747 4d ago

"Teacher! Josh stole my Ticonderoga pencil!"

teacher grabs cleaver


u/Padhome 4d ago

Now those are true American values right there.

Protecting the property rights of the financially superior child.


u/mushisooshi 4d ago

I read and pronounced that as the Code of Harambe


u/SofterThanCotton 4d ago

You're close but incorrect.

The history is actually quite fascinating and can be traced back to the paleolithic era but the actual original law was "whomever smelt it dealt it"


u/No-Advice-6040 4d ago

Bs, it was the Rule of Thog. Thog know best. Thog smash smash Rule in to rock: "don't be dicks". Thog not know many word but knows it best to be nice nice to others.


u/lovesducks 4d ago

Kids today need to know how to handle their slaves

Damn I knew Lousiana was a bit behind education-wise. Didn't think they were that far behind.


u/planeturban 4d ago

It’s spelled “Harambe”. 


u/BarelyContainedChaos 4d ago

Yes everyone knows this -john oliver last week


u/QueenOfQuok 4d ago

Bunch of theocratic morons turning the Ten Commandments into a sacred symbol that they worship like it's an idol.


u/BetHunnadHunnad 4d ago

Also if I'm thinking correctly, according to scripture, didn't Jesus' death more or less invalidate the levitican laws and replace them with something more along the lines of keep faith in Chriat, walk like christ, and love thy neighbor?


u/barath_s 4d ago edited 4d ago

being the “original law” when we all know it was the Code of Hammurabi.

The Code of Ur Nammu is 300 years older than the Code of Hammurabi. It is the oldest surviving code of law, dating back to 2050-2100 BC


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_of_Ur-Nammu#Surviving_laws It starts out :

although we only have fragments, they are enough to show that the laws covered both civil and criminal matters. Among criminal provisions it specifies which should be capital offences: murder, robbery, deflowering another man's virgin wife, and adultery when committed by a woman. For other misdemeanors the penalty was a fine in silver… [Ur-Nammu's code stands] in contrast to the more famous laws of Hammurabi, drafted some three centuries later, with its savage provisions of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth". (148-149)

There are references to older codes of law such as code of Urukagina, but the codes themselves have not survived as far as we know.



u/1peatfor7 4d ago

Don't tell LA politicians that Hinduism is several thousand years older than the Ten Commandments. lol


u/Zoomwafflez 4d ago

Also the ten commandments most of us learned is a horrible translation of the original Hebrew 


u/jonathanrdt 5d ago

Kids all learn of the Code, but they are never shown it. Even just a quick scan shows how absurd the past really was.



I learned the gist of it in school. (harsh punishment, an eye for an eye)


u/jrobbio 4d ago

I'm not gonna lie, I read that as the Code of Harambe at first. Dicks out for the Code of Harambe.


u/jorrylee 5d ago

Whenever a friend will say something about bringing back prayer into schools, that’s exactly what I respond with, which god are we going to pray to? It has to be all or none. Funny enough, they actually take a moment to think and sometimes revise their stance. If you want everyone to pray, it might not end up being Jesus!


u/StephaneiAarhus 4d ago

Bring up the Kamis !

Nothing like 800 millions Japanese deities to calm the shit down.


u/RunninOnMT 3d ago


“Sorry republicans, before my kids can start their day at school, they have to thank at least a hundred commies in the morning due to your new law”


u/ColdFusion363 5d ago

Yep. Including. Wait for it…….ISLAM!!!


u/SaraSlaughter607 4d ago

Oh I'm excited for the TST Baphomet in every classroom!


u/r_jajajaime 4d ago

Display the 7 tenents!


u/kratly 4d ago

I’m a HS teacher in Texas, and it wouldn’t surprise me if we are not far behind. If something like this came to pass here, I’ve already got plans to put it on a wall alongside the Three Laws of Robotics (from Asimov), the 8 Rules of Fight Club, the Tenets of the Jedi Code, Rules for Time Travelers (from Doctor Who), Rules of Magic (from Harry Potter), and Survival Rules (from The Walking Dead).


u/TheBigMaestro 4d ago

We’re talking about farts, right?


u/jonb1sux 4d ago

What scares me is this scotus will make shit up to ssy chtistianity rules, everything else drools


u/BusStopKnifeFight 5d ago

They actually don’t. You’re dealing with corruption here. The rules are made up as they go.


u/boxinafox 5d ago

Next we can all argue about the SIZE of each religious display.

Like if the Christian display gets a 4’x4’, do the other religious displays also get a 4’x4’? Or will those displays only get a few square inches?

Let’s waste more resources on this garbage! /s


u/golden_eel_words 4d ago

Okay, but hear me out here... how about we don't let one? Can we just do that? I like that the most.


u/sirbissel 4d ago

...at least until this Supreme Court decides that since the king of England ended up becoming the head of the main religion in England that clearly means the founders actually meant was that the first amendment only applied to specific branches of protestant Christianity.


u/OldRoots 4d ago



u/RefrigeratorFit3677 4d ago

Unless it's a private school there shouldn't be any religious sponsorship. Otherwise you are denying freedom of religion.


u/OldRoots 4d ago



u/ShepherdessAnne 4d ago

What makes you think that?


u/OldRoots 4d ago

Constitution and Bill of Rights.


u/machogrande2 4d ago

Both are literally designed to protect the American people from people like you.


u/ShepherdessAnne 4d ago

Elaborate? Be specific.


u/OldRoots 4d ago

No, thank you.


u/ShepherdessAnne 4d ago

Then barring that my only conclusion is that you are arguing either in bad faith, or don't actually know the contents of those things.


u/OldRoots 4d ago

Or I'm to busy for a thorough conversation.

Assume the best friend.

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u/derf6 4d ago
