r/nottheonion 3d ago

Oklahoma state superintendent announces all schools must incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in curriculums


318 comments sorted by


u/Aleyla 3d ago

JFC this is insane.


u/OkVermicelli2557 3d ago

It won't survive the court challenge since Oklahoma's State Constitution bans public funding for religious stuff.


u/defroach84 3d ago

Until the SC says they can't do that, so it's ok to enforce this.


u/Goldar85 3d ago

thE cOnstITUtioN SAyS freeDom of ReLiGioN Not FREEdOm froM reliGiOn. šŸ¤“


u/glitchycat39 3d ago

Mike Pence, is that you?


u/Goldar85 3d ago

Howā€™d you guess? Was it my strong masculine presence? My unwavering heterosexuality. I find men repulsive. The thoughts of hard muscular masculine bodies makes me sick.


u/BeRad85 3d ago

I wish these men would stop sucking my cock. I canā€™t bear it, so I follow them into the menā€™s room to keep vigil. Sometimes their lust is so disgusting I have no choice but to suck them off so they can see how terrible it is. Thatā€™s not always sufficient though, so Iā€™m forced to try and calm them down by gently applying a submission hold on their cocks with my reluctant but dutiful anus. (Slight Onion ripoff. Couldnā€™t remember verbatim.)

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u/marcopaulodirect 3d ago

ā€¦. but not masks during a global pandemic.

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u/ian2345 3d ago

So they'll just defund the public schools by forcing them to break the laws and open the door for religious charter schools.


u/Throwawayac1234567 3d ago

thats what BETSY devos has been doing, the actual private schools getting these vouchers, will just raise it just enough so that poor-non-whites cant attend.


u/NetDork 3d ago

Oddly enough, it seems it might fail the Oklahoma SC but then pass SCOTUS just fine.


u/grumble11 3d ago

Sure it will. The Supreme Court is firmly right wing and just legalized bribery.

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u/MollyAyana 3d ago edited 3d ago

Between this, the draconian abortion laws in red states and a new conservative push to end no-fault divorces, the Christian Taliban is having a great run. Fucking terrifying for the rest of us tho.


u/Desertmarkr 3d ago

IVF is another thing they're trying to ban

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u/AshuraBaron 3d ago

"Everyone should be forced to read the Bible and learn it's valuable lessons." - Man who hasn't read the Bible


u/SelectiveSanity 3d ago

"Its what our Founding Fathers wanted!" - Man who hasn't read the Constitution. Also the same guy.


u/DukeLukeivi 3d ago

This won't stop him, cause he can't read!!


u/davereit 2d ago

And doesn't care.


u/MercutioLivesh87 2d ago

Or a history book


u/DeadPoster 3d ago

"The Bible is the most potent force for Atheism ever conceived." --Isaac Asimov


u/jayydubbya 3d ago

I always liked ā€œthe only people who actually read the bible are atheists and priests.ā€


u/Khavary 3d ago

you would be surprised by the amount of priests that are atheists


u/jayydubbya 3d ago

Had an ex priest friend at my old job who quit because he wanted to bang women and told me there is no hell. Great guy miss him.


u/Illfury 2d ago

In our core group, one of my friends is currently a Pastor. You wouldn't know that by playing with him though, that is for sure lol. Love that man to bits though. Good person.

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u/iMossa 2d ago

Friend of a friend liked religion and history enough too read it on University, though the only job he could get from that education was as a priest. So not hard too believe that there might be some atheist priests, even think Sweden might have an atheist field priest.


u/Alexis_J_M 3d ago

The best Bible teacher I ever had was an atheist. But she knew the Book of Kings backwards and forwards...

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u/zenfrodo 2d ago

Heh. All I can remember is our religion teacher (Catholic High School, cool young priest teaching the required "religion" class) telling us that reading the Bible ourselves was important, so we knew what it actually said, instead of relying on what other folks claimed.

So yeah, OK, let the English Lit teachers have a go at the Bible. I don't think that means what you think it means. šŸ˜

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u/drch33ks 3d ago

The Bible is full of great life lessons, like how severely you can beat your slaves without being in the wrong.

