r/nottheonion 9d ago

DC heat melts head off wax replica of Abraham Lincoln


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u/Porkodile 9d ago

Wax can have a pretty big large difference for melting points, beween 100F - 190F. Apparently it didn't even reach 100F in DC although that could be wrong.


u/EddieSpaghettiFarts 9d ago

They measure that temp in the shade. Poor Abe doesn’t even have an umbrella.


u/ArethereWaffles 9d ago

It's also a measure of air temperature which is different from an object's surface temperature. Just because the air is 90F doesn't mean asphalt roads, metal railings, or wax statues are at 90F


u/Quake_Guy 9d ago

Somehow measuring solar load as a temperature adder as humidity is used to create heat index has never been done.

As someone who lives in Phoenix, I am curious. I seem to be the only one that brings it up.