r/facepalm 4d ago

A man changes his gender so he could retire earlier in Argentina 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/waisonline99 4d ago

Suddenly 0 men over the age of 60 in Argentina.

Girl Power!


u/tacocarteleventeen 4d ago

It’s an amazingly stupid system considering women live longer than men. It should be reversed if anything.


u/diverareyouokay 4d ago

It has nothing to do with life expectancy. They want men to continue generating tax revenue. The glass ceiling is a thing there, too. Men out earned women. If they have to work even longer, more money for the government.

Although it’s odd that it’s not the same age for both.


u/NewtotheCV 3d ago

If it is about revenue then the women should keep working too.


u/RinoaRita 3d ago

Then make it higher for women too? It’s weird to make that distinction


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/BertTully 3d ago

That's not it. Most jobs (specially areas that women occupy) don't require any abnormal strength. The reason usually given is that women have a double work journey. They leave work and are still responsible for most domestic jobs, jobs that aren't remunerated at all. I.e. the numbers difference between single mothers vs single fathers.

That's the reason given in Brazil, I'd wager it's the same in Argentina


u/Notspherry 3d ago

Oh, that would be an amazing excuse to never do any chores as a man in South America.


u/RyukHunter 3d ago

It has nothing to do with life expectancy.

It should tho. That's the point.

The glass ceiling is a thing there, too.

It's not. This is just a remnant of a bygone era.

Men out earned women. If they have to work even longer, more money for the government.

Yeah. And the men don't get to enjoy much of it. Just slave driving all the way down.


u/diverareyouokay 3d ago


[the glass ceiling] It's not [a thing]. This is just a remnant of a bygone era.

According to the Argentine government, men make 95,000 pesos ($483) a month, and women make 72,000 pesos ($366) a month.


30 seconds of googling gave me plenty of discussions of the glass ceiling for women in Argentina… but hey, a redditor said it doesn’t exist, so what do researchers know?






u/Shoeshin 3d ago edited 3d ago

If women want to share the burden of men's 98% fatality and injury rates in the workplace, sounds fair. As well as 75% of the homeless being men breaking that glass ceiling would be great too.


u/ak-92 3d ago

It’s about women birthing kids, that time is partially compensated.


u/no1spastic 3d ago

That makes no sense. They already get time off when they have the kid. Why do they then need to work fewer years at the end of the career? Lengthen maternity leave if you want, but I see no correlation between child birth and your ability to work past 60.


u/free_range_tofu 3d ago

because grandmas need to babysit, duh /s


u/ak-92 3d ago

9 months of ruoning your body for a child, earlier it was usually 2+ children + heping take care if grandchildren. In addition, to lost career opportunities because of maternity leave (even in the perfect world, losing multiple years of experience negatively affects career).


u/no1spastic 3d ago

So they worked fewer years, so they didn't have as much career progression, and your solution is to shorten their career further so they'll have even less opportunity to progress? The fact that they took maternity leave, which is paid by the government, means they have spent more time taking than contributing to the social welfare system already. I agree with a long maternity leave, but to act like contributing less directly to the system means you should be entitled to MORE government funding makes 0 sense.


u/QuarterSuccessful449 3d ago

You see all the 60 year old ladies that never had kids? Aren’t there bodies just totally not ruined?


Work ruins a body more than a pregnancy


u/ak-92 3d ago

What work? Coal mining for 40 years? Sure. Office job? Not even by a fraction. Moreover, I’m talking about short-term, not long term effect. Pregnancy is not fun by any means, in order to uplift ferrility rates that are in the gutter, additional bonuses to motivate woman are beneficial to the society. And I do agree, childless woman should have the same retirement age as men.


u/QuarterSuccessful449 3d ago

So let them retire five years sooner to……..inspire women to have kids? Uh okay

And yeah office shit sucks for the body sitting is bad

You know what’s good for a body though? Being active lmao kids are good for that


u/no1spastic 3d ago

There's way better ways to encourage people to have kids than some benefit far off in the future. Give them a child welfare benefit. Make school supplies free and give a 1 year maternity leave. All of these would be cheaper and have better results. Other more general society wide changes like making housing and food more by building enough housing will also make someone more likely to have children.


u/ak-92 3d ago

A. It’s not USA. B. Most of that what you say doesn’t even apply. C. Men don’t seem to mind such system in countries where this applies.


u/no1spastic 3d ago

A. I'm not from the USA B. What I said are all better ways to incentivise births. C. The argument wasn't over whether men would accept it or not it was whether or not they brought it in to incentivise births, which they didn't. The reason that many countries have lower retirement ages is simply because women were not always full participants in the workforce, so it was never expected of them to work until they physically couldn't. You just made the idea it was to incentivise births up.

