r/lonely Apr 07 '20

Moderator post Reminder: Do not post your social medias or phone numbers on this subreddit.


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r/lonely Nov 12 '23

Venting Please do not use r/Lonely as a dating platform


This is not the place to find the love of your life. Look, a romantic relationship is gonna be the single most important relationship you’ll ever be in. You’re gonna have friends. You’re gonna have a best friend. But there will only be ONE person that shares your heart. r/Lonely is place where people can be listened to and have their emotions valued when no else is there to hear them. It absolutely is the worst feeling like you’re alone and no one cares about you. You built the courage to share to a share to a bunch of strangers what’s on your mind and why you feel the way that you feel. It could be you don’t have any friends yet. It could that things didn’t work out with your boyfriend or girlfriend. It could be that you don’t have a romantic partner yet and feel like that’s it’s never going to happen. Look random person reading this. SHUT. UP. It’s gonna be different even though everything, including yourself, thinks it isn’t possible to meet that special someone. However, you won’t find them here. You’ll find them beyond the screen that you are reading this Reddit post on. That person with whom you’re supposed to be with WILL come for you at the right time and it’ll catch you off guard. Maybe it’s love at first sight. Maybe it’s not. Trust me, when the time comes, will you be too scared to throw away the person who was meant for you? Or will you say, “Screw it”, and go for it. The people who say this go far in life. Wanna a tip to help you get started? You want a friend? First you got to be a friend.

Edit 11/12/2023: Talked to my SO about taking the post down. They said to leave it up.

Edit 11/13/2023: I’m not trying to gate keep. It’s important that people who use this subreddit feel safe and won’t be exploited. Also, it’s in the subreddit rules not to make posts asking for a relationship. I won’t be replying to posts and I don’t care very much for some of the DMs I’ve gotten threatening me.

r/lonely 11h ago

You guys give guys a bad name


I know this is probably posted a lot, but I felt like repeating it again; some of you need to learn to respect women.

I get it, loneliness can make you bitter. I really really get that. But just because life is hard, doesn't mean you get to make it harder for others. Women are all individuals with different wants and desires. They are human beings who want to be treated as such and not as objects. They're not all the same, so it doesn't make sense to generalize them beyond a small biological level. Behavioral similarities among women are more likely a result of sociocultural factors, and even then not every woman from that culture will be the same.

I'm not saying that women are superior or that men shouldn't be respected too. Despite the name, feminism isn't about female superiority; it's about equal gender rights. When you generalize a group of people and degrade and dehumanize them, it can hurt. That should go without saying but as a rule of thumb, people should be treated like people. Sometimes I feel embarrassed to call myself a lonely guy because of those out there who use loneliness as an excuse for misogyny.

Sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to share my thoughts. There's a lot more I couldn't share here so I encourage you to learn about feminism on your own

EDIT: I see people saying things like "why not just say people should respect people, why make it gendered?!" It's true that we should all learn to respect each other, but the issue I'm calling out is specifically the disrespect against women. Refusing to see how it is gendered negates the experiences that women especially have with misogny and sexual harassment.

r/lonely 3h ago

Venting 21F, never held a guys hand before.


Soo yeah. I’ve never been close to a dude, I’ve always been surrounded by women my whole life. Which kinda makes me scared of guys (not in the im scared of rape way, just nervous way?) I’ve never even held a dudes hand. I’m an attractive girl if I say so myself, ive gotten compliments before (mostly girls). But no guy has ever stopped me or asked for my number, or something like that. I don’t know, I’m just kinda venting lol

r/lonely 1h ago

Discussion Few people will care for you.


Only been here for a week or two and I’ve noticed most just want to get mad or have their outlook reaffirmed.

That’s social media in general but for some reason I thought this would be different.

Few have empathy or truly care about others, if you have no love in you how do you expect to get it from someone else? ❤️‍🔥🫂

r/lonely 3h ago

Hahaha i see it!


Men get ignored and everyone hits up the women

r/lonely 9h ago

Does anyone else hates when someone says "i know someone just like you who got a girlfriend/boyfriend"?


