r/nottheonion 5d ago

Oklahoma state superintendent announces all schools must incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in curriculums


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u/deadsoulinside 4d ago

Start with Ezekiel 23


Let's see how long they want to play that game.


u/CrippleWitch 4d ago

What is this actually saying? Samaria and Jerusalem turned away from the god Yahweh when they… what let peoples of other nations and religions live and worship there but then made them stop? So now those peoples will be turned against the cities and do the whole burn/rape/pillage thing?

Also why are breasts and bosoms treated like they are two separate things to be fondled and defiled? I’m not getting the metaphor the writer seems to just want to really hate on prostitutes.


u/sprocketous 4d ago

Thousands of years of translations tend to evolve the source material


u/CrippleWitch 4d ago

The worst game of telephone ever.