And the appropriate price to pay a father to marry his daughter after you rape her.

And also when it is and is not appropriate for women to speak in the presence of men.

Not sure why anyone would want to get their morals from any other source. /s


u/Born_Ad_4826 3d ago

Also... The bible is like... Really long. Like high school kids won't even read Grapes of Wrath... And now that clonker?


u/Misternogo 3d ago

Not to mention huge sections that are just genealogies. Just who begat who, over and over and over.


u/tronfacekrud 2d ago

I love when they list everyone's amount of livestock.


u/epsdelta74 2d ago

That's important! It's how we can calculate the age of the Earth!


u/JavaJapes 3d ago

I attended a private Christian school. I remember in elementary school, teachers just telling us not to read Song of Songs/Song of Solomon. So of course many of them immediately did... but like, how ironic that there's parts of your book you don't want your kids reading until a certain age.

But reading the verses with the examples you gave and worse from elementary school was totally fine lol

I remember Ezekiel 23:20 coming to mind as one that teachers hated kids bringing up.


u/hgs25 2d ago edited 2d ago

Funny thing, when Utah banned books with sexual themes and violence from schools, they accidentally banned the Bible too. When Librarians started removing the book in compliance with the law, it went to court. The judge sided with the librarians because they were complying with the law.

Utah then made a special exception for the Bible.

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u/IxI_DUCK_IxI 3d ago

I particularly like the story of Jesus 2.0. He rose from the dead and it took them 40 days to validate who he was. 40 days! What were they doing? Feats of strength? Jeopardy quizzes? Guess what card Iā€™m holding? They couldnā€™t find one person who recognized him?


u/a_Joan_Baez_tattoo 3d ago

Thomas just really had to be sure.

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u/dalerian 2d ago

Must have been a lot of people out there walking on water, raising the dead and so on.

Easy to get them mixed up.


u/PowerhousePlayer 3d ago

Look, he just had, like, a really forgettable face, okay? Probably why the Romans needed someone to identify him with a kiss instead of just rolling up to the guy who was known for giving big sermons and doing actual magicĀ 

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u/zarfle2 2d ago

My favourite story is "Let's get Dad drunk and fuck him"


u/Great_Consequence_10 2d ago



u/tronfacekrud 2d ago

Not to mention all the free BBQ for the rabbi's after you commit a sin, such as being a woman on her period.


u/deadsoulinside 3d ago

Start with Ezekiel 23


Let's see how long they want to play that game.


u/CrippleWitch 3d ago

What is this actually saying? Samaria and Jerusalem turned away from the god Yahweh when theyā€¦ what let peoples of other nations and religions live and worship there but then made them stop? So now those peoples will be turned against the cities and do the whole burn/rape/pillage thing?

Also why are breasts and bosoms treated like they are two separate things to be fondled and defiled? Iā€™m not getting the metaphor the writer seems to just want to really hate on prostitutes.


u/sprocketous 2d ago

Thousands of years of translations tend to evolve the source material


u/CrippleWitch 2d ago

The worst game of telephone ever.


u/UndeadDemonKnight 2d ago

NGL - This is a pretty sweet passage: "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses"


u/deadsoulinside 2d ago

Yeah, 23:20 is the really known verse that most people somewhat know of off the top of their head. The NIV version of the bible seems to be more "Detailed oriented" versus the King James version of Ezekiel 23.

The whole thing reads more like 50 shades of grey for desert people.

We need to highlight that the people who claim the bible is fit for teaching, really don't know what is in that bible beyond the selected passages their preachers have been using for the past 50 years.


u/WOTDisLanguish 3d ago

Ezekiel 23:20


u/deadsoulinside 3d ago

Just all of it. The whole 23 portion.


u/Ttthhasdf 3d ago

Which translation? Catholic or protestant?


u/fuelbomb 2d ago

come now, it's always the Protestant version...


u/tman37 3d ago

Everyone should read the Bible because it's a foundational document of our society. It's is full of valuable lessons in the form of our cultural myths. Also, far too many people talk about the Bible yet have no idea what it actually says. I also think people should learn the history of the Bible, the difference between the Old and New Testaments particularly how it went from a bunch of religious writings to "The Bible".

