r/facepalm 13d ago

Now wait a damn minute 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/SeaEmergency7911 13d ago

Whoops…..kind of incriminated yourself with that math there.


u/Gatherel 'MURICA 13d ago

It’s ok, she was homeschooled to avoid her knowing that kind of liberal math.


u/Live-Motor-4000 13d ago

Q: How many times does 25 go into 16?

A: nonce


u/Icy-Zone3621 13d ago
  1. Don't forget 9 months gestation


u/Live-Motor-4000 13d ago

TBH - it could be either 15 or 16 - we don't know, and it's wrong either way


u/imaginary92 13d ago

It could even be 14, it's unlikely she got pregnant immediately at the start of the relationship.


u/ElementalSentimental 13d ago edited 13d ago

Pregnant at 14 years 6 months.

Mother at 15 years 3 months.

Son is now 4 years 9 months, or less.

Mom is 20 years, or more.

There’s a significant window where she didn’t even have to be 15.

What a terrible day to be numerate.


u/vhalember 13d ago

Well damnation. One of the few times I wish someone didn't do the math.

My daughters are 14... where are the parents in this story? A 23-24 year old dude was after their 14-15 year old daughter.

That would be "Do not pass go" territory from this old man.



Even worse when you actually have experience as someone trying to have kids and realize that, it probably took a few month to actually conceive that first kid...


u/nimbusconflict 12d ago

Man, I wish it took a few months. Me and my wife decided it's time for kid 2. I looked forward to months of raw dogging it. The first night the plastic came off, preggers. 3rd kid was an accident. Why? Ran out of condoms and the wife rolled me over in my sleep for fun. Yup.

I married a fertility goddess.


u/21YearsofHell 13d ago

Also possible that this photo was taken at his 4th birthday party-

Pregnant at 16 years 2 months

Mother at 16 years 11 months

Son is now 4 years 0 months

Mother is 20 years 11 months

There’s a 2 month window where she could’ve been 16, not only at conception, but technically also at start of the relationship after her 16th birthday, 2 months earlier…

Great day to be numerate, it works both ways!

Of course, just because the above is possible, doesn’t mean that’s how it happened…

Additionally, do we even know the jurisdiction? There are many countries in the world where the age of consent is below 16… again, doesn’t mean it’s morally right, but it doesn’t mean it’s legally wrong either.


u/Redditributor 13d ago

Wait how do you know this?


u/ElementalSentimental 13d ago

All you need to know is how to add up, and that it takes nine months to make a baby.

Of course I don’t know anything about the individuals involved.


u/Redditributor 13d ago

The first two lines are what I'm asking about.


u/LizzieThatGirl 13d ago

He's using math to calculate an age range.


u/Redditributor 13d ago

Okay he's doing the rough possible worst case (kid has been 4 a while she hasn't been 20 long) I thought we were looking for best case scenario. -so I assumed he was just giving some actual information from somewhere

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u/Dragonwitch94 13d ago

An even more troublesome question: how long did they know each other, before the relationship started? 😬


u/X-XIQ 13d ago

Getting a lot of youth pastor vibes from that guy, so probably a while


u/Faithlessness_Slight 13d ago

Probably didn't get pregnant the first time


u/GleamingCadance 13d ago

Doesnt matter. Still makes him a Diddy


u/uhmmmmplants 13d ago

Daddy diddy


u/GleamingCadance 13d ago

You ever see that Meme making its rounds?

Bottle of Mountain Dew, Crying Emoji, 2 P.Diddys, Joe Biden, P.Diddy then Mountain Dew again

Dew Wah Diddy Diddy Dumb Diddy Dew


u/EdmundTheInsulter 13d ago

I looked it up and most US states have 16 as the age of consent, which she could have been at conception


u/findin_fun_4_us 13d ago

However, you’ve dismissed statutory rape, which age of consent doesn’t exempt.


u/Wor1dConquerer 13d ago

Statutory rape is having sex with someone under the age of consent.


u/findin_fun_4_us 13d ago

Nope, not necessarily. The age of each party is a factor, sometimes in addition to age of consent, sometimes regardless of age of consent.


u/EdmundTheInsulter 12d ago

It depends which State they are in. Yes some states have age difference laws, but others appear to make 16 the normal age of consent in most cases.


u/Wor1dConquerer 13d ago

Age of consent means you can get married. Married means no statutory rape.


u/findin_fun_4_us 13d ago

Can being the operative word. Seems like you’re trying awfully hard to justify a legal adult having a sexual relationship with someone who isn’t a legal adult. If that’s not the case, and you’re arguing for arguments sake, you should probably stop here, because you’ve set yourself up for an uphill battle.


u/Wor1dConquerer 13d ago

Your assuming she isn't legal. That's ur problem not mine. According to just the context of the photo she would be legal in most of the Us.


u/findin_fun_4_us 13d ago

I’ve assumed nothing, which is why you’re fighting an uphill battle. I have stated nothing about her at all. I responded to someone who made a blanket statement about age of consent, while ignoring other legal aspects. Then you chimed in with more inaccurate statements due to generalizations that disregard important mitigating factors. Good night.

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u/LizzieThatGirl 13d ago

Age of consent under 18 in several of those states comes with very clear guidelines, such as Romeo-Juliet Laws.


u/EdmundTheInsulter 12d ago edited 12d ago

Some of them yes, but I don't know which state this is in. I'm not saying innocence is established, but guilt is not established here.

There's a sort of prosecutors fallacy going on that she could have conceived at age 14 in a place where the age of consent is 18. On the other hand she could have been 16 in a place where the age of consent is 16


u/LizzieThatGirl 12d ago

Oh I know. This is assuming they're Americans at all, when they could be Euro or something. I'm simply adding that the previous commenter arguing "but age of consent!" is not a solid argument even in many places where age of consent is lower. Also, no matter what, I have to say this is creepy.

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u/EdmundTheInsulter 12d ago

I'll retract that it's most because I've not read 50+ statutes, but it is definitely some or many


u/Wor1dConquerer 13d ago

9 month. Not 12 month Gestation. Meaning she could be 16 for 3 months and the math would still work. 16 being legal age of consent in several states