r/lonely 4d ago

Why Are People Here So Obsessed Over height? Discussion

I was taller than rest of the class since my childhood and still was bullied and discriminated.

and now I am 5'11" which is above the average height of India.

I have never got any upper hand in dating..heck girls don't even want to talk to me due to my looks.

the height aspect works in dating apps , I have never seen girls demanding for 6ft guy in real life.

Looks>>>>>Height anytime.


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u/ropemaxxer_01 3d ago

Height is extremely important. You're saying this because you're 5'11 yourself in India.

A jacked 6'3 guy with average looks may still be considered somewhat attractive/masculine compared to a 5'4 jacked guy with average looks.


u/ser_bronn21 3d ago

Short (5'7") handsome guy(my bullies) >>> Tall ugly guy(me)

Height never helped me in social situations.


u/systematicdissonance 3d ago

That guy isn't even short


u/ser_bronn21 3d ago

Shorter than me though.


u/systematicdissonance 2d ago

So you were trying to prove height doesn't matter by using an example of someone who's globally average height and above average in India (apparently the average there is like 5'5)?