I don't know how they think this will work. Even if the whole separation of church and state thing wasn't am issue, you have to include other religious. Does that mean teaching the Koran? The Batva Ghita? Dianetics?


u/JWAdvocate83 3d ago edited 3d ago

Some foreseeable problems. First, like youā€™ve mentioned, the curriculum would need to allow for instruction on all religions, to avoid implicitly endorsing one or some over others. And even if that were possible, it could be seen as tacit endorsement of religion belief/worship, as oppose to atheism or agnosticism. The State could make such classes optional, but the funding would have to come from somewhereā€”though funding isnā€™t always dispositive. (E.g. Some state courts [Edit: Including Oklahoma] reject Stateā€™s authority to post Ten Commandments in a public place, even if paid for privately.)

Second, youā€™d run into issues of interpretation. There have been wars fought over religious interpretation. What happens when a student disagrees with any given interpretations by the curriculumā€™s material, or a teacher, or another student? Not necessarily a dispositive problem if strictly examining ā€œnuts-and-boltsā€ of a document, but even what that would constitute would be up to interpretation.

Related to that one, and this is a big one, what happens when the State teaches one thing, while your church or temple teaches another? Your minister is nice and everything, but heā€™s not grading youā€”your teacher is. But if your minister tells you that your teacher is a heretic, and you risk eternal damnation if you keep learning from them instead, what are you gonna do? Thatā€™s a lot of conflicting pressure to put on a K-12 kiddo, and a minister may resent the State using its power like the King/Church of England used to.


u/trollsmurf 3d ago

I doubt they recognize any other religion than Christianity. It has Jesus after all.


u/LemonSkye 2d ago

So does Islam. Difference is he's a prophet there, not the son of God.


u/HungerMadra 2d ago

Still gets more mentions then Mohamed Iirc


u/BrainChemical5426 3d ago edited 3d ago

I agree, but this is too heavy for primary schooling. Electives in high school, perhaps. I for one would have loved to learn stuff like the Itihasas in high school, let alone the Hebrew and Christian bibles. But mandatory bible lessons? Iā€™m not sure. Those resources are better spent on history or literature courses (the importance of the bible to the western literary canon not withstanding).

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u/thebeandream 3d ago

This sounds cool in theory but in practice no one takes the time to understand Judaism and it ends up being ā€œthis is Christianity before Jesus! So bad right?ā€ But it completely ignores the cultural context and how the Jewish people interpret the text. For example a person above pointed out how much you have to pay if you rape a girl. What it doesnā€™t show is the fact that sex is a womanā€™s right and not a manā€™s. In that arrangement he basically has been set up to take care of her for life while she isnā€™t required to do anything in return. Itā€™s not great but itā€™s better than what most assume. Christianity, specifically Paul and not Jesus, stated that women must ā€œsubmit to their husbandsā€ and green lighting marital rape.


u/BrainChemical5426 3d ago edited 3d ago

Even then, I think Paul didnā€™t say that. Not because of any apologism or anything - but because the sexist epistles are considered by modern scholarship to be forgeries written in Paulā€™s name rather than genuine Pauline writings. In the undisputed Pauline epistles, Paul appears to approve of female authority within the church (he refers to Phoebe as a deaconess for example, although sexist translations like the English Standard Version refuse to properly translate this and decide instead to refer to her as a servant), as well as some kind of gender abolitionism (ā€œthere is neither male nor female in Christā€).

Thereā€™s a contradiction if all of it is genuine Pauline writings, not supposing that he could have simply changed his mind over time anyway (in either direction, really). This is perhaps the problem with the majority of the New Testament being other peopleā€™s mail.


u/tman37 3d ago

The early church had lots of female leaders. They were very involved in the early speading of Christianity.

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u/woah_man 3d ago


I'll preface this by saying I completely disagree with the following argument. On NPR recently, the lawyer for the 10 commandments in school made the argument that the 10 commandments were important to the country in a historical context. Like because they were important for the history and tradition of this country, that made it okay to display the 10 commandments in school because the supreme Court tossed out the Lemon test (previous supreme court standard for cases like this) when they ruled on the football coach praying at games.