I know they are trying to give hope, but it doesn't help at all. Experiences will not be the same for everyone. Just because your ugly cousin got a partner or friends doesn't mean all ugly people will.

r/lonely 1h ago

I'm sorry


I'm sorry Mom. I'm sorry you have to twist your mind to convince yourself I'm beautiful. I'm sorry you have to witness the way no girl looks at your son. I'm sorry I matured into an ugly baby. I understand that torment your heart feels whenever you see a young woman experiencing the joys of motherhood, knowing every wonderful moment you've ever experienced in your life's journey has amounted to me. That despair that transcends emotion, that sadness that makes you feel like the world has left you behind. I know you longed for a daughter. I'm sorry you'll never gossip and laugh with your teenage angel, knowing she's growing into everything you ever dreamed her to be. I'm sorry I never became a person.

I'm sorry to that part of my dad who wants nothing more than to hold his child in his arms. I'm sorry I've dissapointed you in every way. I'm sorry you feel sick when you look at me.

I'm sorry to my old friends. Sorry I became so boring. Sorry I lost the ability to make you smile. Sorry hearing from me became a surprise. Sorry I wasted so much of your time.

And most of all, I'm sorry to that little boy who was so excited to grow up.

r/lonely 44m ago

Discussion Why Are People Here So Obsessed Over height?


I was taller than rest of the class since my childhood and still was bullied and discriminated.

and now I am 5'11" which is above the average height of India.

I have never got any upper hand in dating..heck girls don't even want to talk to me due to my looks.

the height aspect works in dating apps , I have never seen girls demanding for 6ft guy in real life.

Looks>>>>>Height anytime.

r/lonely 3h ago

Tonight I am God’s drunkest warrior.


Don’t allow yourself to fall victim to anyone, stand strong and proud for yourself. If you’re tired of being miserable then wear your scars with pride and push on! Get so tired of getting tired of it all and get angry! Use it as a driving force to change and be better, to fix the things you can and set yourself free from the shackles weighing your heart down. Accept the things you cannot change and for what they are but never ever stop trying. Life is too short and filled with far too much uncertainty to sulk around wasting your time on if’s and the lingering past. Depression and sadness, a feeling all too familiar but to move past them is a far stronger feeling than they could ever invoke. Love and growth towards oneself is more than enough, even if you don’t believe it or think you deserve it, you do and that self care will do wonders. Don’t give up on yourself, I still believe in you. Try for yourself, live for you, no one else.

I apologize for my drunk ramblings but if anyone took anything away from this, good I’m glad:) I hope everyone has a wonderful night let alone life and I wish you all the best. Stay strong and unwavering, you’ve got this:)

r/lonely 56m ago

Venting i just don’t want to be alone with my thoughts rn


i just need someone to talk to really, someone who’s willing to listen, i need it desperately. i know it sounds pathetic but i’m getting extremely depressed right now and it’s really messing with me.

edit: i forgot to include, but i am a minor.

r/lonely 2h ago



I posted something here, and my post gathered a lot of attention, but some people just dm me to make me feel worst (some not everyone). I guess there are people fishing around to make others feel even worst about themselves. Like I'm already lonely and that's why I'm posting here, go be mean at someone else or stay away from the internet and don't be mean to anyone. Big hug for everyone who's feeling lonely like me and had a bad experience from people that reached out of there.

r/lonely 6h ago

It's my (f) 18th birthday today


That's kind of all, I didn't think I'd make but I did :) I wish I had a girlfriend to celebrate it with but, I'll survive. I got some gifts for myself, so that's cool.

Edit: thank you everyone, you guys made my birthday so much better <3

r/lonely 15h ago

Venting How do I accept the fact I’ll be alone forever?


How do I accept the fact I’ll be alone forever?

Exactly what the title says. I (33M) have been in one relationship in my life. That was during college and while it was very serious (lasted four-plus years), it ended a decade ago. I can probably count on two hands the number of dates I’ve been on since.

I just don’t see how I will ever meet a woman who is romantically interested in me. I have very little social life, I have a small group of friends from a former job and basically no one I talk to anywhere near regularly outside from them and my parent and sibling. I don’t have many hobbies. I have depression and social anxiety, and it’s the last one that I feel really holds me back. I’m not the type to go out to events or places by myself and talk to strangers; I’m just not. As much as the thought of being alone terrifies me, the thought of putting myself out there like that, being uncomfortable and risking rejection, might be even worse.

