r/lonely 4d ago

Why Are People Here So Obsessed Over height? Discussion

I was taller than rest of the class since my childhood and still was bullied and discriminated.

and now I am 5'11" which is above the average height of India.

I have never got any upper hand in dating..heck girls don't even want to talk to me due to my looks.

the height aspect works in dating apps , I have never seen girls demanding for 6ft guy in real life.

Looks>>>>>Height anytime.


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u/Additional-Gap666 3d ago

Women are obssessed men's with height, men are obssessed with women's weight. Everyone got their struggles.


u/ser_bronn21 3d ago

It's astonishing that you put "weight" in here. Being overweight is a choice.. Being short is genetic.


u/Additional-Gap666 3d ago

I know you can't control height, but controlling your weight isn't easy either, is not "just stop eating" to get a fit body you need to go to gym everyday, eat only specific types of food, and some people also drink medicine, else your weight won't mantain. You need to have motivation and most of all: money. Most guys don't want someone with average weight, they want super skinny women.


u/ser_bronn21 3d ago

Not easy but achievable, my point still stands.


u/Additional-Gap666 3d ago

You just ignored everything i said, as expected.


u/ser_bronn21 3d ago

Yes just like you.. Achievable and not achievable.. Men expect too little or sometimes nothing from women.


u/Additional-Gap666 3d ago

LMAOOOOO i'm not even gonna say anything. You are prob the type of dude who gets proved wrong millions of times, but still stay with the same mentality and beliefs. 


u/ser_bronn21 3d ago

Yeah deflect the topic again, it suits you.. Put more "O"s lol