He's basically saying the current supreme Court has opened the floodgates on stuff like this, and they're leaning in to say Christianity is important to the history and tradition of the country while other examples (like what you listed) don't fit that criteria.

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u/Combat_Armor_Dougram 2d ago

The people who try to force the Bible on us will give up when we actually read the Bible and realize that it goes against everything they said.


u/MillennialsAre40 2d ago

Hey there's an awful lot in here about helping the poor and how capitalism is evil...


u/wanawachee 2d ago

Even a bit about paying your taxes and not using your religion to fleece people.

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u/JeffRVA 3d ago

ā€œā€œEvery classroom in the state from grades 5 through 12 must have a Bible and all teachers must teach from the Bible in the classroom, Walters said.ā€

Somehow Iā€™m guessing there will be some things they wonā€™t be teaching- https://www.patheos.com/blogs/jaysondbradley/2018/07/terrible-things-the-bible-clearly-says/


u/CatPesematologist 3d ago

Trying to figure out what this has to do with algebra, chemistry, etc.


u/felonius_thunk 3d ago

Oh, we won't be teaching those anymore, so it's not an issue!


u/Hips_of_Death 2d ago

Those arenā€™t in the bible! So obviously they wonā€™t be included in the new curriculum /s


u/Throwawayac1234567 3d ago

its simple they just say the bible has to be the answer to all those quesitons. Ill be surprise they are teach

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u/cryptosupercar 3d ago

If I were a teacher being forced to do this I would start every day with Ezekiel 25:17.

ā€œThe path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil menā€¦ā€

Read the Bible, check.


u/BigMeal69 3d ago

You taught Marvin in the fuckin face!


u/bbressman2 3d ago

I think my favorite part is when god told the golden child Abraham that itā€™s ok to rape his slave since he couldnā€™t get his wife pregnant.


u/Ezekiel_29_12 3d ago

I don't think that's how the story went. I think Sarah was exasperated and said to use Hagar, and Abraham wasn't supposed to but did anyway. God was very clear that Sarah would get pregnant even though she was already ancient, and they got impatient.


u/bbressman2 3d ago edited 2d ago

Youā€™re right i misremembered that part but Abramā€™s wife got mad at Hagar for something she said to do and after Hagar fled (Gen 16:7) an angel told Hagar to go back and give in to the abuse. I donā€™t know, there is a lot of wild shit in the Bible, definitely doesnā€™t belong in schools or our government.


u/SCP-Agent-Arad 3d ago

ā€œToday kids, we will be looking at illustrations based on Song of Solomon.ā€

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u/Beezel_Pepperstack 3d ago

The same idiots who support this would be flipping out and crying about the first amendment if the schools were forcing their kids to read the Quran.

Fucking hypocrites.


u/-tobi-kadachi- 3d ago

Always projecting. Conservatives have been crying that the quran would be forced on kids for the past 8 years without any rhyme or reason and of course the first real attempt to force religion on kids in school comes from the chuds who make up bogey men to project onto.


u/NightOfTheLivingHam 2d ago

the rationale is that once they make that claim, they push the bible and say "Well we did it because *they did it first* so it's only fair!"


u/Packman87 3d ago

Don't tell them about Thomas Jefferson's library/reading habitsĀ 


u/CondescendingShitbag 3d ago

The same idiots who support this

Talibangelicals or Y'all-qaeda, take your pick.


u/Ivor79 2d ago

"We don't want no sharia law" - same people

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u/RTwhyNot 3d ago

I fucking hate the religious right.

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u/DisturbingPragmatic 3d ago

49th in education but yeah...concentrate on this.


u/DeviousAardvark 3d ago

Gunning hard for that number 50 slot


u/Torsomu 2d ago

13 years ago, under a Democratic governor and Democratic superintendent of state schools it was 18th. Thats how short of a time it takes to become next to last.


u/BigMeal69 3d ago

Oklahoma superintendent needs to RETIRE NOW. The very definition of "you need to get your shit together."