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u/NikaChica2006 2d ago

Maybe Argentina recognizes that women tend to bear most of the mental and emotional labor of those men and therefore of society, and compensate them accordingly… men and women are different and serve different roles in every culture, shocking I know.


u/Accurate_Move362 4d ago

It doesn’t matter, we’re men, we’re just expected work, provide, then die.


u/stewart125 4d ago

You forgot the "or else"


u/HotSituation8737 4d ago

Or else what? We starve? I think that's an everyone thing.


u/Leelze 3d ago

Or else you die harder. With a vengeance.


u/lemonlimealldathyme 3d ago

Live Free or Die Hard, that’s what my gram always said


u/SchmartestMonkey 3d ago

My Gram always used to say “Led Zeffelin”.. though I have no recollection why she found the need to refer to the band Led Zeppelin on multiple occasions.


u/Tough_Preference1741 3d ago

Your picture with this comment is cracking me up


u/Medic1642 3d ago

It is a good day to


u/Leelze 3d ago

Someone downvoted you, but I got the reference.


u/mercyhwrt 3d ago

We starve, and those around us starve..


u/HotSituation8737 3d ago

Those around me has their own jobs. This isn't 1675.


u/mercyhwrt 3d ago

Your children have jobs? Funny enough, that also used to be common in 1675 😂


u/HotSituation8737 3d ago

Why would you assume I have children? What is this, 1985? Ain't no one having no fucking kids in this economy.


u/NikaChica2006 2d ago

And the women are expected to work AND do every single other thing to manage your lives and family and household because men think that working is the only thing they should have to do. Most dads wouldn’t know how the hell to take care of their own family of their wife died. Forget scheduling appointments, making sure bills are paid on time, managing childcare and school and household chores. All men know is work and relaxation. Maybe you mow the lawn and take out the trash once a week. Oh the burden!! 🙄


u/Accurate_Move362 2d ago

Then don’t date a man, no one is forcing you and no one gives a damn if you do or don’t, ya weirdo.


u/NikaChica2006 4h ago

It’s funny to see someone who has never encountered a feminist thought in their entire life


u/DrunkCupid 3d ago

What, you skipped the painful menstruating for 40 years and risk of dying in childbirth steps? without rampant violent misogyny hunting and haunting you around every corner, for lack of equality??

Pfff ametures living on #EasyMode


u/CaptainMatticus 4d ago

But if all of the men start identifying as women, their life expectancy isn't going to change. That'll bring the life expectancy for women down, which will encourage an even earlier retirement age for women, which will encourage more people to self-identify as women, and now I've gone cross-eyed.


u/NeonJungleTiger 4d ago

So what you’re saying is, if this trend continues, and we have a spike in infant mortality alongside the government continuing to blindly correct for it, people will be able to retire when they’re born?


u/RyukHunter 3d ago

But if all of the men start identifying as women, their life expectancy isn't going to change

But at least men will be able to enjoy a few more retired years.

That'll bring the life expectancy for women down, which will encourage an even earlier retirement age for women, which will encourage more people to self-identify as women, and now I've gone cross-eyed.

You joke. But I hope this happens.


u/ofqo 3d ago

This happened 7 years ago and other men didn't start identifying as women..


u/prespaj 3d ago

actually the life expectancy for trans women is really really low so everyone might get to retire at 40, 4d chess


u/-laughingfox 4d ago

Ahhhh the logic!! Make it stop!!!!


u/FullMetalAurochs 3d ago

The more men who identify as women the closer to equal the life expectancy gap will get. Might help close the pay gap as well.


u/Mike_Hunt_Burns 4d ago

Nah, if they reversed it people would say its sexist


u/Toonox 4d ago

I mean it is already sexist and people are already pointing it out.


u/TechnicalPay5837 4d ago

Yeah but you can’t be sexist towards men /s


u/JFKs_breastmilk 4d ago

Yes you can. The definition of sexist is "characterized by or showing prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex." It says typically against women, but I have met many women who hate men just because they are men. That's like saying women can't rape men, those statements are part of the problem my friend.


u/TechnicalPay5837 4d ago

Come on man I put the sarcasm indicator.


u/JFKs_breastmilk 4d ago

Sorry, I'm not on the internet a lot, I didn't realize that's what that mark was ☹️ but maybe someone else will see it still and see my point?


u/Rheostatistician 4d ago

You two are on the same page. Now kish


u/noelhalverson 4d ago

People are gonna say the thing they are already saying about it?


u/jimboberly 4d ago

It's sexist both ways


u/Dwenker 4d ago

That's not about equality, it's about making men work longer and pay them less


u/youcantkillanidea 3d ago

It's about women raising children and sustaining families (unpaid labour)


u/prespaj 3d ago

it was because men marry women younger than them (usually within around 5 years) in the UK at least, and it was needed to close a loophole so that the married rate would hit when the man was 65 for most couples, instead of having to wait for the wife to turn 65. it was actually newer than the equal age and only lasted a few decades in the mid 20th century. Nothing to do with age or state of work it was pure admin. 


u/Kshatriya_repaired 3d ago

There are many countries where men live longer, or at least men once lived longer when the policy was made.


u/amtrak90 3d ago

Except… the patriarchy is run by men, so they know they can get more money out of men.


u/RecordingLogical9683 3d ago

It makes perfect sense when you consider men want to limit a woman's ability to sustain herself financially as much as possible