r/facepalm 6d ago

A man changes his gender so he could retire earlier in Argentina 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/no1spastic 6d ago

That makes no sense. They already get time off when they have the kid. Why do they then need to work fewer years at the end of the career? Lengthen maternity leave if you want, but I see no correlation between child birth and your ability to work past 60.


u/ak-92 6d ago

9 months of ruoning your body for a child, earlier it was usually 2+ children + heping take care if grandchildren. In addition, to lost career opportunities because of maternity leave (even in the perfect world, losing multiple years of experience negatively affects career).


u/QuarterSuccessful449 6d ago

You see all the 60 year old ladies that never had kids? Aren’t there bodies just totally not ruined?


Work ruins a body more than a pregnancy


u/ak-92 6d ago

What work? Coal mining for 40 years? Sure. Office job? Not even by a fraction. Moreover, I’m talking about short-term, not long term effect. Pregnancy is not fun by any means, in order to uplift ferrility rates that are in the gutter, additional bonuses to motivate woman are beneficial to the society. And I do agree, childless woman should have the same retirement age as men.


u/QuarterSuccessful449 6d ago

So let them retire five years sooner to……..inspire women to have kids? Uh okay

And yeah office shit sucks for the body sitting is bad

You know what’s good for a body though? Being active lmao kids are good for that


u/no1spastic 5d ago

There's way better ways to encourage people to have kids than some benefit far off in the future. Give them a child welfare benefit. Make school supplies free and give a 1 year maternity leave. All of these would be cheaper and have better results. Other more general society wide changes like making housing and food more by building enough housing will also make someone more likely to have children.


u/ak-92 5d ago

A. It’s not USA. B. Most of that what you say doesn’t even apply. C. Men don’t seem to mind such system in countries where this applies.


u/no1spastic 5d ago

A. I'm not from the USA B. What I said are all better ways to incentivise births. C. The argument wasn't over whether men would accept it or not it was whether or not they brought it in to incentivise births, which they didn't. The reason that many countries have lower retirement ages is simply because women were not always full participants in the workforce, so it was never expected of them to work until they physically couldn't. You just made the idea it was to incentivise births up.