Somehow, I don't think the Bible is the answer to American illiteracy. Which is all they should fucking care about right now imo


u/smilelaughenjoy 3d ago

If you are an atheist or someone of another religion, I think you should teach your children about the errors and inaccuracies of the bible so they won't get brainwashed.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 

The supreme court justices seem very biased, in my opinion, and I think they might allow corruption to happen where freedom of religion is not respected.


u/androgenoide 3d ago

Teaching about the problems with the Bible is teaching the Bible isn't it? I'm sure a teacher could follow the state guidelines and still teach hard atheism.


u/SCP-Agent-Arad 3d ago

The Supreme Court just ruled that bribery is legal, so they are very much not hiding their bias anymore.

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u/TheLatestTrance 3d ago

Or just fucking leave these backassward states.


u/Sudovoodoo80 3d ago

US headed for a 2 state solution.

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u/jlozada24 3d ago

Not everyone has social mobility


u/Everythings_Magic 3d ago

Iā€™d rather teach science, you know, the pursuit of the truth.

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u/oblex1312 3d ago

"Okay kids, today we're learning about hypocrisy. I'm going to pick a random page and we're going to find all the ways in which our Superintendent does not embody or abide by any of it." - OK Teachers probably


u/BarryZZZ 3d ago

...and it's not even 2025 yet.

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u/B9MB 3d ago

At what point is someone going to sue these people for flat out ignoring the separation of church and state?


u/beneaththeradar 3d ago

It happens constantly. The ACLU exists for shit like this.


u/ArtAndCraftBeers 3d ago

As does the Satanic Temple.

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u/B9MB 3d ago

I guess I'm just underexposed to the cases.


u/JohnnyValet 3d ago

They lost a similar case on Tuesday!

Oklahoma court rejects proposed religious public charter school June 25, 2024


The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected a proposed state-financed Catholic charter school, saying the first-of-its-kind religious public school violated the state and U.S. constitutions.


u/B9MB 3d ago

Thank you. For real. I legitimately feel better and a bit more sane.

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u/BrandonStRandy08 3d ago edited 3d ago

Nothing happens. Look up Kitzmiller v Dover SD. The fundie Dover school board tried sneak in teaching Creationism (calling it Intelligent Design), they were sued immediately, and the Bush appointed judge sided with the ACLU without even blinking an eye. Even though several board members lied under oath during the trial, nothing happened. Like abusive cops, until the people that are pulling this BS have to pay out of their own pockets, nothing will change.


u/tangtheconqueror 2d ago

This is what they want. The whole point of this is to get it in front of the Supreme Court, which will say it's completely fine.

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u/fortifiedblonde 3d ago

Paging the Satanic Temple to save us from this somehow

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u/That1-guyukno 3d ago

ā€œThe Bible keeps telling us to love and care for each other itā€™s just sickā€ - conservative republicans


u/Alexis_J_M 3d ago edited 3d ago

Some friends of mine went to a public school that started a practice of students volunteering to read parts of the Bible over the PA in the morning.

Instead of complaining, they all volunteered.

One read the long list of begats in Genesis.

The second read the description of smearing around the blood and fat after a Temple sacrifice.

The third read the story of Judah and Tamar.

The Bible reading was then cancelled.

(These days I'd also make sure to read Exodus 21 with the description of the abortion drug.)


u/Ok-Abbreviations88 3d ago

WTF is wrong with these people? They want the christian version of Sharia Law.


u/KickBallFever 3d ago

Thatā€™s why they call them ā€œyā€™all Quedaā€.


u/mymar101 3d ago

This is the real indoctrination.


u/ABlindManPlays 3d ago

I am a Christian, and I am 100% opposed to this. I also support the removal of tax-free statuses for churches, as they are just businesses these days. This is absolutely religious extremism and should be fought in all forms. This country is a melting pot of beliefs and heritages and none should stand above another in any form of government or teaching.


u/Gamemode_Cat 2d ago

If your church is a business, youā€™re at the wrong church.Ā 


u/Scarface74 2d ago

The average church spends 60-80% of their budget on the maintenance of the church and salaries.