I know that statistically speaking I will probably find someone, but in truth there’s a very large part of me that absolutely is convinced I will never find love again. I had my chance and blew it, and that’s that. I know for a fact my ex has moved on, and part of me is happy for her, but I also feel… jealous, I guess. In truth, if I could go back in time and try to correct the mistakes I made that led to the breakup, I would.

It sucks. I miss intimacy. I hate feeling like everyone but me has someone, like I’m missing key milestones. I miss having a partner and the feeling of being in love. Part of me is sad about the fact I’ll never have a kid, even though I try to rationalize it by telling myself it’s best I won’t pass my genes on (my mental health sucks, and I do wonder if it’s ethical to bring a child into such a troubled world) but ultimately that’s largely something I say to just make myself feel better.

I know I have a tendency to see the grass as “always being greener,” and I know things I value now, like autonomy, will change if I had a relationship, but that doesn’t stop me from feeling like I am just desperate. Yes, I would rather be single than be in a bad relationship, but why does it have to be one of those two? Being alone is literally my worst fear, and I genuinely believe that’s my fate. It sucks. It truly is enough to make me want to end it sometimes, if I’m being completely honest.

Life could be worse, absolutely. But why do I feel like I’m missing such a vital part of life, and why am I condemned to such a fate of loneliness?

r/lonely 1h ago

Venting Incapable of making friends


I'm 20 F and I'm in college and I currently have no friends. I try my hardest to appear presentable whenever I go to my classes in hopes that people will want to befriend me but they dont. When i try to be polite they just ignore me. Or they'll talk to me but only as a classmate as in they don't want to form a actual friendship with me outside of class. I feel a deep sense of loneliness when I see friendgroups or people my age having fun together meanwhile I'm in the sidelines wondering why I feel like I don't belong. And yeah sometimes I feel resentment towards anyone who is happy and has friends because I wish I was in their position and it's not fair. I try to pay attention to how people form friendships and talk but I am unable to learn. I can't form witty and funny jokes at the fly, I can't speak to strangers without my voice wavering in nervousness, I can't even fully look at them in the eye. I am just unable to connect with people. At least I have my family but I feel so embarassed that I don't have any friends at all in my age. And my parents feel pity for me and try to give me advice on putting myself out there but they just don't understand that even if I do put myself out there i am NOT wanted.

r/lonely 2h ago

I tried to express my loneliness to a friend


And she basically called me annoying. I mean I understand why, I made a joke about “needing a man” instead of saying I feel lonely.. but her response really hurt my feelings. Even after I clarified that I was trying to express my loneliness she said it’s repetitive and I only need to say something once for her to get, and she’d like to have an actual conversation for once. I feel embarrassed, hurt, stupid, like I should just completely retreat from this friendship. I think I was meant to be completely alone

r/lonely 19m ago

Venting Lonely my whole life and tired.


My life didn’t start out well. I was born to a 13 year-old and a 26 Year-old. My village only had about 30 households or so, so, there wasn’t a whole lot of people to mingle with to begin with. My grandmother raised me and kept me isolated. My windows were painted shut and the doors were never allowed to be closed. My life growing up was school, church, and home. I wasn’t allowed outside to play like normal kids because I could have ended up pregnant like my mother at 12. Sometimes I saw other kids at church, but never got a lot of time to hang out. School was the same. I talked to people but was never able to form normal friendships outside of school, so people didn’t talk to me a whole lot. When I was 18 I escaped with a guy I thought would save me, but turns out he was a diagnosed schizophrenic and kept me trapped in a room for 7 years. After I escaped that guy, I drifted around with some people I met on a game I played online. Eventually I met the person I’m with now. We’ve been together 12 years and never married. I feel like I just exist in this life. I had to cut contact with my family because they’re not healthy for me to be around. I have no one to talk to, because I just simply don’t know anyone. The guy I’m with we have a home together, and I’d like to be married just for the sake of our house if something were to happen, but on the other hand I’ve always dreamed of a wedding. I’m silly because I have no one to actually invite to a wedding, but I’d still like a marriage built on love. It’s not something that’s in the cards for everyone, but I still mourn it often. I really just want one person before I die to show me with actions that love is a real thing. I think that’s the one miracle I’d like to witness in this life. Just once I would love to feel what it REALLY feels like to have your heart stop, or not have to plan your own surprises. I’ve never even had a birthday party or a cake. I’d settle for a cupcake at this point lol! I’m almost 40 and I’d like just one little tiny dose of love. Just once.