They are mostly businesses

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u/supercyberlurker 3d ago

Malicious Compliance comes to mind.

"So this is the bible, and these are the ten commandments that authoritarian fundamentalist zealots claim to live by but don't."


u/gisco_tn 3d ago

And today kids, we're going to be learning from the Song of Solomon.


u/Alacritous13 3d ago edited 2d ago

Is this a blank check to teach anything that's in the bible??? Because I've already sent kids home with questions about the bible that concerned parents. I was a bible camp councilor, I got into way to many details about the story of Samson


u/FlippingPossum 3d ago

Haha. The retired pastor at my church made questionable content choices. I drew the line at showing The Passion of the Christ to my daughter.

Me: That's rated R. She's not allowed to watch it.

Him: shocked Pikachu face


u/HoopOnPoop 3d ago

I don't think they even actually think this will take effect. What the right wants is for this to get challenged and struck down in court so they can parade all over claiming they are being persecuted. Then they'll use that as both a dog whistle and a fundraising tool to drum up support for their christian nationalism agenda.


u/Gildenstern2u 3d ago

Time to take stock of the spicier verses in the Bible. Hit me Reddit!!


u/Sablestein 3d ago

She lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose semen was like that of horses. (Ezekiel 23:20)


u/BigMeal69 3d ago

I saved this thread I want to make signs


u/So_spoke_the_wizard 3d ago

It just goes to show that the biggest threat to democracy is christianity.


u/Gamemode_Cat 2d ago

Oklahoma here: We hate Ryan Walters, we want him out, heā€™s trying to do a bunch of noisy stuff because he wants a job in Washington if trump wins.Ā  Iā€™m a Christian, and I think this is stupid. Itā€™s politics, not Christianity


u/tacochemic 3d ago

Itā€™s a disease and itā€™s only going to grow. All Christian brothers and sisters need to hold their own accountable. You worship the same god, you can still their voices and silence them. What message do you want your religion to represent? because the loudest voice is the message we all hear and it isnā€™t one of peace, love and forgiveness.


u/ZachMN 3d ago

The Republican Partyā€™s march to fascism continues unabated.


u/brennanfee 3d ago

Which will, of course, be ignored because it is obviously woefully unconstitutional.


u/New_Ad_3010 3d ago

I'm praying. Praying for a landslide of lawsuits.


u/AngrySmapdi 2d ago

Very, very, brave of Oklahoma to openly declare that the Bill of Rights is meaningless. That's probably not going to go over well with the public when they realize that means they no longer have 2A rights.

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u/androgenoide 3d ago

Today we'll be studying the story of Lot and his daughters.


u/floundrpoundr 3d ago

easy lawsuit, even in the south


u/ian2345 3d ago

Are they all doing this so they can get it up to the high lords of 9 that issue their decrees on what is or isn't constitutional based off their own beliefs instead of established constitutional laws and norms?


u/mnl_cntn 3d ago

How do these idiots get these jobs?


u/Jennyfurr0412 2d ago

If you want to make a bunch of kids atheist I can't think of anything more effective than giving them a Bible and forcing them to read it.

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u/arrav21 2d ago

So we are teaching how Lotā€™s daughters got him drunk and raped him right?


u/MattWolf96 3d ago

Cool, will the kids get to read about Lot's daughters raping him and Onan cumming on the ground?


u/ugheffoff 3d ago

Itā€™s shit like this that makes me wonder why people are still having kids and bringing them into this shitshow of a world.


u/Idiot_Savant_Tinker 2d ago

0 days since last national embarrassment

Good job Oklahoma


u/FlippingPossum 3d ago

As a Christian, pushing this one people is whack. Continue teaching about ALL religions in history. If the kids are learning critical thinking (eternal optimist, here), they are going to be pushed away from forced religion.