r/lonely 49m ago

Discussion Day 569


Well today was a crap day

I am still alone

r/lonely 9h ago

want to wish everyone to have a goodnight


it is almost a night, maybe can rest

r/lonely 1h ago

I need somebody to talk to NOW not later


I’m too lit to be this damn lonely

r/lonely 2h ago

F20 and never been kissed/held hands/done anything romantic with someone


I’m 20 years old and still have never done anything romantic with anyone. Even holding hands. I cry so much about it these days because I feel so alone. I remember being 12 when all my friends were getting their first kisses and feeling the same. I can’t believe 8 years later I still have this problem. And it’s made worse now because I’m so embarrassed not having kissed someone that I’m scared to do it with a stranger. Anyone that has ever shown interest I push away because of this fear to the point that some people think I’m gay. Most people I know lost their virginity at 16/17 so my lack of experience is insane compared to the people I’m around. I don’t know what to do because I’m so scared to kiss someone that I don’t think I can. I don’t think I would mind kissing strangers if I knew what it was like but I never will until I do it. I just feel super sad and lonely and I feel like I’ll be like this forever. I just had to write this post to get my feelings out because I’d never tell anyone I know in real life out of embarrassment. I just feel like there’s something wrong with me that no one’s telling me. Like does my face look scary? Am I really ugly? Is my personality really off putting?

r/lonely 8h ago

Venting My biggest fear is dying alone


(F23) I mean i know ill probably die alone physically like no ones gonna dies with me yk but i moreso mean i dont want to die without knowing what companionship feels like. What unconditional love feels like.

Don’t get me wrong i have friends, but yk the emo quote ‘you can still feel alone in a room full of people’ i feel that to my core. Everyone sees a tiny different part of me but no one sees the whole me.

I want to know what it feels like to be seen as a whole and not have to hide behind this facade iv made for myself. Someone who makes me feel safe. Someone who can for once in my goddam life be reliable, someone i can trust so i can shut my brain off even if its just for a minute.

So yeah, my biggest fear is never being able to experience that.

r/lonely 32m ago

Venting heartache


my heart aches to be loved. just tired of waiting when it'll happen. i want to be noticed

r/lonely 2h ago

15F don’t really fit into any friend groups.


I never seem to fit in with any group of friends like I’ll have 1 or 2 people I get along with but I never seem to be fully in if that makes sense? It’s kinda hard because most people do things as a group and since I’m not fully accepted I get left out of a lot of things. I just feel lonely because I never get invited to anything.

r/lonely 43m ago

I truly belong here


Every other subreddit whether gaming or relationships always have something I don't understand, but this one experience and severity of loneliness is one of the strongest presenances on my life. I'm very glad this subreddit exists to meet and hear about others like me.

r/lonely 50m ago

Venting Even movies and music depresses me.


I hate the everything is about love. Most movies either have a romance subplot or that’s the main point of the movie.

Damn near every song is about love. Falling in love, breaking up, or missing someone.

I’m just so sick of it. The main focus in entertainment is romance in relationships. I want to use entertainment to escape, but it’s just a slap in the face to remind me of how I don’t have anyone at all.

r/lonely 6h ago



I [29F] never had many friends growing up, and as an adult, I see peers/associates who I went to school with having huge friend groups and living their best life. At times I am envious, but then I remember that I'm an introvert and don't have a huge social battery, so it's probably for the best that I don't have a lot of friends. However, I crave a romantic relationship with someone who will also be my bestfriend. I've been trying to find my person for the last couple years but I've been caught in cycles of unequal interest, with the guy not wanting to commit to me 95% of the time. 10 years ago, I was in a committed relationship with a man who I thought was my person until he started treating me more like a possession than a gf (and future wife). I turn 30 soon and I'm starting to get impatient. I just really want to find someone who truly wants to spend every waking moment with me for the rest of their life (not literally because I know this is unhealthy attachment, but you get my point). I simply just want to find my person. FML...

TL/DR: I'm a clingy female who wants a clingy male to be my bestfriend and lover.