My oldest thinks Jesus is based, but isn't a fan of church. My youngest chose not to be confirmed. Lutherans (ELCA) be like....cool. cool. Your choice.


u/KRY4no1 3d ago

Does "incorporate the Bible" include dissecting the hypocrisy of it? That could be worthwhile curriculum.


u/Blushrecorder1967 3d ago

Iā€™m giving a talk about Hagar, the slave of Sarah and Abraham. She is sex trafficked. The Old Testament/Hebrew text has many such stories. Iā€™d like to see how the school will address this.


u/Snoo-57077 3d ago

They're doing a lot of the things they said Muslims were going to do.


u/griffinicky 3d ago

Gonna be a lot of talks about donkey dicks and how to induce an abortion. Oh well.


u/cmparkerson 3d ago

What's the passage in the gospel about be not like the zealots


u/SetterOfTrends 3d ago

Read the Bible as a fiction if you want.

Read the Ten Commandments as a revision of the Laws of Hammurabi.

No problem with them teaching creationism as long as they also teach that science proves the world is more than 6000 years old.


u/Shimmitar 2d ago

how is that even legal? Isnt it against the constitution?


u/Spongman 2d ago

If the federal government can enforce a defacto national drinking age, why canā€™t it enforce keeping religion out of public schools?


u/asbeaver 2d ago

As a math teacher maybe I'll have students calculate the percent of the 10 commandments that are purely about God's ego...


u/mikeb31588 3d ago

The only thing the Bible is good for is rolling doobies


u/Fetlocks_Glistening 3d ago

Today we'll be talking about the plague of frogs.

Who knows what's a plague of frogs?


u/androgenoide 3d ago

Isn't that a plague of frog (singular)?


u/animagus_kitty 3d ago

It's a beautiful day in Men-nefer, and you are a *very bad frog.*


u/ICLazeru 3d ago

I'ma teach Judges 19. A part of the Bible few people seem to talk about, perhaps because it involves allowing innocent people to die painfully so that their death can then be used to justify genocide. And yeah, the way I just said it is way nicer than what is actually in there.


u/perplexedparallax 3d ago

Maybe they can feed 5000 in a school district too.

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u/maybeinoregon 3d ago

They better incorporate The Flying Spaghetti Monster too, or Iā€™m suing for discriminationā€¦


u/pichael289 3d ago

This is great, they now need to incorporate all the Muslim and Hebrew beliefs into their curriculum. The Muslim stuff will cause Christians to oppose this really fast.


u/sunrisemisty 3d ago

What about the Satanic Bible? Does that count? šŸ˜‰


u/Officedrone15 3d ago

Wait till a teacher wants to lecture on the sermon on the mount.


u/Mygaffer 3d ago

Great election year theater.


u/Lots42 2d ago

My middle school acknowledged Jesus by saying he is a figure that many worship. One sentence, they moved on.


u/Peaceout3613 2d ago

Like Louisiana, Oklahoma is a "bottom of the barrel" state with legislature apparently entirely incompetent to move the needle even slightly on their myriad of issues, but hey can waste taxpayer money on BS like this. Just completely garbage human beings. I call them "The Church of the Whited Sepulchral".


u/1950sClass 2d ago

I said it when I graduated basic training, and I'll say it again. Fuck Oklahoma. Your state smells of shit.


u/Nixeris 2d ago

This is 100% a ploy to get the Supreme Court to overturn their ruling on prayer in school.

The idea is that you make an absolutely ridiculous law or rule so that someone will challenge it. Then you petition it to the Supreme Court, where the Conservative majority has been overturning rulings left and right.

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u/AdministrativeBank86 2d ago

And how do you plan on enforcing that edict you god addled cretin


u/SokkaHaikuBot 2d ago

Sokka-Haiku by AdministrativeBank86:

And how do you plan

On enforcing that edict

You god addled cretin

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/flarkle 2d ago

Yeah, need to protect the kids from indoctrination!


u/SteveBennett7g 2d ago

Bring back the Code of Hammurabi! Make Mesopotamia great again!


u/Rohri_Calhoun 3d ago

Does incorporating the Bible include disproving and debating the laws of the Bible? And including all versions of the Bible? In the original Hebrew/Greek/Latin? The Bible was definitely meant to be read in the original language.


u/Someonenoone7 3d ago

Their dreams will bite them in the arse


u/SlenDman402 3d ago

Do they not already have mythology?


u/SallySpaghetti 3d ago

"Good lord! What is happening in there?"


u/cowvin 3d ago

Perhaps we should have people who follow the Ten Commandments weigh in on this issue rather than Republicans.


u/danecookofmods 3d ago

Welcome to Christianity 101. Next semester, we'll cover right-wing extremism and how to start a small business to appeal to extremism to make easy money.


u/Vivid-Soup-5636 3d ago

Here we go-fucking evangelicals taking over the country


u/readysteadygogogo 3d ago

Hereā€™s the thing: he knows this will fail. Itā€™s designed to fail. He knows it will get smacked down by the courts at every level including the Supreme Court. All heā€™s doing is posturing for the cameras so he can make a sizzle reel for when he runs for congress. Heā€™ll campaign as a conservative hero and those idiots will eat it up.


u/SCWickedHam 3d ago

Teach about the rape, murder, genocide.


u/Familiars_ghost 3d ago

Somehow I think Reservation schools will start producing better students and grades than general public or private schools. Go Natives!


u/Humble_Wind_5058 3d ago

What happened to separation of church and state?

Will they be teaching all religions?? You going to force Jewish children or Arab children to sit there and learn another religion.



u/Dubhlainn2 3d ago

This has to go to the supreme court..


u/CommunityGlittering2 2d ago

I remember learning about gods in school, the class was called Mythology and we were not taught that they were facts, I'd be ok if they treated the Bible like that.


u/FaithIsFoolish 2d ago

Thereā€™s going to be an immediate injunction


u/Pittedstee 2d ago

These people have never read their bibles. Most christians just flip to the flowery parts they have bookmarked (love thy neighbor, all things through christ) and skip over all the other turds floating around in that cespool of human misery.


u/Vegetable_Quote_4807 2d ago

I think most of them skip over the love thy neighbors part.

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u/revchewie 2d ago

"The Bible is an indispensable historical and cultural touchstone,ā€ Walters said in the release. ā€œWithout basic knowledge of it, Oklahoma students are unable to properly contextualize the foundation of our nation."

Wow! Nice way to try to end-run around the 1st amendment religious issues. "Oh, we're not forcing any religion on anyone, it's historical!" Fucking christo-fascists!


u/Serikan 2d ago

Isn't this just a blatant violation of the first amendment?


u/Egg3rs 2d ago

So when is the Christian church gonna start paying some fucking taxes?


u/Emergency_Bird_Alert 1d ago

Fuck. This. Place.


u/No_End_8410 8h ago

It's the next in a long history of non-starter legal policies that politicians use to rile up their base after being shot down by the court. Politicians don't care whether the bible is in schools; they care that their base votes with zealotry when the Constitution disagrees with what their pastor tells them the Constitution should state instead.


u/Falchion92 3d ago

As a Christian myself I am appalled.


u/ghandi3737 3d ago

I'm guessing it doesn't say it must be a favorable opinion of the bible, considering the penchant for not thinking how all the rules are laid out by people who do this kind of thing.


u/EnjoiThatGinge 2d ago edited 2d ago

The US is absolutely wild, so blessed I wasn't born in such a shit hole country


u/Ohif0n1y 3d ago

Let's take a look at a story and apply what we know of human nature to it. I'm betting Lot raped his daughters and not the other way around. I also bet he killed his wife because he likely let it slip that he wanted to commit incest with them and she got mad and wanted to protect them from their father.


u/I_like_pizza_teve 3d ago

Dumb and dumber eh?


u/Greyboxer 3d ago

Add to the curriculum the 10 commandments for the purpose of teaching how fucking dumb the Bible is


u/Wazootyman13 3d ago

Would "Okay, and here's some bullshit from the bible!" qualify as integrating it?


u/nerankori 3d ago

"And the first thing this Bible will teach us is the combustion point of paper."

"Is it 451 degrees Fahrenheit,ma'am? There was like,a whole novel about that."

(tossing Bible aside) "Well fuck that then."


u/ReallyGottaTakeAPiss 3d ago

Is this not already taught in history class?